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Self-Relliant 20.04.20 06:36 pm

Obstruction of the Russian language foreign words

Hello dear! Today we will talk about this problem of the Russian language as foreign words borrowed. In neither language is there so much unnecessary borrowed words as in Russian. Although why I call them borrowed? Better to call them words-parasites, which pass from foreign languages and replace our own words, replacing them with his own concepts. This is particularly evident in the scientific and journalistic styles of writing. Should take any scientific article and it will be completely laced with words from English roots with a vague meaning.

Not so important problems is to use your own words-parasites matershiny words, the use of which is dictated by the life. Now I'll show you what harm caused to foreign words self-consciousness of the Russian people.

For example, what appears to be your imagination when you hear the word competent? In the head there is a fog, if you want to explain its value begin to blunt and hunting to get into the dictionary. It is quite another thing with the words hard working, helpful, responsible in my head at once it seems clear the value of the object or the person to which you can apply the adjective. Or, for example, compare the word humane, with good, strict, responsive. Or think about what the picture in your imagination you have the word killer, and then imagine the word contract killer. Agree that the second phrase you a much more clear and causes a great many art associations. I'm not talking about how we need to forget the word personal that would distort their language with the words confidential, private, personal. These words do evoke the feeling of Marculesti and emptiness.

So, dear friends, let us use it in everyday speech forum and our Russian words, if you have the opportunity not to replace them with foreign ones. Perhaps what the hostile forces are behind the introduction of these words. We forget our ancestral meaning of words, their model is already recruited values. And our mind and intelligence becomes handy. In the end we have Russian language, not poloniecki, or polyangiitis. So let's remember it!
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Self-Relliant 20.04.20

So I have no doubt that in your head just does not fit the idea that a word may eventually change the family. And that's fine. It or it... Honestly, that's not the point.
And you said something about no change of kind? No, I said that these issues are not so important

In General it is time to abolish this division into languages. People are the same everywhere, there is no need to suffer, let it be a single, universal language.
There will be no national awareness of peoples and traditions. Humanity generally will not be history

The arguments you stupid.
Well, you merged. Instead of arguments go to the person

Seven errors in six lines, the fighter for purity of language.
Show me where is the error, silly frivolous

F. O. V.
What do you say? Boy, I found foreign words in my sentences. Ask a medal for it!

Your Majesty
Is it necessary to change their own way?
of course it is. airplane, helicopter, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator for example Russian words. should we instead say an airplane helikopter, refrigerated?

secondly, it is unprofitable and impractical to shut the world out in your own words and do not understand not the words but the thinking of their foreign colleagues. Every expression has its etymology that for the same Humanities is of paramount importance.
we don't understand the whole social experience of other Nations associated with them by the word. we perceive only the narrow values that are imposed on us when writing.

Cakeman 20.04.20

Russian language has always incorporated foreign words, especially from willing German and French.

say, buddy

Self-Relliant 20.04.20

Russian language has always incorporated foreign words, especially from willing German and French.
Not always. In the ancient times it was not. then there were borrowings from Latin and ancient Greek. During the reign the fashion for borrowing from the West began to appear. After Peter I somewhere. And so continue should not

Okay I'll even ideology this difficult to accept. But nothing prevents you will join the main Pro-Westerners and resonancelike forum Stalker and Estelle

Mag Otshelnik 20.04.20

I would be more worried about forum slang.
This is something that modern children learn instead of the normal
of the Russian language.

stalker7162534 20.04.20

After Peter I somewhere

Oh well, scholar, you are our homegrown.

stalker7162534 20.04.20

Self-Relliant the main Pro-Westerners and resonancelike forum Stalker and Astille

Lie, lies and provocation. There is a typical example of ucebisa (so you would write shkolota, but the theme does not allow you to use derived from foreign school) black-and-white thinking of a fanatic - if someone doesn't share his misguided views, so is the enemy.

requiemmm 20.04.20

Well, the technical literature is better not to touch, otherwise there's the devil himself will not understand. But that's all merchandisers, crawling with corporate party with a salad makeup on the face is to drive the filthy broom:)

Astilla 20.04.20

Specifically in that paragraph have written twice separated to and missed five commas. Somehow too shameful for a defender of the Russian language.

