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God of Party 19.06.20 08:50 pm

The ending of the game. (Alan Wake)

How did you take it? What is this mysterious Wake UP at the end after Alice emerging from the lake, their opinions can not say, for one simple reason - I have no, I in error, Wake UP we have translated as Wake up but if prigoditsa, then Wake is the name GG
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Headluck 19.06.20


Very nice opinion))) respect....That's just the last sentence even sounds nice...but I don't agree that Alan is in no hurry to leave this state...is just the same in a hurry...dealsi just did this.....but IMHO inconclusive it was. I hope the possible sequel will go a dierent way.
I see it this way...the shell ( body) of Alan alive...it captured the evil essence of Alan (Mr. Scratch)...it is so hard to appear during the game in the telly and then at the end of the game.But the real Alan (his soul)...stuck....svoeobrazno in purgatory....between life and death....but it was worth it, because through this sacrifice he saved his wife.

PS I don't see the sequel.....for me everything is already said here...But...I really hope that the creators will surprise us in the sequel....

Kanagan81 19.06.20

if only he had died then continue would not be :) or he fell into a coma after the accident and it all a dream or the other world as in silent hill or mirrors

Headluck 19.06.20


Nowhere is there an exact answer to the question...dead Alan...or is it just a dream...just thinking)))
By the way I never wrote that he died...I wrote that he is between life and death. Well this is just my opinion on what not pretendues!

Kanagan81 19.06.20

Well, if you start to watch, he always says it all started with a dream it was a nightmare
Still wonder what the island disappeared in the 70s after the eruption
When he sees himself on TV that says am I crazy? in principle, people of art do Gaga :) MB he really was in rehab where he was seen on video after a car accident or something :) I woke up in a broken car with a feeling as if from the same nightmare I went to another
When he got to the gas station he says we had arrived 2 weeks before the day of the deer if the countdown on the banner was correct so the whole week I was somewhere else
After the accident in the forest he finds the first page of the manuscript says scattered sheets of paper was a manuscript called care Is the name I was going to give the next novel, the author was listed, but I didn't write it. There was no such work in my mind.
Tobish he could lose memory of the accident or he even so is in a coma and struggling with his mind trying to go through the darkness to the light tobish Wake up (Wake up) because the game as far as I remember 2 times are the words at the beginning and at the end of the Alan Wake Wake up or I don't remember exactly. And the game constantly need to go to the light, the light saves. this kind of normally happens in the movies if the person died or fell into the darkness he must go into the light to save himself.
But, the beginning it says" In the terrible history of the victim keeps asking why? But there is no explanation and should not be. Unsolved mystery-that will remain with us the longest. That's what we remember at the end. ( me not satisfied with this answer) :))
Bylob much easier to after the game developed, wrote that they were trying to convey to the players what really happened to the character, but apparently not destiny :) I even so think he's in a coma(a coma is a long dream)and as you know in the dream, you can fantasize whatever you want :)

Psihodolb 19.06.20

Senseless to look for a double bottom where sometimes one is not... and indeed, asleep/in a coma - that kind of banal shit?... If you're going to think out something in the game, then at least with imagination to do it... (=

Kanagan81 19.06.20

if you are so smart to lay out his version and asked without words parasites , and then I feel like saying children in the garden to show off

Psihodolb 19.06.20

Version of what, lol?... Delusional fantasies not related to the game?... (=

Kanagan81 19.06.20

well, you have a fantasy absent ? can not think of anything? you see it all that mean? how do you think this could happen? or fantasy has no ice? and why don't associated with the game? MB is and was, but in the sequel MB chtonit of my fantasies and will become reality, MB not, but worse from what I saw will not help anyone. I have a rich fantasy, which is what you want :)

Psihodolb 19.06.20

I have a rich imagination

I noticed, lol... (=

P. S. I'll also wish a bit to develop (and already rich, of course) fantasy and to say goodbye to boilerplate asleep/in a coma...

Kanagan81 19.06.20

OK, the new version (it sucked in the book) xD

Infiltrator 19.06.20

Or just suck forever.

Vavila163 19.06.20

Passed American nightmare in Russian, Alan is still alive,but in reality he has been missing

Headluck 19.06.20


Still alive....Where is he? Well type in a supernatural reality.... and our reality is missing that can also mean dead! in my version it's purgatory, between life and death....borderline. The ending in the nightmare may not shed some light....only interest warms up...no more!

justpsih 19.06.20

How honored sloupok was playing just now, with no add-ons yet. Read all of the above, and I sank a few good ideas: or rather a dream/coma that parallel the characters of Alan and Tom are fictitious each other. Yes, the theme, though banal, but have a right to life.
Recently I read that the writer of the game AW was inspired by the works of David Lynch, and there are already leaning banal ideas about nightmare and who again become plausible. The fact that in his films, Lynch as the screenwriter of this game confuses the viewer by giving him weak hints(as well as in the game). So in Lynch's movies there is no demonistic - everything that happens on the screen, Lynch implies all, as you can see this is a sick hero who is either sleeping(Mullholand Drive) or schizophrenia(lost Highway). Ie all a figment of the imagination. As in the films of Lynch and the game is a little hard to believe, as is very easy to obtain, however in fact it's the only logical explanation for what is happening.
However, it remains strange that we see too many unnecessary details...
I believe that the crisis of creativity is the death of his wife-stress dissociative Fugue

ABEHrEP 19.06.20

I believe that the crisis of creativity is the death of his wife-stress dissociative Fugue
What did his wife died? Accident? Navryatli.

justpsih 19.06.20


No, not an accident, and when? Damn, it turns out, he killed her when she fought D: And that would be very stupid ):

ABEHrEP 19.06.20


As for me, the plot adequately and completely disclosed in the game. Alan saved Alice from the dark place, he also remained there and appends to the end for Departure, ie his escape. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if in the end it turns out that this is the plot of the book, written by someone (Thomas Zane or Alan himself).

Infiltrator 19.06.20

Only Alan would be the fault of the developers woke up somewhere in the hospital.

ABEHrEP 19.06.20

Without A Name

somewhere in the hospital

Woke up in the hospital ... and started Max Payne. Alan's whole life was just a nightmare, max...

Purgesha 19.06.20

honored sloupoki run even later ,I personally just yesterday and the main part ,additional episodes will begin to run today.