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T-Fox 09.12.19 03:38 am

I have a question. (Diablo 2)

Let's meet! - I KvR, the player who dedicated several years of her life in her beloved Diablo. But interest in the old lady two gradually fades away, so I decided to create a topic - helper. Assistant in terms of advice, tips, answers to questions of present and future komyuniti D2. I want to create a place where novice, experienced, but even an experienced player could ask a question relating solely gaming moments and I, to the best of my ability, I will try to answer.
In General, the topic is: you ask questions like "how best to start taking the wigs?", "How to beat the game, all three difficulties, your Persian?", "how does FHR?", "how to make a Persian to a particular rune for a particular purpose?" well, etc And I say to you.

Just look in history PG quite often created/create topics with obvious issues. So I thought, why not combine everything into one topic, I think it's convenient, and I will share the gaming experience.

Just want to clarify, though I am not a truth in the first instance, but still need not to arrange holivar/show off the blue. Or rather requested not to arrange. If my Council has the right to life/actual, then it is advisable not to provoke unnecessary flooding in the subject.

All over the world.

And lastly, understand that the topic is not very relevant, so periodically I will get her up.
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T-Fox 09.12.19

Close at least easier, though, and the buttons more. Minus the mana cost.
Stones except first wig was not beaten at all. I broke them bother to boil them to sort. Ideally, I sold the mules in large packs for the runes. Like about 300-336 for lo. Those who are not lazy, bought and beat nm HF, stones, Rala Horta, ring ormus.
That mule, I recommend led ro 6.

NAVALNYY 09.12.19

want to throw! and the answers to the other questions.

T-Fox 09.12.19

Sorry, the topic on the Internet I will not be affected, at least in this topic.

T-Fox 09.12.19

Why pvp on ng died?
Server every year is empty. Less people, the runes began to get harder, there is no separate environment for subperson, where they could with the same nusapersada to play. And therefore the influx in normal pvp not at the level that was 5 years ago. Cutting wigs and as a consequence, the drop in prices of gear, I think, played a role in this matter. But this is only my guess.

FERC is aler?
- I can not confirm not refute this.

Why Pira dancing?
- Ask, I think, is not me.

How much more water in the pool?
-I think 1000 CC is still left

Bild, or the buildup?
Build I like more

Why of course gave the crab armor?
Again does not matter to me

You're straight?

bd_sm[TDPG] 09.12.19

How to become a Freemason? I wonder which way this should go a new player, without connections.
How to quickly fill invent a good smolkli/killarmy? For example, when you build a BvC.
What setup is optimal for phbr? How to act when pumping highly suboptimal character (a Druid, for example)?
Is it possible, doing IYHF, to show the performance on runes from the sale of armor (and drop the runes themselves), comparable to wigs?
How to understand the real price of top rare items (rings with unusual stats, tiara)? Often there is not the slightest clue what such a thing might cost.
What pers fastest cleans a hell of a barn for 8 ppl? On average over the 100 runs for example, given the training of all plant supports (if required): so that it was profitable to apply.

gottenspell 09.12.19

Interesting questions, except for the second, it is incomprehensible. To have good runes to buy these smolki and GS not? Or did you mean where to put?

NAVALNYY 09.12.19

T-Fox wrote:
Server every year empties
people was not much less than 2.4, 6 years ago, but pvp has ceased to be in principle.

T-Fox wrote:

FERC is aler?
- I can not confirm not refute this.

Why Pira dancing?
- Ask, I think, is not me.
this statement from you Wikipedia. say have been here years, and do not know nifiga(((

kot-stargazer 09.12.19

I don't prestando tormented by the following question:why are people rubbing this bdsm server if there is a third-party resource with the coolest pvp and loot runes, railings and other Goodies, the more there is and the tournaments are held and PVM there are much more interesting than here.But the paradox is that online there is always a disproportionately higher this type because the server is considered to be Ukrainian?or the inexplicable desire to the complexities of the Russian soul?or narrow-minded?or fear that you will long to enter the local mechanics or a simple lack of perseverance to learn a new?For me the question has always been a mystery,since I came to PG from there and quickly got used to and accustomed with the local way of life,and ask the question in fact the man who also played there and have seen with my own eyes so to speak...
In your opinion what is the reason?why is online so different ,and people choose this resource?

