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KiryshKa 18.09.19 08:05 pm

Unstable FPS (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)

Who on PC plays who thread is drops fps hard to 22-27?
Sometimes just 20 seconds to drop, even in the cutscenes and a few seconds after the cutscene.
Medium graphics preset are: (the average fps 40, max 51).

i7 4770 8 gb ram 780gtx ti 3gb, firewood, fresh, game on SSD.
Used 2147 VRAM, RAM scored 6 GB (2 free, the swap file is 8GB).
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Dema 80 18.09.19

vitez123 wrote:
What is it?!
it is necessary to compare different games, movies - iron hardly glitch - most products just can't work on powerful hardware

Dimchik94 18.09.19

Protection denovo+VM protect. Sends check not when the game is any activity.

gennaz 18.09.19

Drawdown,of course, but not critical.

LIGHTandDARK4 18.09.19

For this game at least 1080ti need to fully immersed in it.

bigalexis 18.09.19

On seven, Yes.

Steve Taller 18.09.19

vitez123 wrote:
Hi,guys!Explain to me why?!System AMD FX-8370E, 3316 MHz,AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (3 GB),16 of RAM ...I play on medium fps 37-45.I bought the GTX 1060 (6GB) and my in game fps became the same settings from 6 to 60 and fading images,it is impossible to play .Power supply 700 watt.What is it?!
uncle, you're funny or not really doganyaesh??? your iron stuff and no full driver and BIOS update will not help him, the assassin, the origins and the Odyssey are perhaps the most demanding games of recent years, they are insanely CPU and graphics card too. Vidyaha 1060 is anything like the percent of your, I had FKH-8350 overclocking to 4.8, so it is about nothing compared to 4790к in runoff even, and this game loads 16 streaming Intel at 70-80% in some places. Look at this video and pay attention to loading components

Bobik78 18.09.19

Yes, normal iron that you are my friend with his ti 1080 snickering just run for 2080 ti 2 pieces be sure to take

XpoMuT 18.09.19

))) support

Sahu 18.09.19

Percent 8300, VC rx 470, 12 operatives, fps above 35 does not rise at all settings and at any resolution monitor 1920x1080. Set high priority, cut down all apps nothing has changed, that high, that low. And Yes, it was in origins, and now in the Odyssey. In total scored in those games. After a while I stumbled on a post from Reddit where it was written that you can try to disable the optimize full-screen mode in Windows 10 and lo and behold, helped and how. Now there is a new problem, whether over time, or after exiting menu start drawdown fps, but after folding and unfolding fps stable again. Maybe there are ideas?

And I location disable this optimization:


gennaz 18.09.19

I got without any dances with a tambourine quite acceptable fps.
I try to create a game profile in the drivers,in the beginning of the video there is an option of the profile settings, I hope will help.

lwader 18.09.19

4790к gtx 1070 i7 8Gb ddr3 2133 MHz, high maximum drawdown from 60 to 47 rarely in different places on the clock, shadows on medium-cost and volume light on high. Smoothing is disabled.

Marongo 18.09.19

why antialiasing disabled?

anotoleololo 18.09.19

I have the origins there were problems on 10ke with FKH 9370 4.3 GHz, gth 1070 was 27-30 fps on ultra 1440п, although 7ke was 40-45. the problem was the stupid game mode from minor, this shit was actually disabled completely, like all records, etc. and all fps less than 40 falls), the Odyssey is the same engine, any problems are the same.

anotoleololo 18.09.19

Steve Taller wrote:
all you're funny or not really doganyaesh??? your iron stuff and no full driver and BIOS update will not help him, the assassin, the origins and the Odyssey are perhaps the most demanding games of recent years, they are insanely CPU and graphics card too
shkolota his mommy's computer. FKH with proper overclocking even 5 years of the game without too much trouble to pull to be.

nvidia311988 18.09.19

You have a problem most likely in the software. I have the same cent., the only thing more powerful graphics card ie gtx 1070 to 8 GB. I have operating system windows 10 home, settings all on ultra, including resolution, clouds on high got rid of the only and min fps from 30 to 60 roughly, it is in this game is not stable. Percent of course you need to unload all that is in the least like that ship cut down including the antivirus and the game itself is quite comfortable is))) a Nice graph of course, pleases the eye)

SPR1GGAN 18.09.19

ladders likes

lwader 18.09.19

the picture is sharper and in some sheikah overlay is used to smooth the line of the stairs here is a superposition I notice and actually the image is not natural and how would this individual pixel. That is, without it, everything is expressive. The only smoothing which I admit it's MSAA that's it so the image does not spoil.

Semhent 18.09.19

I'm not a wild fan vedmaka, but at least in the centre of Novigrad, at least in Tossene under 80 fps almost all the high, hair off and range high. It's the same shit even on astomach stable 45 does not. The maximum that I saw is better than loudmake is water...(pls matrix, the picture is OK)

Maksim Plyuhin 18.09.19

Hi all. Is 6400 i5, GTX 1060 6 GB, 8 GB RAM. The game periodically retarding. What could be wrong? The wood of the latter.

Fiend Astaroth 18.09.19

Maxim Pliukhin
You messages all read, above everything. The game is extremely optimized and eats up the processor only way. Here people are changing their 6500 / 7700 3570 / 3770 to play more comfortable.
Why write, if the indicators need to be tracked and the question itself will disappear. We include afterburner and monitor CPU usage, memory, FPS, and download card. Want the figures more comfortable, change the CPU: