The reactions of the people are zero to any actions except, oh my God, he has a gun, he created an accident, everyone doesn’t give a fuck, I drive like a drunken 5th grader in a skirt, everyone doesn’t give a fuck, I knocked down 99 people, similarly but for that incomprehensible karma (which only works for completely different things and not those for which she should work
No, no, you forgot the most important thing from the first assassin.
You stick to the wall or jump over the flower bed - "Oh my God, what is he doing, it’s in general, it’s alarming, we immediately notice it and we need to discuss it out loud!"
but tried to change the settings in the GamerProfile.xml file. more precisely to insert this? how it works for me. less friezes and more stable FPS.
<quality ResolutionX=â€1920″ ResolutionY=â€1080″ EnvironmentQuality=â€ultra†AntiPortalQuality=â€pc†PostFxQuality=â€ultra†TextureQuality=â€pc†TextureResolutionQuality=â€high†WaterQuality=â€ultra†ParaboloidReflectionQuality=â€ultra†DepthPassQuality=â€pc†VegetationQuality=â€ultra†TerrainQuality=â€ultra†GeometryQuality=â€ultra†LodDitheringQuality=â€pc†ShadowQuality=â€ultra†ShadingQuality=â€high†RoadQuality=â€pc†EditorQuality=â€pc†ParticlesQuality=â€ultra†DeferredFxQuality=â€pc†HDR=â€1″ SuperSampling=â€0″ HighPrecisionNormal=â€1″ RenderSplashes=â€1″ RenderRain=â€1″ MotionBlurQuality=â€pc†SSAOQuality=â€hbao+_high†DepthOfFieldQuality=â€pc†AntiAliasingQuality=â€temporalsmaa†id=â€_runtime†/>