Playing for the Rebels (Rome: Total War)
After the break played for the Rebels, the money immediately to zero, but it is eventually solved, after putting a particularly negative cities and a clear investment. Most annoying - there is no head of the faction.Tell me is there any options to hack, and still give the rebels a leader? Play for fun, you constantly have to fight, as in the inept leadership they always lose.
Interestingly, and normal generals to educate you, but to appoint the leader - does not work!
Seem to have solved the problem with family tree Rebelo (i.e., the beginning of the game in the Family tree is the leader, the heir of the faction, their adult sons and wives and they can all prescribe, the adopted generals appear in the Family tree), and also with the transfer of the leader of the capital to the mainland. Moved the capital with the leader in Segesta (province of Liguria), which is the first thing to attack Julia.
Another changed characteristic properties and composition of the retinue.
So, a new version of the Family tree of the Rebels (Rome: Total War v. 1.0.). In the descr_strat file it is necessary to supply the province with its description in the first place in the list of provinces Rebel, then change the description of troops in the province of Hibernia with the description of troops in the province of Liguria on the next version (of course, keeping the lines of required spaces):
character, sub_faction gauls, Brigomaglos, named character, leader, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 54, , x 83, y 84
traits Austere 2, Intelligent 1, Energetic 3, MathematicsSkill 2, GoodTaxman 2, GoodFarmer 2, PublicFaith 3, PoliticsSkill 2, InspiringSpeaker 1, 2 KindRuler, Miserly 1
ancillaries bodyguard, oracle, priest_of_Jupiter, priest_of_Zeus, priest_of_Bacchus, priest_of_Dionysus2, treasurer, orator
unit barb chieftain cavalry early slave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit barb infantry slave exp 2 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit barb infantry slave exp 2 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit barb infantry slave exp 2 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit barb druids slave exp 2 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
character, sub_faction britons, 'erbin, general, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 41, , x 36, y 142
unit barb infantry slave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit barb peasant slave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
Heir planted in Athens (Attica province):
character, sub_faction greek_cities, Demosthenes, named character, heir, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 38, , x 144, y 52
traits Austere 2, Intelligent 1, Energetic 3, MathematicsSkill 2, GoodTaxman 1, GoodFarmer 2, PublicFaith 3, PoliticsSkill 2, InspiringSpeaker 1, 2 KindRuler, Miserly 1
ancillaries bodyguard, oracle, priest_of_Jupiter, priest_of_Zeus, priest_of_Bacchus, priest_of_Dionysus2, treasurer, orator
unit barb chieftain cavalry early slave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit greek hoplite militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit greek hoplite militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit greek hoplite militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit greek peltast exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
The second son in the province
character, sub_faction parthia, Caspar, named character, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 37, , x 241, y 82
traits Austere 2, Intelligent 1, Energetic 3, MathematicsSkill 2, GoodTaxman 1, GoodFarmer 2, PublicFaith 3, PoliticsSkill 2, InspiringSpeaker 1, 2 KindRuler, Miserly 1
ancillaries bodyguard, oracle, priest_of_Jupiter, priest_of_Zeus, priest_of_Bacchus, priest_of_Dionysus2, treasurer, orator
unit barb chieftain cavalry early slave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit east infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit east infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit east archer exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
Similarly, you can add their sons to other cities. Note: the names of the generals in these goradil and, accordingly, members of the family it is better to leave those there and were listed (ie, with different cities names a younger son Gunderic, Umamaita, to be replaced by the appropriate names of the generals).
Suite (ancillaries) gave a lot in order to give it new generals and not worry about replenishing suites.
Even changed the cavalry generals on more suitable
barb chieftain cavalry early slave (Warlord and barbarian)
instead of the previous
slave barb noble cavalry (Barbarian noble cavalry)
because this cavalry itself is not regained its strength after the battle.
