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-SK.art- 21.01.20 08:11 pm

The choice of processor v.6 [x]

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GeRR_Praetorian 21.01.20

I have 1920x1080 and most players the same
Why do they need 2 GTX 1080 TI?
I asked SPECIFICALLY what to bring will be SLI two GTX 1070 1080 is better from TI? (After all, Edvins such a request)
Can you bring the fact the benefits? Come on, I really wonder
First. What have you and this ancient Full hd? I can also say that I know, Oh, how not a few people who have been sitting on 4k resolution.
Second Why do they need 2 GTX 1080 TI
Well, what is this for??????
Actually, if anything, the course for the sake of performance. Compared, damn vidyahu one and two. On YouTube look at the tests and understand everything.
I asked SPECIFICALLY what to bring will be SLI two GTX 1070 1080 is better from TI?
Again, back to the YouTube. There's plenty of movies where two 1070 exceed one 1080ti performance.
The more people can then buy a second/used gtx 1070 for yourself when will the new generation vidyahu, that is Volts.

GeRR_Praetorian 21.01.20

If he did not have some in the savings plan more profitable for him initially to buy one 1080ti, but once he got a 1070, then he will buy later, a second 1070. Or if I want to sell 1070, will add money and buy one 1080ti or even vidyahu of a new family.

Zewer 21.01.20

STANDS of Milivoje
Okay, you have 4K Monique and SLI GTX 1080 TI
I understand litsuha DIvision you have
Ples including the game, all settings on ultra (can shlasko down to 4K it is not necessary)
Go to the mission where you have to destroy the APC. About 10-11 wave do video capture up to 3 minutes with APF output and graphics from MSI Afterburner. I wonder how your SLI on ultra the fps will show.

GeRR_Praetorian 21.01.20

Let's start:
I have Monique's not 4k. I resolution gaming put through DSR. The difference is heaven and earth compared to the default resolution. If it is interesting to demonstrate the difference on video. But now not about it.
I understand litsuha DIvision you have
can shlasko to cut down, she don't need 4K
Not true. Ladders are even in 4k resolution without Sparky. Examples of the sea. I put in this resolution antialiasing FXAA, but if the game is not very demanding, can and Msaa 2x. Basically, FXAA, SMAA, TXAA.
Go to the mission where you have to destroy the APC.
Don't know what it is. I haven't been there yet. I have 13 level. Will do somewhere in other place the videos in this game.

Zewer 21.01.20

STANDS of Milivoje wrote:
Invasion Of The Missing Falcon. The type of RAID. Will be after level 30. Considered End Game content
Need to test it there 8)

MunchkiN 616 21.01.20

a couple of years 1070 will have govnische and will have zadumyvatsya about building 4x more productive than 1 1070
in sly they barely are vibiano 30 pipes (though for thereof he pitch in my opinion and nuzhon). at intervals of 15-20фпс on the GPU in gaming performance is usually MGPU committed to 100% so you get a double increase tepees.
and better or 1070, if one or 1080ти single however another question. I suddenly don't know. considering that memory bandwidth even so umarwada according to the nonlinear law, and the relative fps 1080 even so not 2 times faster. plus 1070 can be rispana comparable to 1080 the parity in absolute fps even so for to if. on electric energy no but the min to be honest as this is not very concerned with the subject of a separate entertaining in it, I like the thought of how much znaczaco going to cost me waving at equal in effectiveness but favorable energopotrebleniju. in Japan it's probably the theme. in mother Russia where bipolarii there are houses heated elektricheskom no.

Vinni-Pukh 21.01.20

In August, hoping to collect myself x299 platform

Edvins 21.01.20

I am a Muscovite. Prices increased 3 times compared with may. 1070 is from 800 to 900+ bucks. Not talking about Ti. Useless to wait, it would be better, I think, in a year. I got the case for $692. In a few years everything will calm down and 1070 buy for $200. Your 2 b/u card advantage, very beneficial sold for 15 thousand rubles (around $500). Even without this 692+200=792. A good Ti is now less than 1100-1300 bucks to find. All sorts of foreign online stores do not take into account. Will, MB. cheaper,but the ratio is the same. In addition, for Ti we need here and now (not in 2 years at very different prices) to change at least the CPU and then the memory, and mother, and get a full upgrade. And electricity - well, I'm not a miner to drive the PC round the clock.

Edvins 21.01.20

STANDS of Milivoje
Prompt, please, where to find detailed instructions on how to use DSR. In Google anything sensible not dug.

GeRR_Praetorian 21.01.20

Well: at least that's the mission. There's not much enemies, so more frequent coins with fire and smoke particles and the night shadows.
In truth, the Division is still not very well optimized. I, for one its a tried and two and 11 Direx and 12Direx – still strong jumps in fps. Especially check the temperature of the PERC))))) in Not one, repeat not one game this is not, even in Andromeda, that rate jumped percent (60-70-80C) so more and reached so many degrees!!!!
A maximum of 70. The Witcher 3 - high 66.
In General, in these four games, the Division, the latest GOST Rekun, Deus Ex-MD and Attila Total war I put the resolution to the level of less than 4k (2880 x 1620) and get 23-26 fps more.
Minimal loss of quality. Especially in the Division, if in the benchmark at 4k and at most, the most ultra-settings - 53 fps in a resolution of 2880 x 1620 – 78фпс.
For I believe that it saaaaame demanding games, or not really optimized and to put 4k resolution, they need a minimum for comfortable playing and the usual 60 fps to have two 1080ti or two titans XP. Other games that are very demanding dogs 2, that of Andromeda, the Witcher 3 Dishonored 2, Warhammer-Total war, then they are great to play in 4k with two 1080p.
And yet, on YouTube I saw that they do not go bad on two overclocked 1070.

GeRR_Praetorian 21.01.20

All nealimentare!!!!)
Then you go into the game and choose the resolution that you prefer.

Edvins 21.01.20

STANDS of Milivoje
Thank you.

Zewer 21.01.20

STANDS of Milivoje
In order
The mobs there are few (2-3 at the same time lol), and I need to test it with the job that I have, and have it all on ultra in 4K 8)
On account of percent - don't know what's your CPU, personally for me it's about 50 degrees (i5-6500). Well, I wrote, Division - CPU game.

GeRR_Praetorian 21.01.20

I put everything on 4k and on ultra. But the mission is still there for me, for me level does not allow.

Zewer 21.01.20

STANDS of Milivoje
Yes, I understand
Well will, sooner or later

Fierce_55R 21.01.20

It would be better for a given period of time (build only for gaming) platform and 1151 7700к, without the possibility of further ubgrade or 2011v-3 and 6800к, c further update both versions under one card 1080 or 1080Ti. I would be very grateful for the tip, and Yes the financial side is not important, fundamentally important for the future within single platform (only intel).

CryteK 21.01.20

wait for the coffee lake and tests and then think what to take.

Fierce_55R 21.01.20

Well, if you want solder under the lid and allergic to AMUDE?)))

CryteK 21.01.20

coffee lake is more productive than Reisen,and do not care Cho under his cover would last 5 years quietly)

FatCat23 21.01.20

Wait koffe lake, it will be more reasonable than what you podlogi. And how wait just a little longer))) So prices fell slightly. On the first day of release do not force to buy