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S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20 09:31 pm

Editor units TroopEditor (Mount & Blade)

I propose to make a statement to Trapeziform to write all I know about him or ask questions, then draw it and post it to dox (eh... ambition then was)) ).
Be sure to make a backup copy of the edited file, just one extra character can prevent the game from starting, not to mention funny bugs
Manual is written for the original Mount and Blade in 2009, and author of a happy and outgoing student who wanted to help everyone, turned into a sad degrading lazy with a bunch of sores and long-standing systems, so I'm hardly in so many years will be able to answer questions on the editor, because I even forgot when the game was launched last time in this game to play, not to mention much about technical issues, better re-read the instruction and further discussion
For Warband almost all remains relevant
Only the editor is called Ashura's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor functions much more http://rusmnb.ru/index.php?action=dldir;sa=details;lid=34
TroopEditor is editor custom units designed for editing of their characteristics (level, skills), equipment, branch development, etc. To start, write how they can use it (I write only what I know myself , I would be grateful if you add more, but the use of materials from other non-official sites for the game without the consent of their authors, will not be personally on the forum rpmdb register and inquire whether there was consent )
Let's start.
Start the editor. In the line Folder are paving the path to the folder with the module and select the module (you can select a folder with Nativo, you can select another mod, but now I will talk about Native. So, the folder with the module selected, look in the upper left corner, there is the string Filename with a drop-down list. Choose there Troops.txt
Look: there is absolutely all kinds of units in the game (618 names, some not used) .We start the analysis with the King Aripeka (room 182 in the list of Troop List.
So the King Aropec, its characteristics are: level(level) 41, strength(str) 20, agility(agi) 20 intelligence(int) 15, charisma(cha) 25. Below are the levels of gun ownership and skills. In the window below (Items) can be seen his stuff, you can get something to remove or add their own. You can now raise or lower its characteristics, things will change in the game. Upgrade Path to use can be bugs.
Now select the number 34 - Swadesi recruit. Branch Upgrade Path he is 35 swadesi militia, that is, when a recruit of the 4th level reaches level 9, it will offer to increase opolchentsa, then moving on to the next required level will have a choice between a Rifleman and infantryman. The shooter will only improve and infantry then you can leave a grunt or make a cavalryman. These branches can be changed, for example adding to a recruit an additional branch, for example a mercenary can do it with time to turn into a sister of the sword. Warning: it is essential that the next soldier in the line was above the level of the previous, otherwise the improvement may not happen.
Wrote it is unclear, if anything, better ask, and while some lists in Troop List
0 - our hero, the characteristics of change is pointless, but added things will be added to the beginning of the game.
26 - 32 range of mercenaries
34 - 43 ruler swadow
48 - 57 line Bagirov
62 - 67 range kergitab
72 - 80 line of Nords
85 - 93 the list of folks
98 - 104 bandits
164 - 179 Satellites
181 - 285 kings and lords
The rest are guildmaster, merchants, caravans, peasants, elders, Tantony, Cerini, different coaches, in General, all those who you encounter in my travels.
Another point: when you change the unit, be sure to click the UPDATE button, otherwise nothing will be saved, then at the end of the shenanigans, click SAVE.
Another thing: in the Items, you can add any NPC a gun, he in the window under number 405, and the bullets under number 126.
Then tell about the fraud with the file party_templates.txt. Huge request knowledgeable people to point out errors and add to it.
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... ... ... 19.11.20

Well, let's say it's on the street.

S.V.A.E.I.G. 19.11.20

Through the inner scene editor.

... ... ... 19.11.20

Where to get it? Is it a ctrl'e? Or I don't catch up at all...

S.V.A.E.I.G. 19.11.20

In the release menu, choose editing and window mode. And then myself, myself)) I still do not understand it)

... ... ... 19.11.20

Cheers!!! I added to Rivacheg and Kelrdan Castle on a pile of firewood! Achievement, sco)))

... ... ... 19.11.20

That's just... There's no character or hint. Although, once again I will, if I find)

Makro Pony vas Equestria 19.11.20

And how to add Persians to the game? Here I created a new fighter - where to take it?

... ... ... 19.11.20

Dark Nogger
I mean, where do you get it?

Makro Pony vas Equestria 19.11.20

Well, he will appear in taverns himself or should he be added through the proga?

S.V.A.E.I.G. 19.11.20

Well, he will appear in taverns himself or should he be added through the proga?

He will not appear himself, in the tavern he added through the internal scene editor, on the global map with the help of party_templates

... ... ... 19.11.20

on the global map with the help of party_templates
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no He doesn't want to do it.

... ... ... 19.11.20

Some kind of non-vie scenario is needed.

There's no way without matyugs? Consider a verbal warning, and then you know the mechanics yourself

volunec 19.11.20

[9] ShamomahS 09.06.11 13:38
If you need high-level fighters, then download the mod Gain 1.6. There's a lot of units and high levels.
Here's a way for the Kergit Khan

So is all the other factions.

What's the question of how to do it?????????????????? 7

volunec 19.11.20

1Prossing how can be done to increase the relationship from the end of the task at least 5-7 relationship,
At least 25-30. I have to wait two years for a 1.2-year-old, and it's a very long time,
I've given you a couple of examples of settlement assignments:

1Thhand to prepare the peasants for battle with bandits:
A gang of robbers bothers us... they take away our food and livestock,
and those who disobey them are killed on the spot. People are angry that
We can't protect ourselves, but what do we take - mi people are simple!
If someone had helped us, maybe something would have come out... us would
an experienced fighter who would explain what's what.

