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AgeRP 05.05.23 07:09 am

Games that stuck in your heart

I would like to discuss in this thread stories of games that have fallen into your soul. even maybe left some imprint on it.made you think about anything.It is desirable to limit themselves to simple enumeration games.a indicate kommentarii than the plot you (hooked)
Bring some of their
1) Planescape Torment - game really has a very powerful story.Full of philosophy touching on different aspects of being.
2)Xenosaga-Xenogears - I can say that these games had a very strong effect on me .Given that they are crossed many questions and aspects of understanding the universe of different religions and philosophical works.After these games there is even a kind of understanding of the insignificance of their own existence.Some kind of universal dramatic
3) Fahrenheit - it seemed to me a very ambiguous and original vesch.There and the depths of psychology and the occult.While passing was a lot of emotions and experiences.
4) Shenmue 1-2 - remembering this game now I am very sad to realize that the continuation of the saga, we still do not see.I do not know what to write.But when I played it I plunged into a state of meditation. tranquility (I will never forget the moment when the old teacher agreed to teach me a new style . but I have to beat his fist on wood until I do not reach harmony) I have long failed .ash was angry )))) but then on the advice of the same old man I calmed down concentrated and oh miracle, the reception came))
I wonder your opinion

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Account_is_deleted 05.05.23

Half-Life 2

The universe of this game is very similar to my inner worldview;

Torpedon 05.05.23

World of Wacraft only ;)

Alexei Chichigin 05.05.23

The very first games I played on the computer Medal of honor allied assault, Freelancer- stupid first games I saw on the computer, before its total degradation.
On the console Crash bandicoot, Uncharted series, Bloodborn. Stupidly its colors, atmosphere

C0nstantine 05.05.23

Alexei Chichigin
You probably meant to say: {quot;}Before my total degradation{quot;}. You just misspoke a little bit. Dumb{"};.

Alexei Chichigin 05.05.23

I didn't write it correctly, although I left out the commas. And when did your total degradation happen I don't know. How do you even know how to type?

C0nstantine 05.05.23

Alexei Chichigin
Oh, and you forgot to put commas again.
Why are you "changing the subject? I wasn't insulting you, I was just stating a fact. It's easy to give an example of your degradation, but what is the degradation of the PC?

Alexei Chichigin 05.05.23

well let me think? Maybe the fact that if you want to play a licensed game, you need to cram a Windows store ale Upley, steam and so on (and they are not even bought there)? Or that because of the community of this platform had to create a protection, which completely kills cd disks? I don't know;

Anderby 05.05.23

The Parasite Eve series is simply the story of how the whole world crumbles for one particular lady. Each game is different and each is good in its own way. The first is powerful, global, experimental. The second is more personal, deeper. The third (which isn't PE, but 3rd Birthday) is Toriyam insanity and still has something in it. In general Toriyam games always have a powerful foundation that gets lost in the emphasis on all sorts of bullshit - pathos, farming, collecting.
Final Fantasy series - we can talk about games in this series forever.

Twerpa322 05.05.23


Uilenspiegel 05.05.23

Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill.

Technoob 05.05.23

figase topic from 2007) Ie dude who started this topic - he is already over 30 years old and beyond! And the games stick in the soul of those that we played in childhood. So it turns out who had a childhood in what period. My childhood is
-GTA Vice City
-GTA San Andreas
-Serious Sam first and second advent
-Corsairs 3
-Need for Speed Underground
-Here are really cool games.And they are cool not because they were my childhood, but because they were the best, they are the best now. New NFS is shit compared to Underground and Most wanted, new GTA is nothing compared to San Andreas, new serious Sam, that came out - everybody forgot about it long time ago. It's kind of been said that WE, the lost generation of the 90's were unlucky, so our childhood came out in the 2000's, the most prolific peak years for games, music and movies. The really unlucky ones are those born in the 2000s. That's their bad luck. They missed everything, all of 2004 and all of 2007. They only know Far Cry 3 and Skyrim, the last parts of the series, which have already started to fall off;