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Antipolizai 26.03.20 09:42 pm

Training Motostroitel (The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 2)

Hello dear ladies and gentlemen !
In this topic I will give all the tutorials, articles and learning the basics in creating your own mod. All information taken from the Website of the Third age ! In the course of time, namely, during translation, will appear all new and new articles. Of course, you can also help me in this. For this, many will thank you. In General, if you will find another of the same kind of material, then immediately wildefyre it here !

Here are some rules to which it would be desirable to listen:

1. Post only on-topic post here only relevant material and NOTHING more !
2. All posts with questions, answers, better to write in the subject Help in creating mods !
3. All extra flood will be deleted without warning by the forum moderator !

That's probably all. Stay tuned ! Tonight or tomorrow is planned to withdraw the first basis ! So do not write questions where, when and so on ! Everything will be... but with time ! Thank you for understanding !

Sincerely, [King Dain]
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Vityok 26.03.20

and there is such mod or is there a Supplement that corrects the death of the Nazgul...
how stupid he disappears in a glow of light (like that is unusual for the wars of darkness)
It would be cool if he'd like something escarilla and clattered to the ground

Theodred 26.03.20

Amandil, I finally put fellbeast on his feet(With the help of Mirandela), but he doesn't want to sit on a horse! How to do it?
PS: the difference between pirates and collection, except for the second disk?

Amandil 26.03.20

current some textures

look at Eomer done and do it too,tady goes down.or the Mouthpiece of Sauron look.

Theodred 26.03.20

And how to do so, to increase attack speed?

Amandil 26.03.20

or speed locomotora (in inike unit) to register manually,or in gemdata.ini to change

Theodred 26.03.20

People! After I put Boromir's Last Stand ability it stopped working the other passive ability - Leadership. Please help! And yet - where is the file lotr.str in Litsuhe? In the file English(he is English in the Collection and Polish in Pirates) it is not(I Want to make a translation for a new hero).
PS: Sundry, model share the Aragorn on horseback([email protected])

Mouth of Sauron 26.03.20

And this ability even work? I unlock it in comandset prescribed, without changing anything. In the game the button has been created, Podlaska POPs up, but the ability is not working :(

Theodred 26.03.20

Recently my favorite hero, Bard the Archer, since I created it myself, will soon make him a voice. By the way, people, who can share a portrait of the bard on [email protected]? =))

Sauron Great 26.03.20

Lol,you're still his photos ask!)

Mouth of Sauron 26.03.20

Che funny?


Sorry to be so, while soap does not plow :(

Amandil 26.03.20

I'm way the identity of the bard is done and photo MNU is.And abilities he has:call of the Blackbird,train soldiers,hunters call Dale (spec.unit) and Black Arrow (which knocks down from any dragon.

L1ghtOne 26.03.20

Can anyone help, please RUB the Balin. My soap [email protected]

Stealther 26.03.20

People tell me how to add change weapons, for example, the Nazgul on the bow pliz..

And how do their abilities and portraits?

Theodred 26.03.20

Nazgul on the bow? LOL! Animation need a special skin!

Stealther 26.03.20

Elessar telcontar the Duc about that and ask.
As the animation to do?
And not whether the ride raharisoa with a bow?
EW if you just put the abilities change on the bow arms, the Nazgul will just pens arrows to throw from Ghost spectrohelioscope bow. This feature of Lucca is that it is invisible=))

And how do abilities do? Not the kind that already exists, and its(image button with different abilities to take, obviously, but what files in ini.the big all the abilities are and where to register?)?
I have a Nazgul for example indicated, but suppose I want to make Olmer(=)))) purely for themselves, hmm Yes of Baranovym to make fun of.

RALF_SSSR 26.03.20

Norodom anyone can help I thank you in advance AS in WouldBuild to create the water I clicked on the picture there's a line out of the water and not guys!

[V_M]_AmonRa 26.03.20

raise the water level.

Just Free 26.03.20

Good people please tell me how in the ini file called parameter responsible for the firing range,th for example orc archers???, and then I use FinalBIG or as can not find.....

Theodred 26.03.20

Amandil! Help pliz! What kind of animation it is necessary to insert Elrond with bow that it was working? I inserted the animation of the elves from the first part - it doesn't work! If no trouble, came out on the soap format RAR its. ini file! Pliz!

Amandil 26.03.20

throw me the address of his soap to the thread,send.