MyatKO. 09.12.19

kot-stargazer, the person gets used, it tends to be tied to a particular place. you have friends, acquaintances, stuffed with runes on wigs (if it is about the D2, although the first sentence is relevant to real life including). more players, better trade, and so on.

bd_sm[TDPG] 09.12.19

they are hard to get even in a trade, that's the problem

kot-stargazer 09.12.19

I have a full rebuttal, played there , and then, now in the rule of law. D2 just with a small tsp-ip drive set.
The trick is that there are more opportunities for all, and pvp and for PVM, but online is constantly higher than here ,I think this is due to the advertising and management of the resource,if there more serious took this MB would be a good judge, and so...

kot-stargazer 09.12.19

Buy for real))))

gottenspell 09.12.19

I see, well nothing can be done except to constantly monitor the chat and manage to buy the first. Or zadrotit barn with grass, with terrible force.

bd_sm[TDPG] 09.12.19

that's why I asked TCA, MB he knows a better way)
society can always surprise you

gottenspell 09.12.19

There is a way, almost trouble free - write more often in the chat, which will give the desired item 1-2 Lo more than any other buyer. I think few will refuse to sell it to you)

jibicbiu 09.12.19

Yes, the question about the barn interesting.
And the question about the price of rare items well sooooo relevant. Watch person Raku sells. For the rumble.
Look I have the same +-. Ask: how much is this? I say fries.
Normally th. DAP specifically str/Dex/RES/FCR must be on the ring?
On the belt? On boats? That is, bots 30фрв/10фхр/31лайтрез/30поизрез. If it's crap, then what is not crap?
Belt 24фхр 40лайф 30фрез++
Also fries? What's not free? So not know rare.
If pers is not optimal navran need to download another.

T-Fox 09.12.19


-How to become a Freemason?
My knowledge in this area is theoretical, so if anyone have something to add - feel free.
The first thing travelers have to have to, preferably with existing masons(I know how to work in a team and have the means). Experience needed for a) the possibility to create a large number of Windows; b)to reduce the cost of the event; C) division of labour(buying young soja, Kutch characters to 60, killing the clone, etc.).
Well, I went. Ideally, consider a team of 4 persons in which all are equal and based on trust. Ideally, I would suggest the team to agree that the rest of the boys Saga then divide into four, assuming equal contributions, after would suggest the subject of assistance to victims(if someone flew out the window, the others will throw 3 anicca), agreed to merge number of young sodia, the approximate date of the call, on the equal distribution of matches(I think at least 15 years for each well or a common Fund anyhow, which then will mess up equally).
In General you need: 1)a Team of 4
2)100 pieces boys soja: this is one fourth of the amount sold young Saga last time plus 15% contingency. (350+50)/4
From scratch the fastest on soji runes/zod farm, probably wigs.
350*I think 6 is enough. 300 hours of farm. Most likely, this situation is the strength not to everyone, but still.
Don't forget to buy and soji nl/Zody their NPCs are now estimated at 1/6 of the nominal value ladder. They can save, say, buying soji for small or even the mind.
3)15+ of the Persians 60-th level. They rock the best from HKS in packs of 5-6. The Persians, who were defeated HF. To download this case especially the Hummer I think is inappropriate.
4)if you yourself Anichi to beat, you need a Bo barb and paladin Smith is the cheapest combo. Will wear them for a couple of buzz.
Smiter: GUIL, nokozan, shaft, SS, lacerator Fuckers vigor, pair of Raven, mountains., torch in the druid thread, Hz on all cuts and lots pollok.
5) need a program with which you can check the Internet connection, for example, I used to use AntiVir monitor. You can use the command line to see connection. As there is in the vastness of one bat'nick designed specifically for monitoring IPS Diablo PG.
Just on PG 3 of the server and the clone during a call gets only one of them. Therefore, in advance having agreed among themselves to create the game on one of the servers on it and merge key items to the merchant.

