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NiGHTS 24.07.21 04:58 am

Great Shooters of 2004

I always wanted to know
2004 was a genius for shooters and this will never happen again, the pc-mouse has died and we will not have to wait for the technical breakthroughs that we were given by the overclocking habits of the winners.

Please Speak Out!

Modified on September 28, 2015 by NiGHTS
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bad_man 24.07.21

And who is doom 3 for?

Bladef1st 24.07.21

For severe Chelyabinsk lumberjacks, office 8)

masturbator666 24.07.21

I can't believe Doom3 is bypassing Riddick and Farcry. Even in Cruise, the gameplay is cooler than in Doom3.

Semicuda 24.07.21

[youtube] http://youtube.com/watch?v=2U0pMJn-C6s [/ youtube]
And in my opinion it's cool 8)

Metal max 24.07.21

Unreal Tournament 2004, Release date March 2004
I niipet. Best UT Series Game!

[color = green] [size = 75] Added after 2 minutes 29 seconds: [/ size] [/ color]

And the modifier and map-makers a separate monument for the ports of maps from UT3. : up:

Xenosag 24.07.21

Definitely Chronicles of Riddick, I would even say so - from 2004 to the present day
If what I want to see a shooter, then something like this, what was Riddick.

Metal max 24.07.21

An equally small monument for the ports of the maps of their COP. : gigi:

opposer 24.07.21

not to understand the steepness of true-hardcore-ID-singleplayer-drive Duma 3 is lamerism.

as well as whining "why you can't use a pestle and a flashlight."
at one time the pesydlo did not even understand WHY it was impossible to use a pestle and a flashlight at the same time.

and still you can not katatsa on jypa, there is no boss-helicopter, you can not sit behind the turret and there are no other rednecks

[color = green] [size = 75] Added after 12 minutes 12 seconds: [/ size] [/ color]

half-life 2 is a game that single-handedly took igrodevelopment to Bydlostan on its own hump. And when he got off the train, he started developing MW2 and Uncharted 2.

Metal max 24.07.21

Guys, let's sacrifice all our CDs with Riddick and HL2 to Doom3!
After all, [b] opposer [/ b] opened a great truth about how to "use a pestle [s] and a stamen [/ s] and a flashlight!
IDI is the supreme god of the computer game industry, and opposer is [s] a troll [/ s] their prophet.

Elzerd 24.07.21

Doom 3 is a fucking game, no need to offend him. And the plot, and the setting, and the design, and the atmosphere and, most importantly, the gameplay part there were at a very high level.

Semicuda 24.07.21

[b] Elzerd [/ b],:

The most important thing is probably the atmosphere. Long was impressed by the first teleportation

xds 24.07.21

the best shooter of 2004 is Killzone, add to the vote please: gigi:

voted for Half-Life 2 8)

lalilulelo 24.07.21

[b] opposer [/ b], shooters in general for cattle ((

PCgamer! 24.07.21

[b] lalilulelo [/ b],


we are rednecks brother (((((

[color = green] [size = 75] Added after 3 minutes 42 seconds: [/ size] [/ color]

8) (((((

Metal max 24.07.21

[b] lalilulelo [/ b], and not shooters, then for whom? :?

Elzerd 24.07.21

[b] Metal Max [/ b], for nebydl

Pumba 24.07.21

Doom 3

FreeFCA 24.07.21

[Quote] I'm sad to see how half-life 2 for shkolota bypasses Doom3 here [/ quote]
it's so depressing that it's even depressing.
1 out of 10. Troll harder.

opposer 24.07.21

[quote name = "FreeFCA"] [quote] I'm sad to see how half-life 2 for shkolota bypasses Doom3 here [/ quote]
it's so depressing that it's even depressing.
1 of 10. Troll harder. [/ Quote]

you know, it all started long before gomag. Long before the lurk and even long before the "trolls".

DarK JiN 24.07.21

definitely Half Life 2.