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Nomad Ikzesten 28.07.20 10:58 pm

Impressions of the game (Street Fighter X Tekken)

Already played Street Fighter X Tekken? Share your experience with others!

If to speak in General terms, the game made me negative impression. Learning takes place very quickly. Advise him to go through when you first start the game only because the gameplay of this game is slightly different Street Fighter 4 and Super Street Fighter 4. The possibility of getting your combos Oates virtually unchanged. There were so-called Stones, which enable special attacks. For example: in order to perform a normal attack Hadouken from Ruy need, as well as in Street Fighter 4, click next pix.PlayGround.ru , and here's a simplified attack pix.PlayGround.ru. It is also possible to change the partner during the game, i.e. before the battle, you pick not one character, but two. During the battle, if you are very much crippled, you can change your character(just like Mortal Kombat 2011), to crippled partner could sit and regain strength and continue the fight further. There is a new attack: Launcher, Boost Combo and Cross Rush, EX moves, Super Arts, Super Charge, Cross Arts, Cross Assault, Cross Cancel, and Pandora. Read more about them you can learn after training.
The ability to edit a character, too, has undergone some changes: now you don't just change the clothes color, you can repaint its individual parts.
In General, Street Fighter X Tekken is the good old Street Fighter 4 only with some innovations that are designed to diversify the gameplay and characters from the Tekken series.

Gameplay - 10
Graphics - 8
Sound and music - 8
Interface and control - 9

My rating: 9 out of 10.
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RIPEN 28.07.20

Will only get in the menu a new personalization icon painted))So you can tone not to try)

RPBG 28.07.20

Oh, I am saddened

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Hmm I agree with you, that's like Super Street Fighter 4, Capcom printed and new costumes and four DLC character but as for Street Fighter X Tekken so fuck it pozhlobilis SU*I.

RIPEN 28.07.20

And what an SSF was 4 DLC character?

prince of zona 28.07.20

Evil Ryu,Oni,Yun,Yang

prince of zona 28.07.20

Completely agree,the game is gorgeous,to me she is,frankly,better than the ninth Mortal Kombat.

prince of zona 28.07.20

Could you specify in which folder are the DLC?

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

prince of zona
In Super Street Fighter 4 in a folder well, as I have D:\Игры\ Super Street Fighter 4 v 1.\ dlc\03_charaters\battle\chara\ and there you will find folders Gkx, Ryx, Yan, Yun

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

prince of zona
Or do you need proof as someone here under the name Gaginski if I'm not mistaken.

RIPEN 28.07.20

prince of zona
And I thought some were new,those I know...

prince of zona 28.07.20

I'm talking about Street Fighter X Tekken

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

prince of zona
You probably have already read what I wrote about the fact that I have Persians, so, I made a mistake, it's what files are associated with the Persians BUT this is not the Persians.....in short, the DLC will be released then we'll see

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Bli's why Capcom nedobavili more characters at once. Well, I'd like to see here is just such fighters, for example:
Deejay vs Eddie Gordo
Why vs Sagat character is Paul Phoenix, I would put Sagat vs Bruce, ie everything is logical both characters and Sagat and Bruce have been studying Muay tai.
Evil Ryu vs Devil Jin
Gouken vs Baek
T. Hawk vs Feng
Fei-Long vs Law - well, these characters are quite similar, only with a mustache Law and Fei-Long not.
Seth vs Bryan Fury - these two characters match the fact that Seth and Bryan cyborg sex cyborg
Gen vs. Wang
Oni vs Jinpachi (Heihachi Mishima turned into an evil like) - these two also demons.

Do you like my idea?, I would certainly like to Capcom it did so BUT once they have made the game where to go But seravno prokomentirujte please my idea.

RIPEN 28.07.20

It would be better if Evil Ryu and Devil Jin is not just part of the game as separate characters and Ryu and Jin were able to develop campaigns of the game then Yes....

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Well, how then would they choose?, using a scale of power is shown at the bottom left on the screen?, it would not be enough for the transformation, you would only have turned Ryu into Evil Ryu and immediately changed back. I think it's better if they just turned them by force and turned with help of press certain keys say key auto combo strike and that they did not use the scale and just turned until the player does not press the same key back and then they become normal. That would be class.

RIPEN 28.07.20

At least in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Jin and Kazuya just by pressing certain buttons on the controller turn into Devils,with no using any of the scales(as in Tekken there are any), And at any moment can turn back into mere mortals.In my opinion Capcom do not care about players they just see them as one player-even a few bonus dollars",which is the case with the acclaimed DLS,to sell the game in parts to squeeze out of players more.Bravo Capcom....

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Ha yeah they think they are cooler because they money will players to squeeze, no, if the players want it and Capcom will lose money and will be left with a hole in place of a donut, just think, will the players take first and trash Capcom and then nastanut to buy their games and DLC and then, Capcom will lose the loot and glory, and in place of them will be someone else to stand BUT smarter and who better to do the real fighting games, and this is Netherealm Studio with my MK and they are the same good old Midway Games.

RIPEN 28.07.20

I don't know in my opinion Capcom do not care for the dissatisfaction of the players,and by the way do not forget that Namco is also doing one of the best fitingov in the world.

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Well sorry of course, but not quite one of the best. To be the best they lack a little bit more to hold on to the MK. 1. This is the Realism they need to remove the old sound of blows as though the tree and put the new one in real life. 2.The cruelty, the cruelty of it is one of the main parts of all series of the fighting game so for them the best kind of game you need to add more blood and bruising after izbienie opponent was obvious that he bruised. 3. To do something which nobody has seen, for example, to force the characters to do very unusual things, well, you know that Shot from the eyes of devil Gene is no surprise you need something big. 4. To improve its engine to the realism as it is on the Unreal made.
This is exactly what is lacking in their game so is the first Mortal Kombat, I ask why, the answer I'll tell you is simple: mortale all real and cruel, though a few series of games they failed But cool they reacted to the ninth series of the game and gave her a bunch of fun because no one was expecting to see Freddy Krueger or Kratos in MK. So Tekken pochetnoe shares second place with Street Fighter'th and while Namco will not do something interesting then Tekken will always be in second place.

Neobisia BUT it is a fact. I said what I heard. And I beg you not be offended as others because anyway the game is just a game and we should just evaluate it and everything.

RIPEN 28.07.20

I do not mind,the obvious fact is the fact that in fighting you are very bad,MK is one thing, but Tekken is a completely different universe,and it would be silly if they were thoroughly mechanical similar and different chips,in MK there is a lot of magic and Tekken, in principle, no,I will not speak to extol than Tekken better, unlike you, everyone has their own opinion on this subject,it turns on your for example, if in the fighting you otrvat Dildo and put glubako in the anus and call
this is a fatality it will be your favorite game?It's very silly to judge the game as their cruelty,every game must be unique and not repeat its predecessors,I'll just say my opinion as you have yours,so don't be offended-MK dichajshee this shit even in my childhood liked to play Batletooads and Doble dragon,hell even Tetris was for me interesniy than MK-I know that now I will fly a bunch shkololo who idolize the MC,but I just spoke like you so don't obesed.