Art (Class of SPG) (World of Tanks)
What do you think of her? She got you too?By the way, who knows where the arts tower? This is the most poorly armored place, but where is it? Stupid to shoot a gun?
Where the sides of the C-51? It's a continuous caterpillar!
fratellodon [the Dark knight Sparda]
Yes, there is such feil. I finished off the piercing in the forehead (building or tower - XS) 70% of is-7, but could not penetrate the ISU-152 in the side ^_^
Hit all the tanks scoops up to level 7 and change on the arts, Су14 already in the TOP is included, to huma 25K, М7Прист stock is in the hangar.
Tanks already fed up.
Worth them all together to swing???
Don't even know what to say... I consider myself a Artvoda, but swing from 3 branches to my head did not come...
Throw here the arts 8th level taken from euroserver ;)
Object 261:
art German E-series:
Well, as a bonus:Panzer 38tNA
Throw here the arts 8th level taken from euroserver ;)
On euroserver has to mine the PTA as they could the primary server to overtake?
Taken from:
I wonder what their performance characteristics, and how much experience is necessary?
Most importantly, what top gun???
the USSR arty top gun 170mm like
Don't know if LVL 6-7 USSR arty top down 203mm, why 8lvl should be 170mm is that the regression.
wrong ,But like said it would be 170mm gun,but the chassis is-7 happy
I said somewhere 170mm gun
36 post
180mm MO-1 gun. Rather curious stuff, it was mounted on combat ships.
180mm MO-1 gun. Interestingly, it was installed on military ships.
Well, if the damage compared to the 203mm is not very impoverished, BUT the rate will be commercials 3-3,5 shots per minute... We get an Uber!
For example, the fact that the caliber isn't far to seek. The T-54, all three 100mm guns, but the difference is indeed enormous.
Yes, there were talking like,damage ,as in 203mm ,and the rate is higher
Put on your su-5 dosimeter, and accelerated the fire. Tell me what to put in the third slot, spall liners or markirovochnye network.
Oh, SU-5 tank-through.
The third module for the arts, any arts, - ventilation.
I have a question, how much experience will be worth the study of the arts 8th level.