And Yes, the phrase
Show me where is the error, silly frivolous
especially cute looks immediately after
Instead of arguments go to the person
Have already leavened ass gradually starts to brown, I see

General146 20.04.20

Well, show me an example of why your posts are many loan words, for that matter, write messages without them show me how it should all look like their messages

Vashe Velichestvo 20.04.20

we perceive only the narrow values that are imposed on us when writing.
Everything we perceive is as it is. We can do without air phrase, otherwise I will ask for examples.

Ankh 8 20.04.20

Here and I about that-have used all sorts of buzzwords to tag. What you okay when is good or good? You are a Slav or native?

Well, what's correct? The whole country for decades listened to held a meeting of Soviet and .... delegation and all the significance understood.

markell 20.04.20

Ankh 8
Feel injustice? Can't understand why. But meeting any kind of dump is not thrown. It is still very popular, can not be said about the word summit. What do you think of when you hear the first word? Something vague, because Dating can even not only people, but a lot of that. While the summit does. The same applies to the word rally.

Yes, I'm going all out here, you, too, know little about the language, I therefore your arguments will not be taken seriously.

Self-Relliant 20.04.20

Cheburator furious
Yes. Slang, however, the phenomenon of a limited social group, and the remaining words are used everywhere

Lie, lies and provocation. There is a typical example of ucebisa (so you would write shkolota, but the theme does not allow you to use derived from foreign school) black-and-white thinking of a fanatic - if someone doesn't share his misguided views, so is the enemy.
How much it's a cliche already repeated in the forum and here you decided to apply against those who do not follow your views

Have already leavened ass gradually starts to brown, I see
Curious to see the phrase"ass brown, written by a charming girl. Or maybe she is not who she claims to be?

It is necessary to write examples of the words. Can emphasize, for emphasis

General146 20.04.20

well, examples of the words we already know, not little led, now I want to see another example of what you are offering, I want to see how it will look in our speech without these words here, as you say parasites, I don't know well a couple not too complex everyday sentences, or respond to messages other people without using the word

Astilla 20.04.20

Uh, honey, I'm not trying to charm. Although, of course, you can consider me a boy, if word about her ruddy ass you accustomed to hear from them.

So what about the infamous seven errors in a small paragraph, huh? Very love the native language, but not able to use?

markell 20.04.20

He's just the most subtle Russian soul, standing above these stupid technical stuff. Well, I think, to separate writes. Simple, sincere Russian peasants from the deep Russian Orthodox village also do not know many rules, but who still boasts a strong connection with the language, don't they?

GTAman 20.04.20

This is particularly evident in the scientific and journalistic styles of writing. Should take any scientific article and it will be completely laced with words from English roots with a vague value
Many terms in the Russian language in principle, there is no adequate substitute. Examples are given here: http://www.computerra.ru/own/wiebe/695353

For example, what appears to be your imagination when you hear the word competent? In the head there is a fog, if you want to explain its value begin to blunt and hunting to get into the dictionary. It is quite another thing with the words hard working, helpful, responsible
Does not generally best.

Or, for example, compare the word humane, with good, strict, responsive
The humane person is not necessarily a positive, supportive and responsive.

Or think about what the picture in your imagination you have the word killer, and then imagine the word contract killer
Foreign word as a replacement of the phrase is normal.

how to forget the word personal that would distort their language with the words confidential, private, personal
All have a different shade.

If I could bother to look in the dictionary, since only approximately know the meaning of certain words and do not understand the difference.

Aleeksandrushka 20.04.20

pretty old topic, constantly pop up with the frequency of years in 10, I guess. but relevant! in the Union, for example, the analogue of the borrowed words have served various cuts (the people's Commissars, Sberbank, etc.). I do not agree that these words are parasites. everyone does it their own! for example, my friend was once in common parlance the expression, " mean, which he put well in his every sentence. here is a parasite! and what about foreign influence it is actually controversial. a week ago my teacher was preparing for the exam in English, and there, in English, you know, a lot of expressions that cannot be translated to Russian is fine. and then she gives me: that's what I love about English, it is rich! and here I am a little angry. even for her English and as a native, but so what-what language, and Russian are exactly the richest. and even in the Russian language to Express thoughts can be well, wildly beautiful, without the use of foreign influence. need in principle to eradicate it, the main thing not to bring up nationalism.

Last Engineer 20.04.20

if one language group it does not zaimstvovanii and addition. I am against borrowing from Asian and African cultures.

stalker7162534 20.04.20

went to break the dolls, these brazen borrowing of Chinese boxes prosecurity in Response to using the Japs gooks!