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NecroArt 29.06.20 10:57 am

The CryEngine 3 game engine (Crysis 2)

So, who's for the continuation will be on the Unreal Engine 3, raise your hands.

*Raised hand*
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mister611 29.06.20

It is different weight categories Frostite 2.0 brand new MOT. As Krizis2 not beautiful (I should say that the game I love the whole series, though the animation is not too much), but neither the texture nor the patch with Dx11 bring him closer to the realism of Battlefield 3. Plus of course CryEngine 3 is that it supports old iron so maybe more popular. But if we move in step with the times and change the hardware support potential Frostite 2.0 in all its glory, then didn't even show up-the question would be what is best. I hope the next Crysis is going to show us a new round of technology, and then compare. And while nothing can be placed next to Battlefield 3 and what would there not talking, and optimization of the game is great, no glitches or bugs, just iron should meet the stated requirements.

AdroV 29.06.20

CryEngine 3 looks more colorful and suitable for different genres, and Frostbite 2 gray and dull. More for shooters suitable. The same Need For Speed:The Run, everything looked gray. With the optimization of these engines everything is in order. So both the engine, not bad.

Infiltrator 29.06.20

New hardware is good ,but the new engine is not a reason . Frostbite 2 only reason for making. Although if through the floor, for example, has released what the version of the Frostbite 2.1 ,that for any almost all would eat.

mister611 29.06.20

Without A Name
but the new engine is not a reason . Frostbite 2 only reason for making

Here, this is the cause and drives progress you would think somebody working for nothing. With your logic sat-b is now dandy and obovalis million level Mario, cheaply and for a long time. As well then a reason to upgrade as new and not very good it ? Every year games are getting better and this is good, but not the engine version 2 or 2.1, what's the difference? Moved forward, gave a sense more close of reality - the honor and praise, Yes we joy. Here and money is not a pity to give neither glands nor on the license. Before you write yourself ran-b on the maps of Battlefield 3 with max settings for Dx11, at least from a friend if the missing - and then post-b about Frostbite 2.

You first happy birthday! But on account of the Frostbite 2 gray and dull, You're clearly wrong if You have some hardware that is written in the profile - then you really have not seen the power of Frostbite 2, because the graphics card isn't even the min. requirements of the engine.

I repeat, before you judge on this topic for yourself play at a normal computer in two remarkable games Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3 on maximum settings and really see what Frostbite 2 is significantly moved forward.

Infiltrator 29.06.20

So it is with every year, game developers and manufacturers of graphics cards and other components negotiate and fight for the loot some the novelty . Without words, Progress should be ,but not so fast and not so fast that just talking about the greed of these companies. I do not regret the money on the updates ,but not when it so often .
Battlefield 3 I have Dx11 and can try ,but for obvious reason, the game doesn't work although it should .

AdroV 29.06.20

Thanks for the compliments.

On my hardware I tried(Battlefield 3) Is the lowest in 16 frames, so at max I played at a friend's. I do not deny that Frostbite 2, the excellent of it, he just kind of...um... I don't know how to say... not natural to some, looking at Battlefield 3. He wins due to the lighting. Night shooting I do not like it, but for example, in the first mission, we were able to see great lighting. The sun's rays, glare, shadows, etc.
CryEngine 3 at low settings looks beautiful.
These two engines have their merits.

mister611 29.06.20

These two engines have their merits, there will not argue ))

Infiltrator 29.06.20

The advantages are ,but only for one engine to run foaming at the mouth for new parts to my computer idiocy.

mussstep 29.06.20

right people here noticed on account of lighting in frostbayt,especially in the 3rd battle,it is felt, creates a superior sense of presence in the game,but pumped up the detail,could be better...
krayenzhin also looks great,especially in direct 11,and if K2 is even and the texture is improved to put ,so just do the candy,and again, everything looks just amazing,exactly the same as in BF 3,so the 2 engine complement each other ;)

SCAR. 29.06.20

In principle, both are good, but more like CryEngine 3.

