there seems only one place where you can jump, just train under you drove..so it was conceived.. in fact, everything is easy
I'm a train was putting the time to slow down and he ran back to where he left before the gate closes. To jump where the fence is damaged.
Mlyn, stuck again, zadolbali fans that stretch to the hangar, there is another glider in the middle of the stands. Where in this room to leak you need? I for one wall and another walked like no holes and no switches. What to press and where to go, tell me.
PS by the way, I tried through the thorn, well, where the train, first through remote switching, first at him, then through the thorn, and fell to his death. Not saw a hole in the barbed wire.
Include the rollback time and the bars on the other side of the DOOR WITH the GREEN LIGHT - to think a head it is necessary to teach physics and...
NAFIG in General, the game is extremely simple, and is TRAVERSED IN 7 hours...
I honestly did not expect such a flow of questions on the passage. Here the emphasis primarily is on action and not n logic puzzles. For those who do not want to think once again that the force which must be used is marked with a frame.
http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/8254/1108150616ry7.png frame selected deceleration time.
http://img251.imageshack.us/my.php?image=11111yb2.jpg a frame - allocated time rollback, which will be available if you come closer to the edge.
defense of the airship, damn...
mines shot out like...
urine fighters, a couple of pieces kind of shot down my airship explodes and the inscription:task completed - and then, below:failed...
There are also fighters still mine large quantities of fly. If the cascade mines does not knock, then a collision immediately lethal.
The AIRSHIP is one of the easiest missions. Slow down time, shoot at everything that see, AND ALL that is required...
The answer to this question was given in this thread at least 3 times. For repeated questions will go warning.
EVERYTHING!!I went through the whole game))
for something that long just me and the other parallel play))
thanks all)))
The game was,there were only positive yachtline ideally done without lags and glitches,we can say the standard
PLIZ tell me what to do kada (almost at the beginning of the game)need to go through the force field??
help pliiiiz
By the way the sound of explosions, flying bombs, etc. (e.g. WELL, just cleared the field and heard the sounds of explosions and some aircraft) COPIED from Call of Duty (Yes the FIRST part)
so this is not the Highest Quality
if you don't consider this plagiarism the call of TimeShift what you want
It is necessary to press the stop time and then press the lever and run towards the force field. Good luck!