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Self-Relliant 20.04.20 06:36 pm

Obstruction of the Russian language foreign words

Hello dear! Today we will talk about this problem of the Russian language as foreign words borrowed. In neither language is there so much unnecessary borrowed words as in Russian. Although why I call them borrowed? Better to call them words-parasites, which pass from foreign languages and replace our own words, replacing them with his own concepts. This is particularly evident in the scientific and journalistic styles of writing. Should take any scientific article and it will be completely laced with words from English roots with a vague meaning.

Not so important problems is to use your own words-parasites matershiny words, the use of which is dictated by the life. Now I'll show you what harm caused to foreign words self-consciousness of the Russian people.

For example, what appears to be your imagination when you hear the word competent? In the head there is a fog, if you want to explain its value begin to blunt and hunting to get into the dictionary. It is quite another thing with the words hard working, helpful, responsible in my head at once it seems clear the value of the object or the person to which you can apply the adjective. Or, for example, compare the word humane, with good, strict, responsive. Or think about what the picture in your imagination you have the word killer, and then imagine the word contract killer. Agree that the second phrase you a much more clear and causes a great many art associations. I'm not talking about how we need to forget the word personal that would distort their language with the words confidential, private, personal. These words do evoke the feeling of Marculesti and emptiness.

So, dear friends, let us use it in everyday speech forum and our Russian words, if you have the opportunity not to replace them with foreign ones. Perhaps what the hostile forces are behind the introduction of these words. We forget our ancestral meaning of words, their model is already recruited values. And our mind and intelligence becomes handy. In the end we have Russian language, not poloniecki, or polyangiitis. So let's remember it!
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GTAman 20.04.20

The toilet is by bourgeois. Throne room or outhouse - this is our way.

Mag Otshelnik 20.04.20

Throne room or outhouse - this is our way.

The same redneck.

GTAman 20.04.20

Think about it, a toilet that plays prison and whips vodka?

Self-Relliant 20.04.20

The toilet is by bourgeois. Throne room or outhouse - this is our way.

Was the word washroom. Toilet some gentle glamorous word, it still applies to perfume

GTAman 20.04.20

The word head I have an Association with a small pantry where the cleaning utensils: broom, broom, shovel, broom, vacuum cleaner and so on.

Self-Relliant 20.04.20


then there's the pantry. No one calls it a toilet. This is another room in the theatre, like my dressing room

Astilla 20.04.20


Where is my mistake? To clean it is necessary that our language was not littered with foreign slag, the meaning of which we don't even understand. If not, over time, our great and powerful may not be, and our descendants will speak in a dialect of English. Here read it some scholar should realize work to do, instead of having to guess what kind of a word coffee male or medium

Seven errors in six lines, the fighter for purity of language.

WVI[N]D 20.04.20


Do not confuse the concept of the student and shkoloty

Ignorant far

Astilla 20.04.20

then there's the pantry. No one calls it a toilet. This is another room in the theatre, like my dressing room
Onegin liked to look good, and so sat for hours in the restroom (s)

Patriot PG 20.04.20

In this case, the Swastika should be called Kolovrat.

markell 20.04.20

Here read it some scholar should realize work to do, instead of having to guess what kind of a word coffee male or medium
So I have no doubt that in your head just does not fit the idea that a word may eventually change the family. And that's fine. It or it... Honestly, that's not the point.

The arguments you stupid.
In General it is time to abolish this division into styles. One life everywhere and there is no need to divide by region
In General it is time to abolish this division into languages. People are the same everywhere, there is no need to suffer, let it be a single, universal language.

But why not throw in the second, when all around is dominated by the first?
Throw only suggest to brush up on what you are fighting. And that seems a pity. Oh ll-tsya not know...

You've got me. That's when we don't let words to persuade in this case and would already be impossible to write a design like you've already got me, then I maybe understand you.

Patriot PG 20.04.20

let it be a single, universal language

Let the language be Russian.

Cakeman 20.04.20

if we talk about the obstruction of the Russian language, for the knowledge of the author 80% of the Russian words borrowed from other languages, this is a retarded language and very strongly loses to other languages. Far is not necessary, just look at the neighbours of the Slavs, Ukrainian(many took words from the Germans), Polish, Belarusian, which preserved many old words and dialects.

Patriot PG 20.04.20



GTAman 20.04.20

>washroom. This is another room in the theatre, like my dressing room

I'm not dozhilsya to shit in the dressing room.

Vashe Velichestvo 20.04.20

Language development is inextricably linked to the development of the country in General. That is, with its science, cultural progress, right, etc. as the most active on these parameters, the European, and innovations of technique, terminology, names of their languages. Is it necessary to change their own way?.. First, sometimes it looks absurd and this perspective (printer - textnovel, Fax ...), and secondly, it is unprofitable and impractical to shut the world out in your own words and do not understand not the words but the thinking of their foreign colleagues. Every expression has its etymology that for the same Humanities is of paramount importance.

F.O.V. 20.04.20

Oh, and why is it not responding is the author? I want one too. Don't ignore me, on the applicant for subtlety(

Cakeman 20.04.20



Prostota 20.04.20

Russian language has always incorporated foreign words, especially from willing German and French.

Sieg Murr 20.04.20

For example, what appears to be your imagination when you hear the word competent? In the head immediately raises the fog
We forget our ancestral meaning of words, their model is already recruited values. And our mind and intelligence becomes handy. In the end we have Russian language, not poloniecki, or polyangiitis. So let's remember it!

Well what can I say?? According to this text, the fog in your head - the constant phenomenon.