MSI GTX 1070 temperature is 58 degrees idle
It is generally a normal temperature? I think I heard somewhere that the graphics themselves of the cooler are not working in simple mode, and is enabled during load in games. By the way during the games the temperature rises by 2-3 degrees or maybe a little more121 Comments
Faced with a similar problem. In idle the frequency was not reset, tried everything from cleaning the registry and scans antivirus, to remove some wood. It was a Converter from dp to vga. To graphics card msi gaming gtx 1080 x connected 2 monitors, one via dp, the main worker, the other an old subsidiary through a Converter dp - vga. Took the opportunity to take 3 monitor on vga. Alec taksal on the same Converter. When they came, hooked up the monitor 3 and then the problems started temperature simple. Solved the problem by switching the monitor into the dp on the motherboard via a built-in vidyahu of processor i5 7600K.
I hope someone can help