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Super Reptile 14.06.20 09:37 pm

Competitions trial (mmmmm... lovesick) (Unreal Tournament 2004)

Attention!! Today the competition who will faster, he will receive 200 rubles.
The contest will be held on server 1 or 2 Downer at 19:00 (GMT)

Today in the competition - Temple of Trials V4 map (medium difficulty)

Download the map:

*The contest will be held without a rope

The map has 6 rooms (objects). The fastest who will come first to the objects, he will receive the prize.
For example – you come first to 4 objects, but the other came in second, you win. If the result is draw, you came to 3 objects first and your opponent also came to 3 first, then the winner will be determined by the deaths. The one who's died, he takes the briefcase with a tidy sum.

If nobody comes to the server, or come only one person, the competition will be cancelled, and 200 rubles will be well spent on food.

Further competitions will be held thus:

Prizes for the winners:
Easy trial (the passage of light maps to speed) - 100 rubles
The average trial (the passage of cards on medium speed) - 200 rubles
Difficult trial (the passage of difficult maps on speed) - 300 RUB
Light shield Jumping (passing light maps to speed) - 100 rubles
Chapel shild Gaping (passing cards on medium speed) - 200 rubles
Complex shild Gaping (passing difficult maps on speed) - 300 RUB
Multicoding (passing cards multimodem on speed) - 200 rubles
Super Trial (the passage of super trial cards on speed) - 400 RUB

The money is transferred to the mobile phone or kiwi purse.

Downer 1 - ut2004://
Downer 2 - ut2004://
Downer Test - ut2004://

Not only play, but also earn!

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X111 14.06.20

Far away you took in extrapolitical stupor. Kold, you have to be consistent in their actions! Decided to please the people photochemi --> people liked it --> people want to continue the feast. Smekaesh?

Cold Mind 14.06.20

Cleverly people's desire cover)
Here better check it out, as I devices from different companies picked up clearly in one style:

Some Logitech wireless keyboard with backlight, bought today.
The good-old mouse Bloody V8 design for TRU students.
Some of the OZONE membrane in the red dot.
S - Style.

X111 14.06.20

Lol, you almost rubbed a hole under the table with his long-term zadrotstvo
To - Kold.

Cold Mind 14.06.20

Ahah, observant :d
But I do not, and a stool on wheels, wipes)


Hindzya 14.06.20

X111 wrote:
Cooold! Be so kind as to continue your great initiative. Has hit with the people photochemi tetsuni and gubatenko that curvo. Preferably simultaneously with Deanna!

Country: Russia
Director: Cold-Mind
Genre: porn, Comedy
Prime Minister: January 2018
Critical acclaim: ten out of ten Lord!

Cold Mind wrote:
S - Style.
Z - zadrot

Super Reptile 14.06.20

Book summary: (part one)
Mr. cold was a lonely man, he wandered about in this life, losing all hope for a happy future. He was tired of all of these carnal relations, he wanted a real, big love. Came home from work in the evening, in your lonely penthouse, he usually watched on TV a football match. Drank a beer and went to bed. Sometimes he could not sleep, thinking about the fact that life flies by him, when others are happy, he is still single. Sometimes he raises his head up, looks to heaven and asks: Why me?. He was a wealthy man, could afford everything, but as they say – love can not buy. Many women with whom he wanted to build relations, is insidious and materialistic, but at some point in time would just disappear from his life.

Sometimes Mr. cold liked to spend their leisure time playing computer games. And one day in the game met a stranger. They talked, texted, he was in love with her. It all my soul felt that it was his destiny. In the same instant he was showered with insults, he didn't understand what was happening and wanted to complete the game. But then the stranger told him that it was her brother's a psychopath when he gets drunk, the unstable, and if she will do something wrong, you can lend a hand.
Mr. cold asked the stranger to meet, and received the reply that it can not, because the brother does not give her date other guys, but if she leaves the house, always alone with her brother. For disobedience he always puts a hand.
From the conversation, Mr. cold learned that the stranger's name is Eva, the mother named her in honor of the series that was on TV Simply Eva. And the brother of eve's name was carnage.

The next day Mr. cold again entered the game and this time played Eva's brother – carnage. From the carnage rained down insults toward Mr. cold that he is a nobody and he can never beat him. What Mr. cold was offered to play a duel and if he wins, it will get a chance to see his sister. After a short silence the carnage agreed.

The heat is gone. Loaded Rankin. Carnage immediately went for a hundred and waited for her there. At this time, Mr. cold has collected all the weapons and in addition picked up poltinnichek. Carnage took 100, went to collect weapons, but saw that all the weapons had been collected by Mr. Cold. At this time, Mr. cold already aiming at the head of the carnage from the lights. Quickly reacting, the carnage did Dodge, dodging the shots he went to DD. Mr. cold has lost the sight of the carnage. Taking DD, carnage threw a grenade in Kolda, taking away 150 hp, then cold quickly loaded rocket three missiles, aimed at the carnage and took the shot. Three rockets were fired right on target, just had to wait until they reach their goal. Exactly three seconds later, Mr. cold I saw a message that the target was struck. On the face Mr. cold came the smirk, he felt the advantage, and therefore a date with eve.

Then carnage said, “Well, I see you're a worthy opponent, you will have a meeting.”

The end of the first part.

Super Reptile 14.06.20

Guys, in the full book carnage will be either the father or stepfather eve. And the name is likely to be changed to Carnage because the name carnage somehow jarring, it is the letter f.

