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Angmar87 11.10.19 10:50 pm

It will be the best game in the entire existence of video games. (Cyberpunk 2077)

Yes. I think the best game of all time, even including the immortal classics.
1. It will be roleplay, and the best game should have the tag role-playing game.
2. The game will cool graphics, game should be cool graphics, even immortal classics no cool graphics.
3. You can select and completely redo the main protagonist, including even such things as body type and voice. That is, you can make a sharp and beautiful woman, which is very rare.
4. The coolest dark world of cyberpunk, like Deus Ex and Shadowrun. It's like Deus Ex, only better because there are more open world is. A main disadvantage of Deus ex has always been in its linearity, and the role-playing aspect and pumping system will also be better than in Deus Ex
5. Look around, now is a good singles game is incredibly rare. We're plotless, endless online multiplayer games. The game simply has no competitors at the moment.
It will be the best game of all time, it's like if you cross Skyrim and Deus ex. Nothing can beat this combination at the moment. The best game that will be released next year and which is very long no one can beat. Very very high bar. This can beat only the same, but in virtual reality with full immersion, but it already absolutely other level.
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Angmar87 11.10.19

So what to expect then. Well, at a glance, it will be a top. Deus ex was the top, and this game will be even cooler and even much cooler. No chance of disappointment, for the first time in years I saw a really decent game.

Olly-alpha 11.10.19

Brigade called? I think it's time.
But seriously, there will always be those who do not like the game. And for them it will not be the best. Someone not coming in genre and setting. Someone does not like large singles RPG and prefers MMOs, for example. Gentle bunnies, choke with indignation at the sight of another, excuse me, the bolt seems to be a female model. Someone will criticize the gameplay mechanics - and perhaps even the case. Or physics engines. Or destruction. Someone seems insufficient role-playing and not enough choices. Rather confused, because I used to be told how he should play and what to do, and then my God - the choice! The horror of... well It's to think. Anril simple. Someone open worlds can not tolerate, for them it is an obvious flaw of the game. And someone the game without the open world and the game is not fully considered. In the end, the objective and subjective factors will mix in the wild bunch - and again part of the gamers will scream that is a masterpiece and game of the Millennium, and the other part is looking at them, twist finger to his temple. As it was, and is, Witcher, which is not to everyone's taste and in which a lot of schools that even the developed not deny.
In the end, many gamers already have their own Best Game. So...

saa0891 11.10.19

Angmar87 wrote:
It's like Deus Ex, only better because there are more open world is. A main disadvantage of Deus ex has always been in its linearity
And I always thought that the levels with an elaborate and complex level design better than the open world games,well, if we're talking about stealth mechanics,by the way how is it at the expense of stealth in Cyberpunk 2077.

Angmar87 11.10.19

And there crafted design and open world will be. Of course there will be stealth, invisibility, you can play Ghost from StarCraft for later pumping. It's the world of augments and advanced technologies.

Angmar87 11.10.19

So what? Certainly not please everyone , but the important thing is to please the majority. A majority of comes role-playing game and open world, Skyrim and GTA proof, most like advanced role-playing gameplay, it says that the best games have always been considered RPGs and they always received the title of game of the year, if this year they came out. And the fact that single, so this is a huge plus, because I have a lot, so it is different from massive multiplayer and MMO projects, unlike singles.
So, anyway, it's sure to be the best game next year and probably the best game of all time, at this point in time.

Werewolf1986 11.10.19


No, getting married is unrealistic. After all, the wife should be beautiful, otherwise what's the point to support her and raise children with her. And beautiful women, Boyfriends and so lacking and each salary is 500 thousand. So all of them will be fine without me and my services not needed here. Therefore, the marriage impossible initially. So in games should always be beautiful and tough women, which we can not obtain in reality. It is in this sense video games - the opportunity to get something that is impossible in reality.


Disagree with you beautiful girls are not beautiful the most important thing to the mind, and especially not beautiful girls to marry rich and beautiful majors, etc. People are different and beautiful from ugly to converge so do not write nonsense, and in General everyone has their own taste and color. Look for your soul mate, and not to sit on the couch not to work and to write nonsense about the beautiful and the rich, etc. etc. always looking for finding. The main thing in people kindness, honesty, understanding, trust.

dilat 11.10.19

Very messy to say so, to put it mildly. I see no reason to explain why. More like trolling

Olly-alpha 11.10.19

Don't want to upset you, but most now go the window and pubg that on sales of any RPG beat. Right now would be to focus on most of it, yeah. Again to please the majority and make the best game of this period, are two different things. From Cyberpunk has all chances to become a really cool game. But what's it really - we shall see only after the release. High expectations tend not to make excuses. In addition, to come out next year and other potentially very cool and promising game.

Readlife 11.10.19

Don't feed the trolls: zhirnyuschy friend wants another stereotypical tales about inadequate sectarians for those who want to hear it and to assert themselves - nothing more. Provocateur witnesses sectarians.


Since Suurima you can't stop photounit. Let the poles to start the game at least not pertusot, as each part of the trilogy about the Witcher, and the script adequate can.

Pirat_V_Zakone 11.10.19

For someone like, the game is not out to be judged.

S.t.e.n 11.10.19

Olly-alpha wrote:
Brigade called? I think it's time.

ArmandoX 11.10.19

It may not be the best game in history. Even among role-playing games, it will not be the best, because she never crpgs, not jrpgs... what kind of aRPG it will succeed is unclear. I still don't know if Warlocks after the first RPG or action/adventure game with RPG elements.
Almost all other items are not unconditionally loyal, and even more they have no relationship to luchshesti game.
In General, I'm not arguing that the game has the potential to become a great (maybe even GOTY get), I will predzakazhu it and I don't even care, will I have it or not. But such statements about the best game in the history of looks at least strange.

KARTELA 11.10.19

Most likely, cyberpunk is one of the best in the genre(s). But to speak for all games impossible, some genres are simply not comparable, such as race

syryy 11.10.19

the game will be cool but.......further and did not read

maxpayen 11.10.19

Listen che you Smoking kid???? Give me the same .........

Posledovatel Perelmana 11.10.19

Werewolf1986 wrote:
The seeker always finds. The main thing in people kindness, honesty, understanding, trust.

Angmar87 11.10.19

Well, cyberpunk is good sometimes, if it is correctly implemented, as in Deus ex, for example. But most of the games from the immortal classics - it is still a fantasy - medieval.

Angmar87 11.10.19

Why is jrpg should be considered the best? They don't even zaschischena in the Golden Fund of immortal classics , and this is Fallout 1-2, Baldurs gate, Morrowind , Gothic, Skyrim, the Witcher 3.

Angmar87 11.10.19

Why not make a conclusion on the 20 minute gameplay video and dozens of trailers? It will be the best game in recent years and from the Studio with an impeccable reputation.

Angmar87 11.10.19

What is provocation and what sects? And what's wrong with Skyrim? A great game that will always be relevant because of the mods, I'll be playing Skyrim, even 20 years later, that's for sure.