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Red Alert 14.09.19 09:22 pm

Impressions of the game (War Thunder)

Personally, I liked War Thunder. Did not expect.... Graphics, sound, physics, gameplay, all of these parameters, it is ahead of WoWp. IMHO! The pumping system is the original, planes immediately a whole bunch, as many eyes run. The fighting is realistic. Ground equipment and ships while under AI control, but the entertainment and the diversity they add. Overall a very promising project.
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vjazmagall 14.09.19

Really liked the game. As aircraft and tanks. Waiting for the merge.

Lerbo 14.09.19

Really liked the game http://warthunder.ru/ru/registration?r=userinvite_768559

Ivan Dro 14.09.19

Good game, but know their stuff.

RAZIEL_ 14.09.19

Boring capture points with stupid one-shot phenomenon...

HeroMM 14.09.19

The game has a great future. Well done and thank them for the fact that it is already possible to see on OBT. The work done is enormous and it is worth it. One of the few games in which not a pity to create, but the biggest plus was the audience. Most of those who had the opportunity there to carry on a conversation(the clans, and just randomly after an interesting battle charged) were people over 30. sracha in the chat at times less than the analogue, low timelow etc. In General, only the best impressions. (By the way even the pros can and should be attributed to the fact that the game is not squeezes out your premium, in contrast to the same starch)

HitmanJa 14.09.19

Pleased with the fact that it is not necessary to kotiti tops. 3 the era of the development of the most.... the Golden mean as for the aircraft and for tanks. Minus almost not possible to quit even when losing.
PS Waiting for the American tanks -_-!))

_Y_ 14.09.19

First impressions of the game were highly positive. Good paced combat, quite a normal pumping crews and aircraft. But now everything has changed for the worse, especially after the recent updates. At the moment I'm playing in tanks and planes. Game currency (silver lions) had enough tanks and planes, but still remained. But now everything has changed. Currency began to give less this time. Previously had no problems connecting to the server (the Internet speed is normal), and now sometimes even in battle we can't go - that's two. Maps for tanks full of bugs and they're not balanced, sometimes one side has the greater advantage - three. Developers do not want to quickly address is four. Constantly changing during a preventative/maintenance work on servers in a big way - that's five. And I think (my personal opinion) soon in the game you can not play without investing real money, although I could be wrong. So the game is excellent if it does not kill the abundance of bugs and imbalance Donat.

Saito Hiraga 14.09.19

I started to play, even when it seems to have been patch 1.27 Impression when the first fight was incredible, there is so much that is beautiful and interesting, even on minimum graphics looked decent. I started to play for a Japanese branch, but she brought the same pain and suffering, but nevertheless it does not discourage the desire to continue playing. Then I'm on month 3 gave up the game, but returned and empathetic provigil, seeing new planes in my branch but also a little scared of the new leveling system, but soon settled. I thought the patch 1.39, I do not remember, after which I flew at Zero and realized that he was the log, I almost cried, but soon he though the share of Yes maneuverability back. After entering the tanks I didn't really want to start playing them, because the tanks are originally from Here don't like, but what I saw during my first trip to the tanks impressed me! I sarasparilla in the rock! IN FUCKING ROCK!!! Well I first neighing, then poselilsya, then again, neighing and for the second time went fine, the gameplay of the tanks captured me they liked it, bugs is still so much that is terrible, but developed though slow but quietly correct them. Total my opinion: the game is great, for rest that is necessary, but don't get too into it seriously too, because the butthurt from the lack of a balance and the presence of the bugs will be fierce and hot=) Thanks to those who have read this nonsense, I hope you liked it=)

prosto_chuvak 14.09.19

still not really a game ! at the beginning of course impressed with the physics of tanks but the graphics obviously need to optimize the command the map, etc even a mountain of work! while it's all still a beta test a couple of years to wait until at least a fully playable game cards and game physics are still not on top, even with wot is difficult to compare all the same, wot is flawless and has no pritenzy in bsche, to anything but war thunder has sputannosti in the statistics menu inconvenient mountain of unnecessary functions and escho many things need to be cut to alter and create ! then will be closer to the tanks. and yet played Yes, deleted the game is not bad but not good painfully naprestolny and dull turned out ( .

Kapellimestari 14.09.19

Everyone who comes to the arcade for simplicity and illogic, get the simplicity and illogic. Arcade - a local kindergarten, Godea except for the development of the game and its concept. Bend in recado years, but still get a thrill from it are very few comrades. Learn adult modes and look for strong skvad, because only in good company is quality team work and the real pleasure of joint action.

anonymous_245 14.09.19

Only one thing is not clear, what for to mix all in a heap (as in WOT) the techniques of different countries? It turns out stupidity. T-34 near a German or Japanese tank, it turns out the same crap.
It was necessary specifically to make the regime, which side against some, but not all together. It is clear that Japan would smoke a bamboo, there are no tanks and shit one was.

schta 14.09.19

country against country - modes in realistic battles and simulyatornoy. in the arcade all against all.

in the old days when online was just monstrously low, even in realistic battles was mixes, for example, Russian+Nazis vs America+England. it was called alternative history.

k0tas 14.09.19

in the old days? It now is in Belarus

schta 14.09.19

now a chip gash joining the already started battle. it seems to be.
I don't play RB in the last couple of centuries. Played when they were called IB. long ago it was.

_Y_ 14.09.19

Played earlier with no problems. The game is liked almost everything, so to say 9 out of 10. With the release of nazemi bought myself a couple of tanks. And like everything did okay. Yes, but after the last update, the game became impossible. FPS plummeted to 15. Before such was not, the FPS was consistently between 35 and 55. In the graph, not much change noticed. What happened?

Bombardirovschik 14.09.19

Just checked - the fps as was,and remained.

Tempatilomnus 14.09.19

The game is excellent, cool that you can play pump and tanks and planes. The graphics, physics and destruction, thoughtful cards - all super. This is my first game online, I do not regret that started with her.

Stevd 14.09.19

For a long time sitting. Worth for a week to rest from her changes instantly. Is only ships to wait, and there are already release.

Trol_Fighter337 14.09.19

Pretty precious, potatoes in the worst times.

dobrodey 14.09.19

I really like the game, great idea, and the graphics are eye fails.