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T-Fox 09.12.19 03:38 am

I have a question. (Diablo 2)

Let's meet! - I KvR, the player who dedicated several years of her life in her beloved Diablo. But interest in the old lady two gradually fades away, so I decided to create a topic - helper. Assistant in terms of advice, tips, answers to questions of present and future komyuniti D2. I want to create a place where novice, experienced, but even an experienced player could ask a question relating solely gaming moments and I, to the best of my ability, I will try to answer.
In General, the topic is: you ask questions like "how best to start taking the wigs?", "How to beat the game, all three difficulties, your Persian?", "how does FHR?", "how to make a Persian to a particular rune for a particular purpose?" well, etc And I say to you.

Just look in history PG quite often created/create topics with obvious issues. So I thought, why not combine everything into one topic, I think it's convenient, and I will share the gaming experience.

Just want to clarify, though I am not a truth in the first instance, but still need not to arrange holivar/show off the blue. Or rather requested not to arrange. If my Council has the right to life/actual, then it is advisable not to provoke unnecessary flooding in the subject.

All over the world.

And lastly, understand that the topic is not very relevant, so periodically I will get her up.
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Klassewer 09.12.19

jibicbiu wrote:
What is it about?
alkar has outlived its usefulness, PG - norms the only alternative seemed at the time 2015, no bots (at least in public games) and some no online. It seemed TO cut wigs. Then used and not wanted where-that to move. But right now, I think it remains only to blame.

gottenspell 09.12.19

There is no alternative and it was not but a half-dead server with whistles and erdalkali. Nowhere else, that's all.

RomanDII 09.12.19

play dostijenii with Sorka, is it still a good mercenary 3rd act 3ьей element, if so, what and what to wear?

T-Fox 09.12.19

Rather no than Yes. Unfortunately, these mercenaries in terms of "Damage per second" is pretty small. Their survival is not at the highest level. I recommend, even though it already has become mainstream, after all, to use mercenaries from the 2nd act. They have, in addition to good DPS (ice will be your extra element) and survivability, there is also a useful aura.

pirya 09.12.19

1. With regards to fair pvp, what, in your opinion, would be a useful changes?
2. Write as you can see the balance between character classes fair in pvp. Prove as you think, who is IMBA and who is not so good.
3. Might have some wishes to the current composition of the moderators or admin fair pvp?

T-Fox 09.12.19

Drove the questions from the field let's fantasize. Just want to warn you that all arguments are hypothetical and purely my IMHO. To argue with anyone not going.
1)For fair pvp will be useful that at least someone is going to play. For that to happen, I see 2 options of the event associated with an increase in playing at least some pvp: a) increase the number of players on the server. Some of them plays pvp, and an even smaller part of them playing fair. b)increase the number of piterov of nanigashi, by way of motivation, arousal of interest and easy start(reducing barrier to entry).

As you can see, I believe that the rules themselves are secondary. For game mode, player vs player, the first thing necessary this is the player, and then creating the conditions for the duel.

Will continue. Since the first option for GN can be considered to be unavailable, I will consider the option of engaging in pvp current players. To increase the percentage of stakeholders should: a)Reduce the barrier to entry. That is, the player yesterday mutuzit mephala, and today its close tries to kill Ani necro, after EU Sorka, then Eni Barba etc. of Course after a heap of defeats the remaining small percentage. At this stage I would have considered the development of low pvp, which has restrictions on some smoto.
b) Artificially increase the demand for PVP. Create weekly events. Whether it's tournaments, TVT, fighting for survival, etc. That each player knew that he was knowingly makes pvp a Persian that he can always find action at least once a week.
in). The creation of more comfortable conditions for the players the So called PVP area. With the ability to play fair, which has Automatic stop resists, Dr, forbidden skills. A game in which rainy and banks(except mana)have no effect. and so I Think no need to explain that such a regime has on several fronts, firstly it's a new gimmick that will attract new blood into pvp, and secondly to increase the percentage of people playing not in the open, the third will lower the threshold of entering beginners don't need to cram the rules, take cuts, etc, remember, forbidden skills, and you can just sit down and play. Katati, the same treatment is possible for Lowe's to do pvp.

