While Fast & Furi
10.11.21 07:20 pm
Alien vs. Predator 3 (US /?)
Despite the fact that the second part, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, was not as interesting and innovative, it still grossed $ 128 million. And it prompted 20th Century Fox to shoot another sequel to the film. According to ShockTillYouDrop in the new, already third part, the action will take place in space. It is still unknown who will direct the new movie Aliens vs. Predator.The fact that the action in space is already taking place is undoubtedly pleasing. I will pick out more information.
A.Soldier of Light
The topic was started in 2008. Now it's 2016. When will AVP3 be released? ...
Despite the fact that the second part Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem was not so interesting and innovative, it still grossed $ 128 million.
The second part is more interesting than the first. IMHO of course. Someone also likes the second Predator more than the first. To me, for example =]
You're right.