Import Saved Games (Mass Effect 2)
To import save from the first part you need:1. On the start screen of the game choose a string configure
2. Select the option save games
3. Click on the only button copy Mass Effect 1 save games and set the path to the folder with the save. To be added to files of type Char_****************.MassEffectSave
4. When beginning a new game select Import ME1 Character. You should see all the character profiles that had passed the game. Select the desired and click Import.
I've been wondering how they will be linked, if we assume destroyed the Council in the first part it will be the second,or another example on nover or whatever, destroyed or freed-fuck, and will depend on the addon in the first part the second?I'm interested in your opinion...
You can throw sohranenku , but only 5 points I responded you decide,I'm not a politician
People have CAV close to it?
Shep - standard, Bio - Colonist (enemies burned native hut), ruthless. Class - Scout or Guardian. Worldview - closer to the apostate but not to extremes. An affair with Leelanau Saved Caden, documents Cerberus merged intermediary, Rakhny saved, Rex is not killed with the smugglers made a deal that the Council is destroyed, the new Council included Anderson, etc.
in cool, sorry that is not Anderson current Board and cool class player still at the beginning you can change
ATP you :)
Alehno 22.01.10 13:51
Worldview - closer to the apostate but not to extremes. An affair with Leelanau, ...
You not in that steppe))
Mr.Skiner., see above. That's what I get for importing your character. So the answer to the question: I went to save МЕ1.
>>>you have the name of the Persian in Russian or English there?
In Russian. In the game and appears Komodo Shepard. No problems with the import.
Komodo Saurian
Dear, please throw off the whole save folder as You have it with the downloaded one fails.
But this folder is not enough?
And where exactly prescribe the way of conservation?
Yes, I've learned schA, needed to import only one file CHARACTER.
For example such - Char_01-50-2-1-0-21-1-2010-27-54.MassEffectSave
Direct link: [LINK] (63 KB)
>>>And where exactly prescribe the way of conservation?
Anywhere in the launcher in the Options tab you can specify the path to the required folder.