sht2ket 29.06.20

iron should meet the stated requirements.
nonsense,this engine must meet the specified requirements, if developed, he said that for Mass Effect and need at least 4-core and SLI GTX 470 that's the progress?
battles are not optimized CryEngine2 and she never beat.

mister611 29.06.20

if developed, he said that for Mass Effect and need at least 4-core and SLI GTX 470 if b said, and the graphics were relevant, sht2ket yourself are talking nonsense, he even read what he wrote? Where is the logic?
battles are not optimized CryEngine2 and it's not beat - not optimizirovan for what? for your Pentium? then you are right. Sit down for a normal PC and play the same battle... stop the bullshit.

Infiltrator 29.06.20

battles are generally poorly made with bugs departures, etc. Run Crysis 2 on max and how that all whatever. The meaning of to chase a bunch of explosions and dialogue is foaming at the mouth throwing money don't understand.Also in battle it was possible for Direct x 9. It would not have been ,but not all will give the money to upgrade just for the sake of the engine and explosions.

Infiltrator 29.06.20

Felt at maximum speed is not impressive and to revel in the saliva looking at a monitor is pointless. Because the game is not only graphics and destructible.

mister611 29.06.20

Without A Name
run foaming at the mouth for new details
to revel in the saliva depends on the monitor You are about people a bad opinion, I think all who like modern games with high quality graphics and physics with some loonies )) foaming at the mouth nobody is running, and safely update their hardware when it comes time to get a lot of pleasure from the new tech games. If you do not care to count, why do You discuss here if its not seen, then the theme just compare the two best for today of digov, you are not one second did not really saw, and all write that they are not needed initially.
the game is not only graphics and destructible - and what if your ideal computer game ?
- the meaning of Your theory, everyone is already clear to you after each post again. Felt at maximum speed is not impressive - the maximum speed in Кризисе2 rather vague concept and feel they can be even quite weak hardware and you are not impressed. Install with Dx11 patch + install the HD texture patch and try to run at least the quality of the extreme (I'm not saying the most high, there is really a need a couple of powerful graphics cards for normal fps) - and then feel.
No longer wanted to write like he expressed his opinion clearly, but Without A Name You pulled out your whining. Just save our dough or take the t-buy the human computer and believe me the view will immediately change.

Infiltrator 29.06.20

Update is that manufacturers will order ,and all at once begin to update promptly. Why have not seen ?seen and I have dx 11 card ATI Radeon HD ( or only Ge force needed?) Patch rocked and the maximum here is not a mediocre attitude anyway, this level of graphics like that on the side. About the new computer it will only be then when will be not necessary ,not for the sake of there mega super high tier graphics.

sht2ket 29.06.20

people wrote that the new engine is not the reason to buy a new iron
you wrote that thanks to inflated claims is progress
now about the stump:
compare the words
battle explicitly on all parameters loses the crisis,while the crisis plow in better times (and despite the fact that the motion came out in 2007)
and with all this battle requires powerful hardware,and gives nothing in return.(if b said, and the schedule was appropriate), the graphics in battle does not meet the requirements.

mister611 29.06.20

blah.. blah.. blah.. at least if You quote me, be accurate. You should not update anything, this is not for you ))
compare words is how ? I thank God to have something to compare, and you all in words )) I will finish my comments on the subject, and then Blizzard just kind of goes crazy. Good luck to you !

Infiltrator 29.06.20

I think you just gnaws for instance that you made a comp for the sake of the game or even took the credit as I wrote ,and then someone says that it's not important or impressive having also the opportunity to play it. Agree in your understanding of this paradox , and for whom the norm.

AR3E 29.06.20

Without A Name of This person is more confused your faux pas on the subject of the mania of some people regarding the graphics than anything else.
. Speaking directly, what do you care? People buy more modern personal computers to take from the games, a maximum of related to this is the desire to improve performance, but that add comfort on the subject of his services, but it is, itself, not important right now. However, it is important that people spend their money, not yours. Let them buy. It does not matter that they will pour out their emotions or argue with each other here or somewhere else. Where the disturbance or discontent?