So, the Family tree of the rebels:
character_record Rebecca, female, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 52, alive, never_a_leader
character_record Beth, female, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 36, alive, never_a_leader
character_record Bendis, female, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 35, alive, never_a_leader
character_record Serapia, female, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 34, alive, never_a_leader
character_record Dana, female, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 33, alive, never_a_leader
relative Brigomaglos, Rebecca, Demosthenes, Caspar, Gunderic, Umamaita, end
relative Demosthenes, Beth, end
relative, Caspar, Bendis, end
relative Gunderic, Serapia, end
relative Umamaita, Afina, end
By the way, the women's names I took in order from the list of female names of the Rebels from file descr_names. I have this list looks like this:
The discovery of the rebels in custom battle:
Open the file Data/descr_sm_factions.txt
We find there slave
and put in paragraph custom_battle_availability is no, yes.
I still did not think, but can someone tell me how to do so in a particular year on the map in a certain place there was a detachment of the rebels? I would like to make the revolt of Spartacus. Could be that someone did, but I don't know. It would be nice to Spartacus entourage still hung.
About flags of the Rebels (Rome TW v. 1.0).
1. Roman rebels and slaves
2. Barbarians-the rebels
3. Greek rebels
4. Eastern rebels
5. Carthaginian rebels
6. Egyptian and Numidian rebels
These and other images of flags can be found in
Rome Total War/Data/UI/ CAPTAIN BANNERS folder. Naturally, you first need to use the unpacker to see the folder UI.
Replacement flags in the game.
Playing for faction SLAVE drew attention to the fact that almost all cities have a fine culture, even where local bandits seized a nearby town. I think that the reason that the SLAVE faction has a flag with a picture of the forks i.e. it was the Roman rebels and other insurgents have additional flags and cities they have not the Roman way. From here and fine culture, which, incidentally, affects the loyalty of the population by as much as 50% !!!
Another problem: in cities controlled barbarians, the rebels had failed to recruit troops.
So the question is: is it possible to change the flags of the rebellious barbarians to the other, for example, the Greek or the Roman rebels? You can!
The change flag of the army.
In order to change the flag of the army, it is necessary that nearby there was another unit with the required flag (e.g., Greek). Now we have to merge these armies. The army, which merges and loses its banner. Ie an army of barbarians-the rebels are and connect with admin-the only squad of the Greek rebels. All. Now the United army has one flag, the Greek rebels. And if after that it will capture the city, the new city will evolve as the Greek.
Figure example of how to conduct first, the change flag of the army, and then the flag of the city.
Replacement flags in the cities.
For this it is necessary that in the city where there is no garrison went the unit(s) with the appropriate flag. After that, the city begins to develop as a Roman or Greek city. Even after the withdrawal of all troops the city will continue to develop in civilized way. And re-recruited in this city, the units will have the banner of the Roman (or Greek) rebels.
Note: you must follow the banners of the units that will come to this city later so you don't accidentally change the flag back.
Decided another problem: landing troops on the coast (Rome TW v. 1.0).
As I wrote earlier, troops can be planted directly in the city, located on the shore, but only in those in which there are garrisons. And...
The Rebel troops can be planted on any available for this shore, as long as their on the shore met. The technology is the same as when the troops disembarked in the city.
Ie same as with landing in the city, in this case, you need to plant right to walnut meet unit, located on the shore. Naturally, the flag of all the troops landing will be the same as the receiving unit.
The problem with the landing troops on the island, where there are no Rebels, so far remains.
How to add the Rebels to recruit Cilician pirates
Cilician pirates can't be as a unit which you can recruit, none of the other factions except the Rebels by their very nature - they're pirates, not regular troops. At the beginning of the game they have in some coastal cities as part of the garrison, as they appear in the course of the game as the rebels on the territory of other factions. After fighting the good bojcev not training. It was very annoying. So, is it possible to make Cilician pirates available for recruitment and training? Can.
For myself, I have identified the problem thus:
1. Cilician pirates can be recruited only in cities with a port of any level (well not hire pirates in the desert or in the mountains).
2. Because Cilician pirates are unit throwing, then the recruitment should be carried out on the same grounds where train velitov and archers.
3. Should be to retrain as a hired Cilician pirates, and which appeared as a result of the uprising.
4. The area of recruitment in the areas of fractions Macedonia, Greek cities, Seleucids and Pontus.
5. Other live faction except Rebels should not be able to recruit Cilician pirates.
6. Cilician pirates need to survive as a mercenary unit.
Yes, a lot, because this unit will not become widespread.