--- I'm going to teach you how to defend yourself.

Really? That's the joy! We won't forget such kindness, don't
Doubt! I'm going to call the people, tell everyone to come here. Koli
teach us to defend ourselves, we will give you everything we have -- in

after getting the relationship increased by 3
after the job, the relationship increased by another 7
10-nada 30

2 tasks to deliver cattle:
The robbers stole our cattle. Our pastures are empty. If we had at least
a few head of cattle, we could raise the herd again.
--- what do you need?

I think 7 heads will be enough for a small herd.

---Y'll bring you the cattle.

Thank you, sir. We will pray for you day and night.

After receiving the job the relationship increased by 3
after the job, the relationship increased by another 5
8-Nada 25

3 Tasks to bring grain:
My Lord, our village has suffered so much lately... Was
harvest, and recently the robbers took the grain for sowing. If
wheat will soon not be found, we will have nothing to sow, and in
the village will start starving. If you could help us...

--- Kmm... How much wheat do you need?

I think we would have had enough four bags of wheat to sow. And the rest
good people will share with us...

---You, I'll find you some wheat.

Thank you, sir. We will pray for you day and night.

After receiving the job the relationship increased by 5
after the job, the relationship increased by another 5
10-nada 40


2Pross as can be done, so to increase from the standard to the fact I want:

dried meat
Purchase 15
Squad 5
Weight 15.0

I want to:
dried meat
Purchase 5000
Weight 5.0
Squad 10

Purchase 152
Weight 5.0
Squad 10

I want to:
Purchase 10,000
Weight 5.0
Squad 10


3wassproses as possible to make the squawcresses change the correct branches of the warriors,
and so at the corpse-edator these new troops to add that everything was right and did not beat the bugs.

If that is unclear to the magician to clarify specifically))))
Girl for attention)))))))

... ... ... 19.11.20

U-th... I've got it all figured out... I don't get it, what's the dead lady here?
You and the itemeditor have mixed here... That's great.
On. What the do you want to bring in standard conversations from quests? It's like no one knows them here, lol.
Relationship... Relationships rule manually and in script files.
Well, at least something about The Corpse. That's good news.
To create a soldier, open the troop file with a notebook.txt which is in the mod folder in which you are going to make a change.
You copy it from there to the very end of the file, this is the shit:
trp_mountain_bandit Mountain_Bandit Mountain_Bandits 0 3145728 0 0 2 86 0
151 0 441 0 478 0 369 0 372 0 385 0 549 0 533 0 493 0 497 0 315 0 297 0 323 0 252 0 205 0 206 0 169 0 171 0 491 0 492 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 - 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0
7 5 4 4 11
90 90 90 90 90 90 0
274 131072 0 1 32 0
18404614147 1441151880758558720 1867840 0 50465891015 7916447985573822463 2031036 0
The number at the beginning is corrected. You had a 930, and you fixed it on 931. And so add one to this number for each soldier.
Open the cadaver, choose the troops.txt the fashion that you correct, leaf at the end of the list.
That's the piece I threw off -- the mountain bandit. Fix it as you please (appear at the end of the list). I think that's it.

volunec 19.11.20

1 Relationships... Relationships rule manually and in script files. I'm sorry not to ask what file it is, and about yak a little something to do, I just got sick of running around with the tasks and decided to increase the tasks to a huge number of relationships?

2 But how to increase the amount of people you don't know?

3 You're going to get the out of the end of the file:

trp_mountain_bandit Mountain_Bandit Mountain_Bandits 0 3145728 0 0 2 86 0

151 0 441 0 478 0 369 0 372 0 385 0 549 0 533 0 493 0 497 0 315 0 297 0 323 0 252 0 205 0 206 0 169 0 171 0 491 0 492 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 - 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0

7 5 4 4 11

90 90 90 90 90 90 0

274 131072 0 1 32 0

18404614147 1441151880758558720 1867840 0 50465891015 7916447985573822463 2031036 0

The number at the beginning is corrected. You had a 930, and you fixed it on 931. And so add one to this number for each soldier.

Open the cadaver, choose the troops.txt the fashion that you correct, leaf at the end of the list.

That's the piece I threw off -- the mountain bandit. Fix it as you please (appear at the end of the list).

----- About this I know, I mean small that about the names (English in the corpse of the ethidore, and the rule of the names on the ruska beat in the game) and how to do the right branches (and then I'm in this very unhee)?

and the uncle for the answer)))

volunec 19.11.20

Another question of names in the corpse editor in English correctly writing so the sybs properly fertilized in the game on the rue

... ... ... 19.11.20

Translating names and adding food are two completely different programs. That's the way it is.

volunec 19.11.20

I'll clarify exactly what I'm going to do for the tributes:
1-English words yaks to snake at the corpse (names of troops) (the name of the troops)
Two-times chi-so-mogita can be zrobiti with tasks (snakes of relationship, add new tasks, at the taverns of the serpent at that yak become a jug of beer).
3-yak correctly roby branches to young people?
4n tee showing each other' programs and yak' itself?
The jakshko sn jac is not clear, I can clarify:)

volunec 19.11.20

I'll clarify exactly what I'm going to do for the tributes:
1-English words yaks to snake at the corpse (names of troops) (the name of the troops)
Two-times chi-so-mogita can be zrobiti with tasks (snakes of relationship, add new tasks, at the taverns of the serpent at that yak become a jug of beer).
3-yak correctly roby branches to young people?
4n tee showing each other' programs and yak' itself?
The jakshko sn jac is not clear, I can clarify:)