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VioO 23.09.19 11:29 am

Impressions from the first episode(spoilers) (The Walking Dead: The Final Season)

In my opinion,the new season - fire!the first episode was wildly entertaining,creepy and tense.if the remaining episodes will be at the same level,then I think the season finale will be very good.
PS all ega killed Marlon at the end?
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DarkSidius 23.09.19

Passed the episode, he is very good. Then compared it with WD 1 and WD 2. But firstly it is a finished game, then the first part I personally did not like. Maybe because they play it started recently and the graphics of the old looks frankly sucks. WD 2 ... difficult to discuss my favorite part, though WD 5 starts not worse.
PS here entrenched greenvillage which all put the cons?

bcyenjhf 23.09.19

pashalet they contradict their own units here? Example in the Studio!

pashalet 23.09.19

bcyenjhf: they contradict their own units here? Well, for starters, at least here:
all previous seasons we have been accustomed to the idea that the world WD groups, sitting in one place impossible to survive. Or zombies will find a loophole somewhere, or bandits, perhaps, or another group will be secured and there is a conflict or internal strife within the group will cause Kopets. So Pali Crawford, Prescott country asylum Whether fortified farm of cannibals, mountain base Walter etc. And everywhere there was a strong, armed men. But in the Final Season, we immediately are asked to believe that... a few teen years was held in a former school, and no one captured, took their resources. And, well - simply found! But no: the raiders had just discovered, but they... paid off two girls. Yeah. Schazz. That is, in previous series the whole family could not hesitate to cut a carton of yogurt, a whole village could feed her for attempted disobedience - and then some kid puts the bandits and dictates the terms of the deal?)))) Why are the raiders after laugh with his sisters - not found school, does not take away from the children food and made them rotten to yourself? No, you! Marlon with them, done! Well, it's ridiculous...

bcyenjhf 23.09.19

And why would the raiders not accept such a deal? Strain is not necessary, and a couple of girls for the pleasures they eventually got just. For free. Otherwise, in principle, Yes. Agree.

NightHawkreal 23.09.19

They kind of couldn't find them, just collided in the far RAID, because Marlon and was forbidden to go there.

pashalet 23.09.19

bcyenjhf: why would the raiders not accept such a deal? Strain is not necessary, and a couple of girls for the pleasures they eventually got just. For free. Yes, because they could just do to all))) And not just two girls. (Even if he corrects NightHawkreal collided with Marlon in the long March). The raiders are being decimated, and barely smell the bait. And the school children - it's not even fortified Prescott, which a dozen people on the truck smashed to smithereens. Why would the raiders deal with Marlon? Took him by the gills, began to torture - and after 5 seconds it would have passed and the camp, and all their friends, as pretty. Further triumphant RAID and voila: new slaves, which you can get to work on and what supplies they managed to gather up. It is this logic of the universe WD. Not a deal of bandits with a student. Well, Kamon)))

bcyenjhf 23.09.19

About a blooper with dog agree. But more like, and there is nothing. Me in the eyes not rushed.

pashalet 23.09.19

bcyenjhf: About a blooper with dog agree. But more like, and there is nothing. Is and lot. For example, only one tiny scene with a basement:
-Clem in a strange camp where she was not trusted by all, heard by NIGHT, in a CLOSED CELLAR suspicious showdown... breaking ONE there, to understand what it is. Elementary to err and to Wake the others, at least for the sake of an alibi, in which case - of course not destiny. I'll go look for trouble on your ass!
-Clever and cautious Clem, realizing that Brody's fight (which she in opposition) and Marlon (from Clem at the moment, depends), does not invent anything smarter, as clumsily to sneak close to him. Hide behind the corner? To understand the situation? To overhear the conversation from a safe location? Not, why!
-When Marlon hears a slight noise and yells Who's there, come out! - from the corner runs a rat. It is enough that the guy blamed it on rodent and went back to talking. But Clem, why it still goes with my hands - and affect it we cannot. Screenwriter SO here we have.
-Marlon heard a the quiet steps of Clementine, but somehow didn't hear it with an infernal DIN, with a BRICK hammer on the IRON door, breaking the lock. Although he and Brody is 20 metres from the door)))
-Clem most too do not come to mind thought that such attacks should hear in the basement, where she wants to penetrate without being too obvious. Well, well.
-Brodie turns into a zombie in just a few seconds! Clem barely has time to run a few meters to the door - as Brody is already walking. Hi, nafig! Although previous episodes we know that treatment takes a lot longer. But the writer here again it is necessary SO to strain again, he did not.
-Crushing zombie rack, Clem completely forget decades of survival skills, that looks really ridiculous. At the beginning of the episode, in the same situation with flattened zombies, Clem just reflexes crushes his head with his foot, habitual, automatic movement. And here - suddenly turns his back to the defeated opponent and runs, allowing one to get out and attack again. This panic is absolutely not in the style of adult Clem that these zombies back in the previous series quietly drenched the dozens, like a real terminator. Here, from 1 sombecki, and even flattened to the floor - running Jogging, dropping the bricks. Because... well, you understand. To the writer it SHOULD be.
-And of course, Brody herself, lying under the rack - probably have time to watch them 28 weeks because of the slow walking of the universe WD it turns into reactive zombies. While Clem ran to the door - a time and from sitting on the shelf will be released and immediately skedaddle to catch up with the girl, though she is rushing hard, and even with a good start.