So, add the Cilician pirates can only be destroyed factions from the above list, in order not to violate the area of recruitment. At first I destroyed Pontus, and later Macedonia. So I will explain on the example of these fractions. Changes need to be made in only 3 files.
In the file Data/export_descr_unit find the description of unit merc cilician pirate
Change the crown line and add the available fractions.
ownership pontus, macedon, slave
Next in the file Data/descr_model_battle find these same pirates, here they are referred to as greek_cilician_pirate
Remove the phrase in their description that this unit only allowed the Insurgents and for the recruitment. That's the phrase ;Only have one unit here, so can't have both a merc and slave version
Edit and add the links to the textures.
;texture slave, data/models_unit/textures/unit_cilician_pirate.tga
texture merc, data/models_unit/textures/unit_cilician_pirate_merc.tga
It is necessary to do so (all relevant spaces to follow)
texture slave, data/models_unit/textures/unit_cilician_pirate.tga
texture pontus, data/models_unit/textures/unit_cilician_pirate.tga
texture macedon, data/models_unit/textures/unit_cilician_pirate.tga
texture merc, data/models_unit/textures/unit_cilician_pirate.tga
And finally, in the file Data/export_descr_buildings, add the possibility of hiring the pirates on the range - building missiles. There are 4 levels of these buildings added on each level in the end of the list this line: recruit merc cilician pirate 0 requires factions { pontus, macedon, } and building_present_min_level port port_buildings
The phrase and building_present_min_level port port_buildings makes a condition for recruitment required the presence of a port at any level.
Restart the computer and unable to recruit and PEREPODGOTOVKI Cilician pirates. All 6 of the set conditions is fulfilled.
Such changes I made and the pirates Rome: Total War v.1.0. and license the game Rome: Total War v.1.5. from the company 1C.
How to add the Rebels to recruit Pirate ships.
The task here is simple: add the Rebels for the recruitment and retraining of Pirate ships, but so that other live faction couldn't recruit. While playing for the Rebels I'm recruiting only Pirate ships, but use the opportunity to re Birem, Triremes and other ships. Changes and additions should be done in 2 text files and 2 folders.
In the file Data/export_descr_unit find the description of this unit
Change the last line and add the available fractions. Here it is:
ownership pontus, macedon, slave
(i.e. those two factions, which are already destroyed)
In the file Data/export_descr_buildings, add the possibility of hiring pirates in port. There are 3 levels of these buildings added on each level in the end of the list the following line:
recruit naval pirate ships 0 requires factions { pontus, macedon, }
Open the folder Data/UI/UNITS and do make factions Macedonia and Pontus drawing #NAVAL_PIRATES with a picture of a pirate ship. Copy this drawing can then, in the folder Data/UI/UNITS/SLAVE
Open the folder Data/UI/UNIT_INFO and do make factions Macedonia and Pontus drawing NAVAL_PIRATES_INFO with a picture of a pirate ship. Copy this figure can be right there in the folder Data/UI/UNIT_INFO/SLAVE
While here I copied the picture NAVAL_LARGE_BOATS_INFO, changed his name to NAVAL_PIRATES_INFO and in this form added to Pontus and Macedonia.
How to get folder UI read here.
Such changes can be done as in the previous case, and the pirates Rome: Total War v.1.0. and license the game Rome: Total War v.1.5. from the company 1C.
And you try for the Rebels to play.
You will be the adrenaline. Each move at least 5 battles.
And with the defeat of the troops evaporate, so I need tactics.
Played for them a couple of times and captured the entire map.
They have a really great selection, as the rebels depend on the terrain. There are Roman rebels, and the rebels of the Greek phalanx and the chariots and so much more depending on terrain. Go for it, guys.
The rebels - tupizm with them the game crashes quickly. Besides, they have at the start, almost no generals. If you specifically like websitexxii Amazon elephants or chariots - I for cheating immediately deleted)
2 Ardi:
Anyone. For example, I be hard like)
Why can't I play for the Rebels?
For the Senate and the other factions can, and for Rebels there :(
Understood. I removed the faction, the Senate unplayable faction and the faction of the Rebels appeared in the available game mode. While playing for the Rebels I did not like. All factions attack, do not give plaguing. And the army of the rebels I have not had time to evaluate. The last place for them to play.