2) I think that the balance in D2 is expressed in the system of rock-scissors-paper. The only one in this system does not fit, so this is trap assassin-he only has one antipers, if such it can be called. The other two more. And the worst is probably some custom builds by type kik has assek, Medvedev druids, Vita fire forty.

3)be brave, guys! I wish you nerves of steel, more cahow, less of plan de Corones.. Well, remember that in your power to make the game more interesting on PG.

jibicbiu 09.12.19

I like the way you think and how you write! I agree with you completely. About Lowe pvp has long been rubbed. Loved the idea with automation feir pvp games. It really will increase the number of players, because for myself I know that I will start to read the rules and break the brain itself and half of the forum(and you need it)?)))

Episcop_moo 09.12.19

T-Fox wrote:
by way of motivation, arousal of interest and easy start(reducing barrier to entry)
I would think seriously about reducing the barrier to entry. For example, I am an avid and incurable Pwmsic. In those rare moments when I went on pvp, I got no alternative because of the large gap in smote, skill and experience. It is clear that nothing prevents to accumulate on Exodus nutranite skill and in the process gain invaluable experience. That's just the situation is like that, as if I came to cut a couple of laps on a city circuit, and I was put against formula 1 drivers and their cars, and I'm on your truck. Lost interest after the first N drains where N >>> 1.

To solve the issue could be a controlled low pvp, for example in the category to bear (funny sounds). How to evaluate gear, and the border is debatable, of course.

Even as an option - low level Pvp. Promotion of such battles will benefit all. Will the incentive to fly in norm/nm, and a chest gahow not so much to relate, and swing up to 95 is not necessary, and skill a lot.

But. Here if to organize it all... then I'll get into in new types of pvp, and then say that it's all pieskaita for those wronged in the school of nolifers who have testosterone instead of brains. So do not think to attract a new audience so simple. Who have a predisposition to pvp as a character trait, those are likely already there.

T-Fox 09.12.19

To be honest, you're the last person I would argue. But I think that not all who have your predisposition to pvp, play is the pvp. Well, so I think They, I think, potential members of the movement who just haven't found myself.

Sweety_Mustard 09.12.19

Most interesting is that it does not prevent people like you PVM Persians periodically drop Perl and other fans positi on NBC :D
By the way, the question - why Torum called Vorum?

zulin_ru 09.12.19

Can the server administration to intervene in Heinlein ?
Is Firk the property or a person affiliated with the administration ?
How can you comment on this over the situation ?

He threatens to buy up all arahi to make me feel bad . It is generally adequately ?

zulin_ru 09.12.19

Kover 09.12.19

It's all show-off from probirkax, don't fall

xvision 09.12.19

I have a request to the forum moderator, please clean the topic from offtopic, such order was little, where you can find useful information, the srachem so full, for fans.

xvision 09.12.19

Question buriza fury dru:
On one of foreign online suggest swing 100-150 vita, rest in dex(!). It's gon or has the right to life?
Know the barb can swing the str for dmg and I always thought str gives melee damage, then what applies to dru, but then suggest dex, MB is connected with the crossbow and the type of bug.

zulin_ru 09.12.19

Srach is type my message ? This is a normal question about intervention or not intervention is the administration server to the game. Those who have been in theme , you can know the answers , a lot depends on this. I played always with detachment from these issues, but now going on some sort of game and this game made me go to the forum.

How to masturbate wigs can be read in special topics deemed of DMG can be read in special topics.
How to download the cold Sorka can be read in special topics.
And where is the special subject of my question ?

DELETEEND 09.12.19

Buy all arahi, it is quite gameplay. He wants to play - he plays. what's the administration?
Can he do it to buy Shaki and sell more) Precedents. When one person affect the cost of such item.
The administration is not to interfere.

minovalo 09.12.19

xvision wrote:
str gives melee damage
Str and dex gives attack damage %, depending on the type of weapon. To download werewolves Dex higher than necessary - nonsense OFC.

zulin_ru 09.12.19

ie firk simple player , not having any relation to the administration server ? Just there are so many opinions and as always, nothing is clear. Would be a list of all administrators and moderators somewhere, it would be understandable.

DELETEEND 09.12.19


What's the difference what anybody says?)
He's not threatened to ban you.
He threatened quite a game action. As well as the PC or kill the mobs is just part of the game, and trade..
Each of these opportunities has as like. If you do not violate the rules in the server, nothing to do with him not..