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RB265 27.07.20 08:28 pm

Why students don't read?

Of all my classmates only read by two people. However, it was all there Stalker and other Cats-Warriors. When I asked others they said,This skocna!!! And as I tried to explain to them, they would not listen. Can anyone explain what's going on? We will soon autopeep.
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VETER15 27.07.20

now the world has not moved on the reading and on vision. Ie better to watch than to read. No need to use brain activity in terms of imagination.

USER_NT 27.07.20

Well, with such slogans and destroyed the Soviet form of education (education). In Soviet times, even plumbing (plumbers apologize, didn't mean to offend you) could quote the classics and to cut a chip of subtext in the works, though no quote is out of place, off topic and in a timely manner.
Even just reading without understanding, it is helpful if this is the correct literary language, because it increases vocabulary and improves literacy, because people remembers how to write the words and remembers the words.

Dragon2055 27.07.20

You would have the king remembered. Times are changing and need to adapt to new realities.
Our education system reforming, but through one place. This is happening not understand that.
Just reading is also helpful - so don't read on! I graduated high school 6 years ago, but I remember that the house did not read the given literature. Only read all sorts of honors of which there were 1-2 people. I doubt that now everything has changed for the better.
The whole system of education now works on the same principle: to make intelligent and erudite people, but to create workers who know their responsibilities, but completely stupid in others. Such people are easy to control.

alekszvorsk 27.07.20

They'll get to good books. I am a Stalker began, but then moved on to larger and more deep fantasy. The Lord of the rings, a song of ice and fire, Warhammer Abbate... Now I thought I'd read something Stephen king.

Shine 27.07.20

RB265 wrote:
Since when Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev, etc. become difficult for development? Hard to read Radishchev, but its program is small.I think the thing is that the parents are not taught from childhood.
In brief, a few days before the new lesson, and thus other works of the author, plus other subjects which also need ready? Not quite just. Moreover, the task set, again, not to read and understand the author's idea, but to feel the age, and to learn by heart and to answer stupid questions like what kind of dress Natasha Rostov came to his first ball.
And exam in literature (as well as on the history) - this is a wild disaster. At least when they were passed.

tovarish comrade 27.07.20

I don't know what happened to me.
All my life I read any fiction. But now something happened to me not so kind, find a good book on interesting topics I like and likes me, but... At some point I stop and hunt, somehow, even though I see that the work is worthwhile and necessary I like.

USER_NT 27.07.20

Well that is what I said in previous posts that it helps, good purposes, the opium of the people and democracy.

Aleksey Sekretov 27.07.20

because I play GTA and calldate

DreamFAW 27.07.20

When I was in elementary school, I read mostly children's detectives - first cheap cost, then the price goes up to 100-130 rubles, but the parents were glad that I read. At the same time and read the usual books: loved the book by Mark TWAIN about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (reread many times, probably just because there was nothing to do in childhood without video games and the Internet), the Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, the amphibian Man, now just don't remember.
In high school I read all that asked in literature classes, I even liked to read I loved, and learned all that was required - to give your opinion and write a review (composition). Specific books of course, not all liked. War and peace, by the way, it is nothing, at least read with interest, until, until he died Andrei Bolkonsky, I thought this novel, hoping for the development of relations with Natasha Rostova, in General, was very disappointed in this moment :D but Quiet flows the don read with disgust (the teacher of my reviews it is not like she Quiet flows the don just loved, but I was one of the few students who did in her class was reading, so she just said, I have a right to their opinion). At the same time I started to read a little fantasy, just for myself - Andrzej Sapkowski, R. A. Salvatore, George Martin, Steven Erickson, Glen cook.
But I never cared for any kind of distant ideals, searching for a deeper meaning in the works, the author's contribution to the development of literature and stuff like that. There are books which I enjoy and the books are not interesting to me. That's all. I mean, I never understood people foaming at the mouth to prove that so-and-so author we have tried to say something, and in this book hid a very important sense, the worldview from which the human changes.
Why nobody reads - because people are mostly a herd of dumb sheep, they would only special effects in the films abruptly, bass music and more in games pographical. A little interested to sit in silence buried in a book, most people want some bright tangible experiences that you can hear, see and not just imagine in my head.

