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Merkats 10.05.20 07:05 pm

i7 6700K warm, afraid for their

Assembled PC in January 6700K i7 and Asus Z170-a, cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo.

Case with two built-in fans, one on blowing another on blowing. Thermal paste set in January when collected, the thermal paste was set with cooler cooler Master Kit.

Why XS is heated to 70-75 in toys, especially in the divine Witcher 3.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT DISPERSED. Although when I start the program RealTemp shows 4.2 GHz, but as I found out, it's from the turbo boost.

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VOVAN WOLFovich 10.05.20

STANDS of Milivoje
No, I'm NOT ANGRY, why? Come on! Ridiculous, I've realized he's a cool guy, no seriously, I checked his theory and already dropped him a comment. Yes, just check it out, here:
It's really good!Yes. Man YOU're COOL! No, seriously, COOL! It is a pity that they do not understand:
- Core 2 Duo E8600 Grand Theft Auto 5 - Performance Test, the CPU usage is 80-100%, download video card ASUS Strix GeForce GTX970 OC - 46% out OF 100%! Something rotten card he got, it's time to throw away!
Here it is also necessary to explain what actually E8600 all drags and the download card ONLY 30-50% out of 100% possible, THAT's FINE. The same something not so stupid, I guess.
That dude
But this Battlefield 1 hung in the download processor, and it took the GTX 750 1gb, and its load is 40% out of a possible 100. That is a fabulous Doodle! How he plays in General, hands not from that place.
But this Battlefield 4 70-90% loads the GTX 750 TI, the same game of life:
and this, with its 2 core processor, 4-core, in the download at 100% and drags videocracy.
You have to help them, to explain that 100% utilization is normal, and loading the graphics card at 40% the same.
You really opened my eyes. Indeed, what all of these i7! Core 2 Duo E8600 TAXIS! Went the same to take.
All those people that argue with You, they do not understand all the fact of PC life real connoisseur of iron.
Fuckin ' big brother! All the way.
I've already got a Core 2 Duo E8600, as You advised, here, launched folic, with mods in FullHD:
No, I changed the resolution , there's a mistake.
The download processor, video card, FPS
Guys, when it FPS! Horror. Look, now I understand You perfectly! Seriously. I fully support, smarter than You, I have not seen a man! really two core processor DRAGS! Look how the gtx 1080 97% downloaded, FPS 120 frames. The processor loaded with only 55%. WOW!
Bring further light on PG, and never deny! Respect.
He generally writes business, laddie, himself, has put a Quad-core processor, happy as an elephant. Already threw out the i7. Why don't believe him, laddie, a hero of our time!

lokkie 10.05.20

STANDS of Milivoje
in the end merged with shame, when I eventually washed down to the videos above.. to remind you that there was a cluck? ?

GeRR_Praetorian 10.05.20

I will say it again will be the percent change?
Also the same want!
And I also live gash without any sensors in the Musa afterbuner ( well, this is the program for shkololli, as you said) I only popes show.

GeRR_Praetorian 10.05.20

The bird and can live to gash for at least half an hour 5-7 games, not the pictures of fatsoma? Although not necessary, we are not worthy of your attention))))))

lokkie 10.05.20

STANDS of Milivoje
Nifiga, I the old man would never change .. he's already practically family?

Tomato77777 10.05.20

the author of the text how to solve the problem. I wonder why. MB hidden miner grabbed? or improper Assembly\marriage...check whether all the fans are connected

Merkats 10.05.20

For decency at least I read the whole topic. There is no problem, 60 degree standards for germanskogo cooler 212 Evo, it works and scrolls.