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InboxM 22.11.19 11:10 pm

Moving game in Epic Games (Metro Exodus)

Today's event many shocked..Such a slap, probably nobody expected. So first we have to sell Denovo, zababahali to your taste and color little system, and now the game have an exclusive, Epic Games, about which I learned only today. It is the crown of creation.
I care about this question, however it is not me alone.... According to information from the official website of the game and Steam, all those who pre-order the game until now, and will get it at the time of release and will receive updates and DLC. But after such spitting in the direction of the gaming community, how can you believe all this?
Now in front of me, and many have a choice what to do with the current pre-order on Steam. I sit here and think to return the money, YPD to wait 15 numbers.
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_Xz4ca920byX_ 22.11.19

That even well were not going to buy) waiting for the version without the launcher.

maxxim1891 22.11.19

Boycott ladies and gentlemen, just boycott all products EPIC Games and 4A Games will help to rectify the situation with a mildly inadequate attitude of the seller to the buyer.

DemanShu 22.11.19

It is true that in the Epic there is not even a cloud storage sopranos?

DisDrak 22.11.19

I can't understand why everything is hoisted? While Epixtar exactly two minus signs after the installation he gave me a fortnight and there is no otzyvov games. Well, the search is inconvenient, although there is a 2.5 project and it's tolerable.

NightHawkreal 22.11.19

What surprised the developers, and especially publishers rarely think about convenience for players especially these. Epic asked a smaller percentage here they are to him and went. Remember the scandal with the DLC to the second part?

BioGen 22.11.19

Series Subway more games will not.

vitalik76 22.11.19

This is bad. In fact, history will repeat like with Assasins Creed Odyssey - where when you buy in steam for the game you need to run two crutch - stim and yupley. And this too will affect system requirements.

STRengths 22.11.19

I think everything is clear, esclusivi not like anybody except the publishers who receive this benefit, and I believe such decisions are bestial against the customers(e.g. console exclusives, I do believe spit, which prevents release of the game on other platforms at least after some time after release?), it would be fair to persuade the customer to buy it at epic store, to get a discount or plushie some in-game, but they just put the bolt on convenience with the players and set a condition only EPIC/STOR, we need interest and slipped some lousy discount in the West (based on regional prices we have a game is still cheaper) and still get for living in Russia any benefits in this course, we simply are deprived of the choice of the store/Playground.
However Volvo would also be able to lower the Commission in favor of developers.

Pasha Shevchenko 22.11.19

What Is Slap? developed just do not want to give almost half of the profits from games valve.
And damn those who wanted to buy the game to buy those, and rogues and degenerates and will be written like Cancelled pre-order because the game will not be in steam or now will not buy.

settinj 22.11.19

737xcv 22.11.19

DemanShu wrote:
It is true that in the Epic there is not even a cloud storage sopranos?
Oh, the horror. Without cloud saving to live?

DemanShu 22.11.19

Just as I lived.

Dimas13o 22.11.19

stop if I didn't pre-order incentive that I can do in the epic game store and activate there?

Spiny 22.11.19

In fact, can understand, steam eats % and it seems much more, but here and Now... so not enough other clients(shops), and now 1 more added and it is at least 1, but it does spawn their own personal shops.

InboxM 22.11.19

Yes, is only in the Epic Store

737xcv 22.11.19

DemanShu wrote:
Just as I lived.
But not to play?

DemanShu 22.11.19

Even play, who do not give?

gavs1988 22.11.19

in Epic Games you can play without Internet connection

InboxM 22.11.19

Steam offline. Ie in Steam to play single-player games always require Internet connection?

SanSanZ 22.11.19

No offense, but I now PC players look like just a bunch of fart undermined, for it to follow and fun to discuss. And on consoles stupidly boring, that's why I miss PC gaming, so it's a constant dvizhuha. How not StarForce, little system, optimization, denuve the launcher.
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