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asketic.by 17.12.20 05:39 am

Game Impression (Heroes of Might and Magic 5)

Write your impressions of playing Heroes of Might & Magic 5! What did you like and what did not? How would you rate the new part of Heroes? In general, tell all this here.

PS Topic only for discussion of the game, any off-topic posts will be deleted.
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A.Soldier of Light 17.12.20

by the way, this button is not there: there was no P in Heroes 3 either, although AI could do it

Arcanis 17.12.20

Finally I played normally ..
Well, what can I say .. I remain faithful to the 4th heroes, because they are ideal for me)
5th heroes, in my opinion, were successful, because it could be worse in reality .. At least 3 they are definitely better.
I won't describe little things .. In general, the game is good. )
My rating: 8.0 / 10.0

SpellBinder 17.12.20

A.Soldier, you wrote: "By the way, a huge plus in the game: during a battle you can place your army in such a way that there will be only one stack on the battlefield. And all the rest can be removed;) This is convenient when you do not want to lose important troops on neutrals "
Couldn't it be more detailed ? :) This refers to the battle with only king-vultures, when they are in the sky, or? :)

A.Soldier of Light 17.12.20

Let me explain. Here you have 5 stacks in the hero's army: griffins, paladins, angels, crossbowmen and monks. In tactics mode, you select the griffins and place them right on top of the angels. Angels disappear from the battlefield and move to the bottom bar (the icon is highlighted). Then you put the vultures on the paladins and so on. As a result, we see only one squad of griffins on the battlefield.

Press Enter. They ask if you want to start a battle if not all units are deployed? We answer Ok.
We immediately launch the griffins into the heavens. What do we get? That's right, the enemy will simply have no one to attack :))

ANG [-L 17.12.20

Explain to me how to exchange troops between heroes

A.Soldier of Light 17.12.20

I chose one hero, went to another (a hand icon appears when you hover over it). There will be bookmarks on the side (army, artifacts, skills ..). The first tab and choose. To split the army, you need to select it, press Shift (on the keyboard) and place the selected unit in an empty cell. A plate with numbers will open

ANG [-L 17.12.20

The game is just superb on my weak machine (p-4,512ram, 128 vidyuha) runs without lags on high settings (all included) with a resolution of 1024 by 768.

ANG [-L 17.12.20

Thank you all nishtyak !!!! I just bought it 3 hours ago, I still didn't figure it out.

SpellBinder 17.12.20

2 A.Soldier
Then I have another question: is it a glitch? How can this be? Where do they all go ?! To the astral, as in the second demiurges? :))

Jeronimo 17.12.20

Game RUUUUUUUUlezzzzzzzzzzzzz that says it all. I don't understand why Igromania put 8.5.

Blatnyak Jedi 17.12.20

IgroS * aniya aka Igrophobia and Oblivion 8-rk slapped)
So the Heroes still got off with a slight shock)))

A.Soldier of Light 17.12.20

2 SpellBinder
Yes, I didn’t play your demiurges, why did they stick? 8)

Where does the whole army go in this case only more .. that is, the developers know ;-)

Krylaty 17.12.20

The most successful IMHO are 3 heroes. All in moderation, all in joy. And even after 5 years you play with pleasure) 5 heroes still did not live up to expectations ... Smallish ... Like the 4th principle. They do not have what was in 2-3 parts. The 1st also played, but our parents have to judge about it. In principle, it cannot be compared with new ones, as well as wolf 3d with q4. In general, people from outside will like it, fans will play by inertia ... 6/10.

Gash01 17.12.20

HeroesV are simply NO - that's all the impressions (

Theodred 17.12.20

Well Gash01, I disagree with you. This is the BEST part of heroes. Maybe someone will disagree with my opinion, but judge for yourself:
Heroes 2 - well, I'm really silent ...
Heroes 3 - a good plot, but the graphics are not very good.
Heroes 4 - There are few units to recruit in castles, you can make an army of some heroes and beat everyone from right to left.
Heroes 5 is by far the best game in the series.

danchmark 17.12.20

All the gambling addiction has set the rules, what is not clear? Either you don’t read the article, but just look at the assessment, or you’re stupid once it’s not clear! In my opinion, everything is written in detail why Oblivion is full of cotton, and the heroes were given for the fact that there were few new ideas. You rate the game based on your impressions of the game, and they give a comprehensive assessment, for example, if the game is interesting by 10/10, the gameplay is cool, and the graphics are wadded, then no one will ever give the game 10 - maximum 9.5. So here, the secondary nature is boring, there is a feeling of de ja vu. I take a neutral point of view ... after all, implementation flaws prevent me from admiring the game. Little things, but unpleasant> _ <BUT this does not mean that the game is bad! ALL PLAY !!!

Akil-Sorcerer 17.12.20

I agree with Gash01, but the Heroes are not just any THIS IS JUST G..VNO some kind of
mlyn Russian developers can not even repent normally:
No feeling of race, as if you are playing for plastic faceless
figures, there is no difference between races in perception! Moose.
the accompaniment is not in the subject and is creepy in the brain, the battles are
SO BORING that you can fall asleep, HEROES are not needed ... there are 100 fairies,
and this is pretty fast 100 times stronger than any hero, the hero costs half a
battle sometimes (extremely rare ) will throw fire. a ball that will remove 2-3, and 30 archmages will
throw a ball that will remove 40-50 sometimes even more, the Hero cannot be
given to the soldiers because to the devil he will carry a maximum of 8 only a magician, he will be a magician
also through w ... since I don't know what a miracle should happen so that the
necessary spells fall out in the guild of magicians. When I saw the HERO from the
Academy on a little elephant (Jumbo), I almost fell off the chair laughing
(well, this is a Hero, well, what a snow to take), the game is so SLOW AND BORING THAT ARE
NO WORDS !!! The only advantage is the graphics, but not that it is
beautiful, but that everyone has it without brakes ... The graph could have been made REALLY
more beautiful, but it can be seen that they were too lazy. It seems to me that the igruha is made on a
slightly modernized engine of the Demiurges 2 and in terms of inhibition it is
also VERY similar to the Demiurges 2 ... I will not
say anything better about the campaign plot of which there is no better, I don’t even know what to write in the merits, probably
the game helps to kill time and kill a lot and is fruitless, you can
defend it as a virtue ... That's all ... Maybe I'll play more and add
here about GAMEPLAY and SUPERINTELLECT computer ... Wait.

mpfraerdoom 17.12.20

I like to play in the Duel, in my opinion, this is the most efficient in the heroes. True, the balance needs to be completed, but this will be all.

Theodred 17.12.20

It is not true, the game is even very much, and if you are bored, then go to sleep or play the boring Age of Empires. What do you want ???? This is a turn based strategy, not Real Time !!!!

Reverrius 17.12.20

Hmm .. isn't Age of Empires boring? Heh .. I

totally agree with Gash01 and Tengiz.