What about Sheppard? (Half Life 2)
I remember that the first Half_lIFE had 2 offs. additions, in one GG there was Barney Colhoun, whom we saw in HL2, but what about Adrian Sheppard?And my opinion about all of us, our beloved corporal, is Ep3. The very beginning. The hysterical Wensikha at the corpse of the father. Gordon is semi-out. And then - the Green Portal From HL1 opens and a dirty, unwashed, ragged and very angry Sheppard falls out of it. Naturally, Gordon is still his main enemy, he goes to kill him, and then someone, say, Dogs, interferes with him. Well, of course, this and that, they will explain to the corporal what is here and like the whole company (Gordon, Alix and Adrian) together go to Boreas.
Mb. And then (if Shepard is still chatted and if Valve AI corrects the allies) - imagine - a corporal wildly yelling something, shooting headcrabs, zombies, the Alliance, vortigaunts, ministeriders from everything that came to hand. Gordon just looks.