Assuming. Farm the ked and buy soji - in parallel, develop communication skills, come in contact with the masons - Plan, agree, perform all preparatory work(mules, the Persians) - to create the game in the peak hours, as it is due to the large number of people you and your team will be able as much as possible to load one of the servers. That is going to create more games - wait for the moment when the server will be empty - merge sody of soji - generate clone with eldrich(he's just closest), when generating careful, it is important to lure the uber ONE, because if multicity generated, few such clones krasot the game with high probability.

-How to quickly fill invent a good smolkli/killarmy?
Well, in fact, except the trade of brewing and smolak nothing comes to mind(if I am not mistaken, since NMX tar already cooking can be, but is not exactly). We must also take into account that the server is small, so it is possible to slightly reduce their demands to invent. For example, the first time to run with Hz.

-What setup is optimal for phbr? How to act when pumping highly suboptimal character (a Druid, for example)?
Well, druid is not much of a mattress, I think it will pull the speed 15пхбр per hour on 5ппл. If you pack his merc in an ethereal Reaper/forti/Kira, and he drul in Enigma.
If not, how the option of joint RP with someone. Well, the third Varick to have a working Persian and kachatsya yourself:ideally INFI the Sorka(20пх per hour) option as Eni Hummer with the rules of merc and vacanam KHB(pH 15), and bogatka - Sorka dustyice in a Tr set, a couple of BK, SK and several torches reaches near 7K/3K FB(14-15 pH).

-Is it possible, doing IYHF, to show the performance on runes from the sale of armor (and drop the runes themselves), comparable to wigs?
Hardly comparable, but if MF, then I would pick 2 locations: a Barn for 7ппл and trawick on 3ппл. Trawick probably best beaver farm - he has a find item that increases efektivnosti races. However because of this drop have long to disassemble stuff. Think old school bypassed somehow showing this garbage, but this is not accurate.

-How to understand the real price of top rare items (rings with unusual stats, tiara)? Often there is not the slightest clue what such a thing might cost.
A specific formula is not. And the prices are mostly individual/floating. Just highlight the major mods(without which item the specks), useful, maroon. For Example Rings. The most basic parameter is provided, then the power(+-20), agility(+-15), life(35+). Useful: mana, RES, ll, ml, ar. So, if you roll a pair of major , the ring is already some East, if we add a useful stat, the amount is multiplied by 2-4 times, if still basic, then 8-16. But it's all exaggerated, I hope everyone understands this.
Example : FCR/20 str - ist; FCR/No. 20str/30 mills - Gul-vex. 10/20/15 Dex - lo, 10/20/15/90 mana ber, etc.

-What pers fastest cleans a hell of a barn for 8 ppl?
Faster just Stripping out I have a Summoner with Yeni/INFI/biscom. Further, Amazon on the Darts. Sorka with inficom. Well, the cheapest option: blizzy(its price on the strength of lo), but the speed of races from necroscopy differs in 2 times, or even 2.5.

gottenspell 09.12.19

Why is the barn that is 7 ppl? Why not 8, what's the point?

kot-stargazer 09.12.19

for a long time to start on the 8th mule))))

T-Fox 09.12.19

To talk about all of rark, alas not to be. The fact that only by knowing most of the builds and analyzing the specific situation, you will be able to say with certainty ticking this rare or not. That is, it is desirable to see the whole picture. I can't list all the options maroon rare.

About the Shoe: the main of parameter PRV. Useful FHR, 40мана, 35+cold RES, light RES, and Belopolsky fire, poizon?.
To shoes something standing need hvatanut Main and 2 a useful parameter. Polupoltina: only if triple RES + FRW shoes.
So make no mistake in pvp is very valuable resists to cold and light on boats for a set Berezov. Triple rez bots sometimes yuzayut(when you do not need fisure, MF, agility, or CP) to the FDA to shut the cuts, and the poison less popular.
What about belts, there generally all is sad. Rare items generally cannot collect, many of them will not get screwed, if anything gets fucked. Although there are useful FHR, with good cuts and HP nedorogoy rune on PG vryatli who will give for ranny zone.
Sometimes use Kraft belt, but it also doesn't happen often.