Play Rome 1.0 for the rebels. Everything was fine until I tried to land army troops from the ships to the shore. Consistently crashes the system at the time of landing. Tried with different armies to land on the Rhodes and the port Tarentum. What could be wrong? In principle a trifle, just a shame that you will not be able to take over the world. Will the Greeks Yes Scipii with the Carthaginians in Sicily. But such plans were (
And there, too, will someday be the rebels, perhaps slowchess and take over the island ! :)
The impossibility of landing on the shore Postaci this is a bug of version 1.0. Or prapatti the game, or look in the themes forum thread Playing for the rebels, something like that is called.
The game is for the landing ''confused'' with a flag from the rebels several of them.
And really, I advise you to carefully read the forum topics, this has already been described.
5 years of playing RTW for the first time started to play for the rebels. Here is the topic!
The game for the rebels is a sort of final exam for RTW.
A lot of experience. I did not understand, like the early to reach breakeven, so he sighed and began to use add_money. Consider it an interest-free loan and want to earn enough money to repay the loan. In addition, losing some good connections because of Podlaski mounts, 260 year I decided that rebel spies everywhere, as the people behind them, and for the first time was removed in RTW the fog of war (I used to think that it's so uninteresting). It turns out that scrolling when the download becomes much more interesting.
Rebel militarily at the start is quite powerful.
Europe can not hold. Longest held the Massalia, withstanding three sieges, but in the end, rebel losing her. But in Eastern Europe from a pile of forest gangs formed a powerful connection.
Followed by control Union for spare parts and accessories. Because impoverished Europe, to do nothing, this army fought its way through the Germans and the Dacians and occupied the North of the Balkans.
Pearl rebel – Athens. It can withstand two sieges, and then took the southern Balkans, having also a good army. It is advisable to manage to take to the mainland garrison of Crete. This army. of course, not starting, and a little later period.
The army of the Byzantine Empire bounces from Pontus and Thrace, captures Tillis and puts up a barrier against the Scythians. They are joined by the Amazons on chariots and soon the genotype of the Scythians will be erased from the genetic tree of mankind. Expect the return of horse archers, pumped in Artemis.
Halicarnassus, gathers all trash of Asia Minor. It is his army at the start:
Then the army gets through the Byzantine port of equestrian connection with the Balkans, partly doukomplektovat normal hoplites and captures all of Asia Minor, began a successful war with Saleucami.
But the most numerous army in the middle East. While not attacked Egypt, the population of cities cleaned is displayed (in the form of Eastern infantry) and combined with rebelski the riff-raff. This is the ancient Jews who run away from Egyptian captivity.
They run away into the wilderness, and here in the desert first appears a family member. It's Moses!!!
All the Jews joyously run to him, and formed an army of Moses.
The army follows the Jewish population with the caravan. Tired women traveling on camels.
Jews find promised Land in Sousse. Out Jewish sovereignty extends to the Caucasus, then the United group of armies in Asia Minor and the Jews moving in the direction of Egypt. Jews are revenge.
At this time the two armies from the Balkans landed on the Boot, from the extermination of the Romans. There's plenty of light infantry, so heavy infantry in rebel smaller.
In rebel dominated by Greek troops and, accordingly, the Greek tactics. And I dream to begin the release of the hastati, to create a combined Greco-Roman army, beefed up the Cretan and the Scythian horse archers pumped in Artemis.
In the Pyrenees all appear rebel, not to be destroyed, were loaded on rebelski fleet for many years hovered over the Atlantic, picking up a new rogue. And when he gathered a strong army, was held the assault and began the expansion of Spaniards actually already broken. It is planned to continue the advance eastward, where a mixed army of Iberian and barbarian mercenaries.
Awesome!!! Fighting a bunch of different armies at the same time in different parts of the world. Not as difficult as I thought in the beginning. Perhaps add_money's not fair, but it is terribly interesting.
Well written, with a soul ))
I didn't even try. When I started playing, I learned that while playing for the rebels will be game crashes and never even opened them.
Who is able to say that it would be possible to play for povstancev normal?
No, there are no guarantees.
Try it for yourself. Will fly and the hell with it)