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Vsevolod Temnov 03.12.19 08:45 am

AMD to be or not to be? (Fallout 4)

Most complaining owners of AMD radeon cards. But not the fact that absolutely all of them suffer, I started this thread for opinions of owners of these vidyuhi. You tuned in catalyste, for laptops with 2 vidyuhi accomplish your goal configuration. I have a AMD + AMD if the problem is in the none, you don't understand what's wrong with her Dual Graphics is disabled automatically more powerful AMD Radeon 7600m with 2GB of memory... but the unrestrained joists are not normally allowed to play and immediately spoil the impression of the game.

17.11.15 Good news friends, came to the wood, not tried it myself, but the feedback so far is excellent, view. Patchnot: Performance Optimizations
Includes quality and performance optimizations for the following titles:
Star Wars™: Battlefront
Fallout 4
Assassin's Creed® Syndicate
Call of Duty® : Black Ops III
Driver http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/latest-catalyst-windows-beta.aspx cards matching them are described below, but I think everyone here in this category. Download, install, test, unsubscribe in the subject.

24.11.2015 so, the new Radeon program Software Crimson Edition, I advise you to do some configuration functionality is clearly increased, compared to the already nadoedaet Catalyst. Download and tested. http://support.amd.com/ru-ru/download?ipromo=RSCE-download to check whether it is suitable for your cards directly on the website.
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ZlobnyDed 03.12.19

ASUS HD 6870 915Mhz 1024Mb 4200Mhz 256 bit DirectCU. Ancient,but it is still a cucumber,new games are coming on medium-high,although heated and howls at the same time. F4 is well on the ultra,with vidyuhi not heated and does not howl,but freezes in particular places do not give to live. Waiting for the patch

ZlobnyDed 03.12.19

One AMD 2-3-4 gigs of memory? Friezes have?

Vsevolod Temnov 03.12.19

duck if in some places! About 10-15 fps, with frequent dips to 0, that is, from the video to the slides. Used config 640-480, no purpose and this is not a game. I'm not asking for something exorbitant, and only a stable image 30 fps at least outside the cities. But the areas 60 fps if you savaneta and upload...

LoKKi_SKY 03.12.19

My card is ASUS R9 280 series 3 all Giga flies, no freezes, no lag detected! The flight is excellent!

ZlobnyDed 03.12.19

Vsevolod Temnov
Well,I described what happened after the installation of the antifreeze. And before him - Yes,constant drawdown fps and lag after 30 minutes of play. Much better now,but there were hitches in some places. Boston common - stable brake,although any load on itself does not feel. Memory is involved in 50-55% percent to 25-30%,the graphics card did not hear

ZlobnyDed 03.12.19

What version of fire wood? Maybe I missed it and I'm not the most current..

bravointheua 03.12.19

AMD Radeon HD 7660G + 7670M.
Using Catalyst turned off Dual Graphics, put High performance.
Minimal tinctures gives 15-23 FPS + freezes, tried to change various settings - the difference is zero!
Saw that other players with less powerful hardware gives more than 30 FPS on medium settings. The question - why? I think you need to wait for the patch.

Vsevolod Temnov 03.12.19

Yes, comrade that is. I have almost the same 7640+7600m sure that discrete turn on?

Adamatist 03.12.19

Yes, r9 290 wild drawdown fps on all graphics settings,

bravointheua 03.12.19

Vsevolod Temnov
Yes, I am. AMD System Monitor shows that it works AMD Radeon HD 7600M Series(that is, 7670M) and loaded on 70%.
Spoiler.S: by the way, also shows that 7660G works by 5-8%, wtf? I turned it off in the settings of Catalyst?

LoKKi_SKY 03.12.19

driver 15.7, like the last one!

Oleg Drozdenko 03.12.19

You are not the only ones with such a bunch of graphics cards I have that way .Well, in General and as you. also 15-25 fps. Deleted the game and waiting for the patch. A lot of configuration options tried etc not pomogaet.At least 30 fps would be enough. Waiting for the patch.Hope will fix it. (You have a laptop HP G6?)

Proftorg 03.12.19

I have a ASUS 7970 3GB,problems-no ))

Vsevolod Temnov 03.12.19

Oleg Drozdenko
me and him too probably. Comrades, you all say that wait for the patch, it's just that or already had experience with the patch on optimizing the products the gazebo? it will work as something is eating it but not the game

Vsevolod Temnov 03.12.19

the last wood 15.11 from catalyst beta version but works well update from last 3.10.2015

ZlobnyDed 03.12.19

Ahaha,and I still 14.7 is by mistake put the old version,apparently. SchA try 15.11 beta. I will experiment. I will unsubscribe then about results

ZlobnyDed 03.12.19

By the way,I did not measure fps,but after installing antifreeze noticed that all the movements of the Persian have noticeably faster. Including movement speed. So fps increased,it is seen that the higher it is,the higher the speed of the game

meagarry 03.12.19

r9 280x. All flies on ultra. Driver old. Lag I do not notice. Only had to enable windowed mode without frame, maybe VSYNC would not turn on even after catalyst...

LoKKi_SKY 03.12.19

Vsevolod Temnov
Oh, so a little behind from life! You need to upgrade. But in principle, and 15.7 on a great game!

Vsevolod Temnov 03.12.19

In fallout no otlichaetsya, so you can not rush.