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Angmar87 11.10.19 10:50 pm

It will be the best game in the entire existence of video games. (Cyberpunk 2077)

Yes. I think the best game of all time, even including the immortal classics.
1. It will be roleplay, and the best game should have the tag role-playing game.
2. The game will cool graphics, game should be cool graphics, even immortal classics no cool graphics.
3. You can select and completely redo the main protagonist, including even such things as body type and voice. That is, you can make a sharp and beautiful woman, which is very rare.
4. The coolest dark world of cyberpunk, like Deus Ex and Shadowrun. It's like Deus Ex, only better because there are more open world is. A main disadvantage of Deus ex has always been in its linearity, and the role-playing aspect and pumping system will also be better than in Deus Ex
5. Look around, now is a good singles game is incredibly rare. We're plotless, endless online multiplayer games. The game simply has no competitors at the moment.
It will be the best game of all time, it's like if you cross Skyrim and Deus ex. Nothing can beat this combination at the moment. The best game that will be released next year and which is very long no one can beat. Very very high bar. This can beat only the same, but in virtual reality with full immersion, but it already absolutely other level.
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Angmar87 11.10.19

Well, a fortnight and JI - it's like everyday boring stuff, which will always exist, as the second world war, as tanks with DotA. Because it is necessary in something zadrotit. But Cyberpunk it will be like a holiday as new year and birthday combined, which will be a bright flash and flash, which you will remember fondly for years later, because these games comes very rarely, it is good if once in a few years. It's a real gift, not a game.

alex.spencer.3576 11.10.19

Children themselves in the net disgrace.

Posledovatel Perelmana 11.10.19

Yes,it and the Internet
and the streets the people with frostbitten look goes

Angmar87 11.10.19

Well under beauty means healthy and strong genes, the more beauty, the more health, which means there will be a strong offspring. And raise the weak, the infirm, the ugly offspring is how to raise calves for slaughter. What is the point to condemn a living being to suffer. No, I'm not just making these conclusions, I personally interviewed each of the thousands of girls for 10 years and I realized that they have everything in order and my services do not need one. I would be more concerned about yourself rather - how do I live without female)) Definitely, pretty girls from video games very much I would help in this regard, they need to have somebody to love.

Angmar87 11.10.19

Follower Perelman
Well, of course I'm sane. You all just see caricatures everywhere inadequate, even where they could not be.

ArmandoX 11.10.19

jRPG is the same as an independent sub-genre, as a cRPG. Cyberpunk may not be the best among any of these two genres, as theoretically in the best case, it will be aRPG. So he can't be the best game. In my opinion, the best games, even within one subgenre don't always exist. And even beyond genres, to call any game the best... What Cyberpunk will be a better Civilization? Better Than Battlefield? Such comparisons do not make sense.

BIG_CrasheR 11.10.19

This will topawa play I sale of felt-tip pen circled the release date, right on the smartphone.

Angmar87 11.10.19

Yes. Arpg and should be better, as it gives more control over the action of the character. Still turn-based game will always be a step below, they are more thoughtful and a nice leisurely hike and thoughtfulness.

Pirat_V_Zakone 11.10.19

Because to make sure that some kind of food/juice/dessert delicious, it is necessary to try. And with the game, it is necessary to visit and inspect everything. But what I can tell in a 10 minute video? You show there a couple of good chances, and in finalke will be in the game in addition to these elements shown more particularly on anything not soared. That's why I don't draw conclusions prematurely and do not support those who make them.

Spiny 11.10.19

The game's not out yet, and he already flowed. In every game there are fans and haters. Yes, it looks good. About the graphics... Yes, maybe a year later with the release of the game graphics in other games will suffer changes, but maybe not. Well, in 5-10 years, definitely needs to be changes in the schedule and at the time just all forget about the game and the others will be this: to visit the graphics in it. In any case, we must first wait for release, and then judge for yourself. The Witcher did not argue was good. But in all things? A Skyrim what is so good was that? Bugs? Lack of classes at all? Yes, in Oblivion of the fact, too, was not a direct class. You had all the skills to pump, but his experience only those who were part of the class. And in Skyrim removed and all classes. The plot in Skyrim? Here is what the gazebo can not really make this story, lore the game is not bad writing, but the plot is weak. All and flowing on Skyrim even now, and all the stars aligned to cast aside g... the gazebo is on police 76 presenting problems such as bugs that were in Skyrim. Waiting is one thing, and another thing is the release. Vaughn, about watch dogs too can now say waaaaaw. After all, there for your grandma can play.

Angmar87 11.10.19

Lol, I played all the parts of the scrolls and there was nowhere to classes, rather they were just words. I can be a class warrior in the description, even to have basic military skills and the same time to cast and swing the magic to a murderous level, that's what I did in principle - warrior-healer-mage in heavy armor, can sword to kill, can magic to whotnot. And Skyrim is primarily a more modern component and mod which can be adjusted completely under itself - for example, I did increased his number of satellites to 5 and increased the number of spawn enemies 5 times and got just plain fun Zaruba, and that's not even counting the addition of new subjects, locations, increases the number of varieties of monsters to 300, a total reworking of the skill, magic, and an infinite number of cosmetic changes and items - something you couldn't give any other game and therefore Skyrim is unique and unrepeatable, even with all that no plot is not necessary.

BIG_CrasheR 11.10.19

Nick missed friend)
Angmar87 wrote:
they are more thoughtful and a nice leisurely hike and thoughtfulness.
But saying I liked it.

maxpayen 11.10.19

Dude you really are an addict!.....ahahahaha

Limauni 11.10.19

It will be the best game ever! I would give my life for this game!

SuperDoom 11.10.19

You first buy RUTEX Titan to play for over the exorbitant peck peck the game type is fully immersed there and not to go))))
Personally, I think the game will be on time, as Deus ex-MD or Reg 2

Ar4er2016 11.10.19

Anyone. I like for the Witcher 3 one passage was enough (game+DLC). And some will still be playing hundreds of hours. Really don't understand what it can do for so long. But that's my opinion.

Alphalva 11.10.19

In this topic, too cool)

Angmar87 11.10.19

Minus the Witcher is that you're limited in the choice of the main character. Its history, appearance, gender, character spelled out in advance. Minus freedom of choice, plus dive and elaborate. My main gripe with the Witcher is that it does not cool a beautiful woman. I'd rather play for a cool chick that would hit on other women - so the rest of the main characters, of course, have to leave, they're fine.

Angmar87 11.10.19

For me it is the first decent role-playing game over the last few years. Prior to that, in the best case, a few notable hits and were a whole bunch of online, multiplayer garbage. Of course, there does not remain anything other, except how to enjoy. Too long waiting and too much of a rarity this.

SuperDoom 11.10.19

I have the Witcher 3 - 1320 hours. Game over is cool!