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GameOver1993 18.12.19 04:24 am

Import Saved Games (Mass Effect 2)

To import save from the first part you need:
1. On the start screen of the game choose a string configure
2. Select the option save games
3. Click on the only button copy Mass Effect 1 save games and set the path to the folder with the save. To be added to files of type Char_****************.MassEffectSave
4. When beginning a new game select Import ME1 Character. You should see all the character profiles that had passed the game. Select the desired and click Import.

I've been wondering how they will be linked, if we assume destroyed the Council in the first part it will be the second,or another example on nover or whatever, destroyed or freed-fuck, and will depend on the addon in the first part the second?I'm interested in your opinion...
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Alex ll 18.12.19

"I want to believe that this is not something banal or stupid."Yes or something sverhtermicheskoy.

Littl Faker 18.12.19

Everything is wonder,speculate,and the result of the game we stupidly will be leveled down.And no explanation!No amnesia and other unoriginal nonsense,just leveled down.At least it's better than amnesia.

NateR 18.12.19

I doubt that it would be...
Bayover, always work hard and fulfill the promises

Littl Faker 18.12.19

But all the same it is better than amnesia.

NateR 18.12.19

Poppy(lead writer) sort of said that we expect there's something interesting . There is no reason not to believe him


"Joystiq: But if we import your character, then you said that he would like to roll back to the first level.

Walters: This is another point that we would not like to comment. For this option there is also a plan.

Joystiq: What about Shepard? That is, it will appear in the game with all your cool abilities, and then fall under the action of some energy field and lose all his strength?

Walters: I don't think everything happens exactly, but again, we have a plan."

Alex ll 18.12.19

Hopefully on theirs so-called plan!

goo32v2 18.12.19

Heh)) interesting to see how they in truth get out)))
although biover always worked on the conscience)))) I think that interesting thread will come up))))


well, if something serious we can in the beginning really got Normandy, and Shepard went well, so all ekspa spent on treatment we can right ?

Timoxasan 18.12.19

I have one question:If I passed ME and killed the Rex in the first,but then in the second round of the new game the SAME CHARACTER was able to save it,in ME2, everything will semiroutine the second passage and I hope you see the Rex in the second part?

Porter92 18.12.19

Yes, if during the second passage of the Rex survived in Mass Effect 2 he will also be alive.

GameOver1993 18.12.19

the main thing that the developers have nepodal)

Timoxasan 18.12.19

Guys who can watched a video on English there are developers talking about new characters and game saves. there is for example brought Rex and was told if you killed Rex in the first part of the second and will not meet poluchaetsya if retained we will meet,do not know is true or not let's hope for the best=)

Megatron. 18.12.19

I think Rex we really meet. Bioware has recently announced one of the characters in the game, krogan, who has an explosive temper and rushes at enemies, commensurate power. In my opinion, if we WBEM Rex, it will get your team a new character, and if not, his remarks and behavior would get the Rex. I think Bioware will do the same trick with many potentially killed us characters.

Timoxasan 18.12.19

Maybe so,but hell knows they Cho ponapridumyvali,remain current guess,and it is better to wait for the game=)


I can fail a fact

DeadAnarkist 18.12.19

do not understand ie LVL and all the skills disappear?all of the new?will remain current the consequences of decisions?

NateR 18.12.19

Oh, and of course the appearance of the character . They also say that cool gear and high experience , in the continuation as something to be encouraged

DeadAnarkist 18.12.19

from freaks!!

NateR 18.12.19

Hush-e-e , don't be so emotional. They promised to remake the system of skills , equipping , and indeed the interface as a whole . I think it's for the best

DeadAnarkist 18.12.19

))just a shame))