What is the most boring game?
subjectfor me, the most tedious game was fallout 4. I tried four times to re-take that cal, but he is so full of unnecessary, parasitic mechanics that I have abandoned forever all attempts.
A lot of them. So vskidku:
- Doom 3 was boring and primitive and boring (new never played);
all CoD after the second game in the series;
- MGS V sooner or later is very annoying, it would be shortened two times;
- Life is Strange.
Me the Witcher 3 seemed boring. I started 5 times and threw. Kingdom Come is boring, because there is a need to constantly listen to the dialogue. In my opinion, it is better to see film than to spend dozens of hours on the curve of the animation. The same is true for the Witcher 3 applies. I'm generally against voice dialogue in modern RPGs. Some plot points can be replaced with a short Intro, the rest of the text to do. The Witcher 3 is more tedious every time you look at the animation spirane on a horse and jumping off of the horse. I would just remove the animation: hit the horse and he beamed at her. As it's realism suffers, but I always said, if the realism makes the gameplay boring, fuck this realism. Interesting gameplay should be in first place. That same spoon of tar in a barrel GTA 5 where you have to go through half of the map to start the mission. Or have to call a taxi, which is also quite long procedure. Really it was impossible to do fasttravel? This is my personal opinion.
mrdudell17 wrote:
The Witcher 3 is more tedious every time you look at the animation spirane on a horse and jumping off of the horse. I would just remove the animation: hit the horse and he beamed at her. As it's realism suffers, but I always said, if the realism makes the gameplay boring, fuck this realism.
Interesting position, I can't disagree with it), Convenience is still important.
The most boring game that for some reason you are not logged in. In General, try to choose toys that have the potential to be like me. But, still try to remember one of the most important mistakes in choosing their game. It was Syberia 2. I love the genres fantasy, quests and adventures. However, playing Syberia 2 after some time felt disappointed. So long and tedious I in no other game were not looking for a couple of pixels on the screen where you had to click LMB! The game Siberia 2 is not bad - it has beautiful details and a rather interesting story, but in my experience with gaming Siberia look too overdone in a search, clicking pixels on the screen. But the plot still I passed!!
Those were:
Assassin's Creed: Revelations - the most tedious part for me of the franchise. The same gameplay once again is already pretty boring.
Batman: Arkham Origins - same problem as with the game above is a repeat of everything that was in the previous parts. But even with a bad plot.
Infamous: Second Son is the most boring exclusive the PS4, which I passed.
Battlefield Hardline - in the game there is nothing that would cause interest to pass it. I passed because nothing was playing.
All these games I wanted to go faster, delete and forget about them.
recent Igor Turany probably the most boring. couldn't pass the prologue. and plantspace terment 20 thousand years later on the menu I could not pass finally
and nomarski after 100 hours of play, potsony
MunchkiN 616
plantspace terment 20 thousand years later on the menu I could not pass finally
I want to say that after that night you didn't come Morte and released in your direction your the sebaceous jokes, and then Dakkon did not tell their dogmas, one of which says - be Patient, the patience you become stronger?