Impressions of the game (Street Fighter X Tekken)
Already played Street Fighter X Tekken? Share your experience with others!If to speak in General terms, the game made me negative impression. Learning takes place very quickly. Advise him to go through when you first start the game only because the gameplay of this game is slightly different Street Fighter 4 and Super Street Fighter 4. The possibility of getting your combos Oates virtually unchanged. There were so-called Stones, which enable special attacks. For example: in order to perform a normal attack Hadouken from Ruy need, as well as in Street Fighter 4, click next , and here's a simplified attack . It is also possible to change the partner during the game, i.e. before the battle, you pick not one character, but two. During the battle, if you are very much crippled, you can change your character(just like Mortal Kombat 2011), to crippled partner could sit and regain strength and continue the fight further. There is a new attack: Launcher, Boost Combo and Cross Rush, EX moves, Super Arts, Super Charge, Cross Arts, Cross Assault, Cross Cancel, and Pandora. Read more about them you can learn after training.
The ability to edit a character, too, has undergone some changes: now you don't just change the clothes color, you can repaint its individual parts.
In General, Street Fighter X Tekken is the good old Street Fighter 4 only with some innovations that are designed to diversify the gameplay and characters from the Tekken series.
Gameplay - 10
Graphics - 8
Sound and music - 8
Interface and control - 9
My rating: 9 out of 10.
How do you know maybe Capcom will change his idea of a modern, maybe they will make them and add to the game. In short, time will tell because Capcom now this may nepridumal to grandmother srusti.
A classic of the genre - killing effects, complex combos, crazy characters, a story in three lines.
Is ssf4 arcade edition but rarely play. As in it will knock out all the achievements or get bored, then buy for a change. A variety of characters from different game is captivating and colorful palette.
Lockheed Martin
Yes from Capcom games with a pair of steel interesting it is a pity that developed MK 9 released the game on the PC, so the losses will have to play the game from Capcom
That's right, I even bought a cheap gamepad to sahovski like, for rumblerpad 2 in fighting games aren't comfortable to play. And on account of the capcom - agree in fighting competition they have on the PC count is not + of the game is always colorful and the characters are vibrant with character, remember at once and remember for a long time.
Lord,how can I play this animeshnogo-pop misery?Where pop macho and khantayskoe girls drench each other with porn moaning!Yes, some crazy lightning when hitting the enemy!Where,apparently,fuck*ing realism?Where the blood,crunching bones?
I even once played with a heavy heart,and as the other sygranul in MK,so now in SF even don't want to go.
It's a shame that all the buns went to the consoles,and we have to play this shit.
The problem with the Japs is that they produce pop,silly,animeshnogo,not serious fighting.For whom?For first graders and kindergartners or what?
Here MK I understand fighting game with a capital F. There is a beating,words can not describe,must play......Blood splatters in all directions,from bumps the bones crunch,the characters are not screaming from orgasm(as in SF),and pain.In General, mochilovo,as a beating.
PS I,of course,their opinions don't nawazibu.On taste and color as they say.....I personally just do the word Fighting means something different than korzenie faces and the like in Ben.
D. R. O. G. B. A
Well, I'm with you in some way I agree because I'm in Mortal Kombat'e grown up, and this is my second fighting game I've played on the Sega. I certainly did not play the new MK9 because I can't afford to buy PS3 or Xbox 360 I have money not much BUT vidyuhi and gameplay I vs MK Nitsche not say.
And in SF I play only because it looks very funny, and at the expense of Hentai Girls, I of course in the real world and is not seen but some people they give birth ))))).
P. S you get my drift, at the expense of SF ?
Impressions?Yes, it's just about*Whiteline!!!
First went over all the characters of Tekken,as IMHO they are cooler,but here as anyone.
First tyazhkovato.But since the mechanics of the game got from SF,that combo all built on the same principle of twisting the stick and blow.
Started from the top of the list.The slaughter of a couple of Tekken - Hwoarang and Steve Fox,king and Marduk,Yoshimitsu and Raven.
Ogre is generally unmatched.Arcade for the Ogre I went with Jin - that was cool,I think all to try.
Now began to pass for characters of SF.Poison and Hugo generally burn.
Overall - a great game to play battle 2x2 on the same screen of your plasma(if any),is never boring.
In parallel, now I'm playing Tekken Tag Tournament 1 on the PS2 emulator.That's where you have to zadrachivat,learning combos.Because 5-6 battle is already naturally do not give up.
So SFXT is the best game to solve a dispute with a friend who is cooler in full chill.
The problem with the Japs is that they produce pop,silly,animeshnogo,not a serious fighting game
Excuse me native,the game is focused in Europe,and were not made by Europeans.Our Eastern friends still have other preferences.
There is someone above wrote about porn with tentacles.The difference between East and West has become more noticeable?)
Now a bit offtopic.
Compare Gears of War and Vanquish.You felt some of them made by the Japanese?
The Vanquish bet is placed on the drive speed.Gears of War takes the opposite craviso and pathos.
Compare DMC or Bayonetta and God of War.In the first two, again, drive,speed.The second - the blood and the pathos.
In other words, the Japanese appreciate some arcade games(SF),whereas Europeans are more like hard violence(MK).
Of course,exceptions to the above are,but you get the gist.
Just do it is not that the game sucks as some say, nope it didn't suck it a game in the style fighting game but with part of the arcade. I play SF not to see the black eyes and the blood etc, I just like how they making weird faces, and how much they cool, if the Japanese hate the violence in their games, it's only because to them the game was then as it is worth remembering that the games of the MK series, not everyone was happy with and even the parents of the children were forbidden to play MK because the cruelty and the violence for them is not in any frame is not included and here the Japanese have undertaken to create fighting games in which the parents of the children to ban will not play so our favorite Studio Midway Games now Netherealm Studio release for the PC versions of MK games, although it said that MK will be released for PC platforms, BUT nothing like this, the game came out because the developers after the failed MK 4 looked that few who bought and did not release it for PC and only for some invented Emulators so you can play BUT not all computers can play MK on an emulator, for example to play MK Armageddon need to have a medium or strong PC and because of this not all now began to love MK because not everyone can buy a PS3 or Xbox360 platform.
Guys,Yes, there is not even cruelty.Take,for example, Tekken.Yes, there are also all pop and gaudy.But there really love the combo system,lots of different shots of each character and most importantly - they are very plausible.And you Willy-nilly just forget about animalhost and pop.And in SF even in fact normal combo bundles no.So for me SF remains overboard.
D. R. O. G. B. A
I understand thee as never admit it BUT he all so cool and funny when they're pretending faces
As already wrote - I the word Fighting means something different than korzenie faces and the like in Ben.No offense to say,but I think so.