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Fumit007 29.05.20 10:48 pm

How to pump your chest muscle?

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markell 29.05.20

you're wrong about the reverse grip. there are two concepts in anatomy: supination (rotation outward) and pronation (rotation inward, clockwise). in the English language is the one grip that you call bottom, and I the opposite, is called spinaround. this is not surprising, because this grip - palms itself - so, if the hand to turn outwards, counterclockwise, back. and straight grip - palms away from you - called bronirovanii. but the grip is what you call reverse (video) - it's just some gipertrofirovannyy grip :-)

I read an article about pull-UPS in the English Wikipedia. it was written that there are three basic grip: 1) spinaroonie (the palm itself); 2) neutral (palms facing each other, on the bar they are not normally tightened, you need parallel bars); 3) bronirovannyj (palms away from you).

markell 29.05.20

let's just say: why straight grip and the upper is the same, and the reverse and bottom are not?

markell 29.05.20

Deucе, if you're skinny, then when you feel that push-UPS become easy, throw back the weights. Yes you can try your hand to catch up. the door will stand.

Andrew Z 29.05.20

Deucе, if you're skinny, then when you feel that push-UPS become easy, throw back the weights.
The type of backpack? Okay.

markell 29.05.20

Yes it is best. for pull-UPS backpack is also a good choice.

Andrew Z 29.05.20

Thanks, I will try. But pullups with a backpack... something new, will have to try)

markell 29.05.20

and don't forget to squat with a backpack. however, to fill in more need. and best of all in a rocking chair to go.

Garrus-1994 29.05.20

like this??
Thank you, and how? Can be picture/video?
I don't know that you're there and where I read, but ask any turnkey that the back and bottom grip, that's different:)

markell 29.05.20

some cornyman (ugly word) came up to call this grip is the opposite, and the remaining boobies picked up. although this is reverse grip called the grip, the opposite direct, that is spinaroonie.

try to expand the left forearm up to the limit counterclockwise and the right clockwise. now try to grab the crossbar. what the hell happened? according to the logic of turniment is direct enough :-)


Deuce, push-UPS on knees - too heavy exercise, better do some push-UPS from the wall.

Garrus-1994 29.05.20

try to expand the left forearm up to the limit counterclockwise and the right clockwise. now try to grab the crossbar. what the hell happened?
When you pulled reverse grip, you have drawn the direction of his hands? They are directed to you back. I don't know why this is content.foto.mail.ru/list/exit123/_answers/i-406.jpg referred to as the lower grip, but just called so he is bottom:)
pushups on knees - too heavy exercise, better do some push-UPS from wall
There's the main back straight to keep, and so the load on hands 2 times less than conventional push-up.

markell 29.05.20

There's the main back straight to keep, and so the load on hands 2 times less than conventional push-UPS - I was kidding... you don't catch the irony? I just your advice to do push UPS on my knees seemed very funny. would you still advise him to score on push-UPS and do only exercises for muscle growth :-)

I don't know why this is content.foto.mail.ru/list/exit123/_answers/i-406.jpg referred to as the lower grip, but just called so he is bottom:) - and because he is lower that if you take the bar in this grip and place it in front of him, the hands will be under the post below it. same thing with the top grip - the palm above the rod.

as I said, the lower grip = reverse grip. reverse grip is called the reverse because the hand position with this grip is the opposite (i.e., back) of the hand position in the direct grip.

Oh yeah, Deuce, why don't you squat on one leg? it is much more effective than squats with a backpack. unless you have a backpack of 50-plus kg :)

Andrew Z 29.05.20

Thank you very much for the links, never heard of it, I will try)

Andrew Z 29.05.20

Deuce, why don't you squat on one leg? it is much more effective than squats with a backpack. unless you have a backpack of 50-plus kg :)
and you can picture? how is it done? straighten your leg forward or something? okay, and what muscles it trains?

Andrew Z 29.05.20

Oh, and also - and I don't know what exercises to strengthen and develop lower abs in the groin, obliques still seem to be called...?

Aloe 29.05.20

when you started to pull on the door, was already able to catch up or not?
I do not fucking know how, tried it, it zh0pa at all. I have the door raised

Andrew Z 29.05.20

And I'm on the bar 4 times only tightened. Is that bad?(

markell 29.05.20

Deucе, squats on one leg are just starting to lift one leg up and squat at the same time :-) and there are a couple of nuances. the free leg can bend at the knee joint, not necessarily to keep it straight.
in order to facilitate the exercise, stand somewhere under the free leg had a hole - then it (the leg) don't need to pick up. for example, stand on a chair and do the exercise while holding onto the wall for balance.

and now the point of this exercise. I think this is one of the best exercise at all. muscles involved well very much, it is easier to list those that do NOT participate. however, in reality will greatly increase the quadriceps and gluteal muscles (do not be afraid, do not be ass thick), while other muscles do the stabilizing role or just keeping the body in balance.
squatting is not just an exercise, like lifting a barbell on the biceps. this is a normal circulation in the pelvis, it production of testosterone, is a boner in 40, 60, 80, finally :-)
this exercise has a positive effect on the whole body.
and calories it burns better than any other exercise. in this respect, running, swimming or jump rope and some were not with squats on one leg.
squats is a truly great exercise, it is necessary to do. really, why follow the ten exercises for legs when you can just squat with a barbell or on one foot, killing several birds with one stone?
are there any but? Yes, if you have problems with your back or knees, then squats, alas, better not to do. in addition, from the heavy squats (with weights or on one leg) can get sick back. how to avoid it? first, you need to watch your back: it should always remain straight, not bent. this does not mean that you cannot bend over. to bend over have, without this in any way, but bend your back - it is impossible. better yet, stoop not so low.

Evacuation in progress
when you started to pull on the door, was already able to catch up or not? - yeah, 8 times exactly know how. and then 12. in principle, for three years, I slightly increased the number of repetitions. now in a good mood and I catch up to a maximum of 20-22 times. but the mass and strength I've increased on the order.

so, what I mean... if you honestly catch up does not work, then try to catch up with a jump. and then do the negative pull UPS from the top position (chin above the door) are lowered slowly down. then jump again and slow down.

people who can't catch up, usually advised to do two exercises: the very negative pullups and pull the upper block. I doubt that you have the appropriate trainer, so make negative. but do it wisely: try to not fall sharply, but smoothly, feeling the movement of muscles.

And I'm on the bar 4 times only tightened - normal, I also barely moved up 4 times, but began to walk with me to the gym. a year has passed, he is now 15 times pulled.

Garrus-1994 29.05.20

And I'm on the bar 4 times only tightened. Is that bad?
Okay. I when was not engaged, I actually never could catch up, now 13-15 times will catch up. Wide grip 10 times.
Squatting on one leg is very cool, but I'm too lazy to do it:)))

markell 29.05.20

Yes, sometimes I also lazy. but once you start, as all the laziness will pass. yesterday I patricidal... haven't sweated. and my record is 32 times on one foot.

about a year ago when I went to the gym, I could sit on one leg 4 times. but after a couple months of squats I sat down 10 times already. about a month and made 32.

Garrus-1994 29.05.20

My friend squats on each leg 50 times, now and it may have more. In General, what did you mean this exercise has a positive effect on the whole body squat on one leg is of influence even on the biceps?:)))