In fact, the logic of Telltale completely stopped being friends even in New Frontier, Yes. But here, in the final - I was waiting for progress.

NightHawkreal 23.09.19

Still easier - Clem somewhere forgot the knife, although it was at her waist.

Judging by the words with different eyes, it is about a school he knows nothing. Maybe the circumstances of the troubled history we learn in the second season.

kolobod 23.09.19

the authors do not bother at all. absolutely uncomplicated story
children Aki Rambo years survived with the sticks but the knives in the forest full of zombies...
them for so many years nobody found because they... the signs on the highway were cut down, yeah.
heterosexual adolescents do not chpokayut hard at each other, all exclusively friendship, hehe...
klemka for so many years has survived alone with a Negro by maximko, but right now she srochno need to settle down, settle down...
and why not look for the commune more than a group shkoloty? since I wanted real protection and warm soup?
well, again fuflomitsin we ordered, as usual...
but we are not proud, for klamki will take all the prescription, you will not Pomorska

Kovboy belomor 23.09.19

In principle, all right you say, except for one thing, it's not about the walking, although there could provide it. Now these Teens have something adult men can just Bang it in normal life, but if this miracle all in the game, and even a whole group. There renderam three times it is necessary to think before to climb, a little blood will not get off.

pashalet 23.09.19

NightHawkreal that there is a knife... at the beginning of the episode Clem does not need no weapon to easily deal with the crushed zombies. And then suddenly - the shock, panic))

pashalet 23.09.19

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons: Now these Teens have something adult men can just Bang it in normal life, but if this miracle all in the game, and even a whole group. There renderam three times it is necessary to think before to climb, a little blood will not get off. I agree, can. Attacking unarmed or with a pack on 1. In battle of several teenagers with a few well armed men, the odds of winning fall sharply. Moreover, the experience of the previous series showed that the raiders are usually well hung, down to machine guns and grenades. And the guys Marlon is mostly cold and blunt weapon. Besides of them: Marlon coward, Brody hysterical-neurotic, Shadow child and so on. Real resistance could have 2-3 of the student, not more. And unexpected attack, and even if Marlon would be hostages - would not do anything at all. It is therefore not clear what prevented colliding with Marlon raiders to scare the shit out of it, you'll find out where the camp is, to bring to the gate and at gunpoint force them to open - threatening the rest of his painful death. I think this operation went like clockwork. The same Prescott destroyed in 5 minutes, and all killed there - while the protection of Prescott, were much more impressive.

NightHawkreal 23.09.19

Well, this can be attributed to the fresh fish.

bcyenjhf 23.09.19

Well, according to tradition already

Luxor_GS7 23.09.19

Something with elections very many instances, one with a broken heart, the other angry, resentful third, ska, with all the snot bred, the best options to choose, friends but the handle went from the top as many have written, and in the end the game produces some epic results, not the translation of the scythe, not your election is not important to anyone, because I watched the passage 2 on YouTube, people have made several other choices and they are 90% the same results, the choice, yeah).

VioO 23.09.19

well, it's telltale )where elections have no effect )

NightHawkreal 23.09.19

Influence, but not here. And how tragedy and drama to escalate if the players will choose the other?

pashalet 23.09.19

Well, as it gave to infuse impressions, and this is what came.

Episode 1 of the finals went neutral. Yes, it has standard Talovskie mistakes (laziness and negligence) - but there's some really quite shameful failures at Laura and logic, as was in the history of Xavier, for example. Upgrade the combat system is not new, in fact it's all the same QTE - however, on the other hand, and this damage is not: flea changed, okay. Free camera mode is also kind of pointless, as the game is in principle not any large areas to explore - but the flaws don't write it down. Just another change for show. Like, we're trying!

Of the undoubted advantages - the return of Clementine as a secondary, but main character. All the same, anyway: and Clem is one of the major successes of Telltale, with this character they at one time accurately got to the point, and actually only on it pulled the entire second season.

Of the minuses (in my opinion) - ironically... the same Clementine. Rather, its new status. Struggling trying to stress that this is indeed the final of its history - the writers of the show Clem all grown up already girl that (IMHO) kills all the freshness and intrigue of the image. A lonely little girl desperately trying to survive in a world of Apocalypse and it was a cool move. Which hooked many. Adult Clem - it becomes just the usual typical heroine of a computer game. And although she is still recognizable and good, no longer have the same zest or something...

Here such here while subjective feelings. Interesting to see Teyla take out if this cart to any intelligible finals? Or stupid to leak the story, turning it into another cliche.

NightHawkreal 23.09.19

By the way I in fact liked at least a little bit to think, and not to poke the button with your middle finger.