X111 14.06.20

Valentinich, and where the scenes with the transgender? Without them, the cold will not do repost.

Super Reptile 14.06.20

A small plot will be in the full book and it will be associated with Mr. Reptil. From the outline it is unfortunately cut.

Yes, you guys! You heard right, the book will be Sarina Valentina, sweetheart Reptile!

Hindzya 14.06.20

Coach Ivan wrote:
Yes, you guys! You heard right, the book will be Sarina Valentina, sweetheart Reptile!
after these revelations to open spoilers Ivan dares only Mr. cold :)

Cold Mind 14.06.20

Hot on the heels of Togliatti arrived detective Bugatti. The rain poured as from a bucket. After crossing the station road, the detective took cover at the nearest Motel. Available rooms remained. The silent Concierge arranged a detective in the outstanding Suite, where she spent the weekend a young couple - Mr. Reptil Sarina :d

X111 14.06.20

Put your hands on the table! Now!

Cold Mind 14.06.20

Hands reach to write what happened next, but I'll leave that to your imagination :d

Ness_ 14.06.20

IMHA, which would not have been the twists and turns of the plot, in the final Eva will be a trance!

Hindzya 14.06.20

Cold Mind wrote:
Hot on the heels of Togliatti arrived detective Bugatti. The rain poured as from a bucket. After crossing the station road, the detective took cover at the nearest Motel. Available rooms remained. The silent Concierge arranged a detective in the outstanding Suite, where she spent the weekend a young couple - Mr. Reptil Sarina :d
Half an hour later the door to the room kicked the riot police grabbed the Bugatti and uncle Sawyer, and a month later the court sent them to jail for statutory rape, Mr. cold was down to my last million on lawyers, THE END

Super Reptile 14.06.20

Book summary: (part two)
20:00 Carnage and eve are directed to meet Mr. cold in the restaurant Dorothy. Under the supervision of brother Eva talks with Mr. Cold. Later Mr. cold politely asks Carnage to go on the air to talk with him. Carnage, a little tipsy starts talking about money, but at this time remain vigilant and Mr. cold smashes a bottle over his head, he loses consciousness. When in a hospital bed he comes to, he realizes that one, and eve's been kidnapped, he immediately calls to the police station.
Visited by detective Bugatti with the investigation of the abduction of eve. For photos of the Bugatti detective falls in love with eve and brother promises to find the thief.

At the same time, Mr. Kold takes eve to his residence, which carries with it a romantic evening by candlelight. Eva falls in love with the cold, with no residue and ready to follow him to the edge of the world. But all is not so simple. Mr. cold was not such a harmless person.
Waking up in the night, eve notices the papers on his Desk, in which numbers and dates of sale of some cattle. In shock, she learns that in fact Mr. cold is engaged in the slave trade, and on paper no cattle, and people. She is going to leave the residence of cold, but the door is found cold and says that they will not release her because she knows too much. He offers her a deal to do a black business with him or he will sell her into sex slavery where she is until the end of their life will have sex.

She cannot run, she is trapped and agrees with his proposal.

At this time, detective Bugatti, learning about the meeting, heading to a restaurant, “Dorothy”. Of cameras it records brand model Mr. cold and his room. In my office, detective Bugatti learns that Mr. cold, a very rich man. Only one question tortured detective Bugatti: In what area Mr. cold was able to raise its head?, because the information about its activities was not available.

The next day, Mr. Kold and eve are sent to a private club called Hellena. This is a private club, inhabited by only the most expensive person. This club held a wild Orgy with a touch of sadism. On this day, the club members once again gathered together. Mr. cold introduced the members of the club with the new girl. Eva was much admired, many participants were looking forward to try out the new body of participants. But before the party, the club members always called the prostitute, who suspected nothing, and she was dismembered, and the flesh of the victim was served on the table. This rite is started to the participants, giving them inordinate sexual arousal. But this time, they are unable to get a prostitute because of problems with the police.
Then Mr. Reptil, Deputy Mr. cold, offers his girlfriend you just met, her name was Lorik. He called her and asked to come to the meeting place, but the girl did not know that he was going to his death. It was eventually dismembered, and the meat was delivered.

Each participant had to pass a test before they get to the club. Eve had to pass this test. They stripped her naked, restricted movement of the hands. Mr. cold took a whip and began to inflict blows on the naked body of eve. Moaning eve only brought pleasure to Mr. Kolda. Her pain was further excited him. He beat her harder and harder, but Eva through the tears and the pain endured this test. After forty blows Mr. cold stayed. Eve's back was covered in blood. He raised his glass to the back and squeezed the blood from her wounds, and then took a SIP.

Lending a hand to Eva, he wiped the blood and took eve into the hall, where club members held their orgies.

The end of the second part.

OMG 14.06.20


Super Reptile 14.06.20

Don't you dare insult my work of art! I take you to court will file!!

I was five minutes millionaire, among other things. The company “Lionsgate” has become interested in my work and ready to make a film adaptation of the book. So goodbye, losers!! I'm going to California!

Cold, 15% from me, as agreed.

Maldito 14.06.20

Is he really so stupid or pretends to be?

X111 14.06.20

Coach Ivan wrote:
Cold, 15% from me, as agreed.
In the first version pots was 30%.
Decided to overturn taburetka? Shame on you, he put you in this, from truly protected and banhammerom was nisterial, and you...

Maldito wrote:
Is he really so stupid or pretends to be?
Fu to be so intolerant! Good luck with the new neighbours on the forum, Kold tried including and for you.