Shine 27.07.20

You talking nonsense like that Obamka with Putin on maize over their countries spray tupin. So...no. Now, in times so don't you love democracy, removed the prohibitions of the works of most of the authors stopped tabourets some, not acceptable earlier themes, and with the development of the public Internet and did you open all the libraries of the world. Any books, any authors in the original language and in multiple translations are fully accessible. From the dedication to the achievements of science and art you are pressing the Search in Google. At a time when in the same scoop, to steal a couple of books of fiction from the library - had it for happiness. The problem is not democracy with its opium problem in the people, most of whom are lazy animals.

sanic 27.07.20

And where does it? He said that he Skalnik and shkolniki not people.

vikpass 27.07.20

It just a child is not vaccinated. From my reading of issue five. Easier to the computer or TV to send, not to interfere. And parents do not always have a brain.

Eroppo 27.07.20

When talking about shkolota - I agree, the people you call difficult, especially because your herd manages to remain so in adulthood. At least you know it - maybe all is not lost. But if you're trying to spew that humanity is defined by the age - will have to disappoint you, because you self are the most obvious proof that it is not

Dragon2055 27.07.20

Yeah he's not really talked about this. Just education by itself is now under construction so everything needs to fit into a single standard. They do not learn, and prepare for GIA and the exam. The difficulty in the exams it comes to the absurd, all because the government does not want a large number of people with higher education. need a simple, hardworking people.
A colleague at work's daughter was taking the exam for literature recently. And she got the questions about the poet Martynov, which did not exist in the curriculum. One of her classmates was the question what color was the bedspread at grandma in some book.
Opportunities for self-Learning weight, but education itself does not teach children to educate themselves.

AR3E 27.07.20

As one of the options - tired of dull oppression of parents and teachers, looking for ways to hide. The book is not very good option - do not carry away as a crowd, alcohol/drugs, video games. To build a house out of dirt in the Mini, to drain the rink with your friends or Botanica Cocke more interesting than reading dull Asya Turgeneva, or doing it to be disappointed and to spit on the literature at all.

Shine 27.07.20

Of course, I can't share experiences about the system's own experience, for 10 years before the UNIVERSITY'but has only received private education at home, but from conversations with friends, the overall picture have. And in my opinion, the study plan in principle, and do not have anyone to teach anything, it must be executed. Learning is already, directly, and teachers to persuade children to educate themselves should they, if the parents are not able to. The problem of school education in Russia is that they usually teach older, tired people, which itself is nothing. And how such teachers can impart to their students something besides the same apathy? With the emergence of teaching staff younger colleagues, of course, a little saves the situation, but at this rate it will last quite a long time and fundamentally 1-2 people on all educational institution nichrome not change.
As for the exam... it's not bad as idea. But to adequately bring it to life as anyone and failed. The pearl dress I took from your version and it's not supposed to work that way. On the other hand, in the presence of teachers who frankly do not care about their students and their abilities, what other options are there?

Dragon2055 27.07.20

But I can share. I have a pedagogical education (teacher of history) and practice I learned it in school. although the specialty is not working.
You described the problem is, but not always and not fully. You just don't understand how our education leaned towards the exam. Testing, testing and again testing. Teachers simply do not give a turn. Children are constantly forced to go to extra-curricular activities. As a teacher can normally be deployed with PED. program when it is necessary to have the children at heart decided tasks of a certain type? Maybe sometimes the teachers would be happy to be innovative, but sometimes corny can't.
When I was in practice, I was forced to regularly conduct tests. because it should be.
The children were oak-tree. So to write off were not allowed, but after 2-3 days I'm doing a survey on the same test, such nonsense carried. and the test at 4-5.

Mark Muller 27.07.20

As an explanation can offer so-called piecemeal thinking, i.e., roughly speaking, when people cannot long concentrate on one type of mental activity. Among friends there are a lot of smart people, but they don't have long to strain gyrus in the solution of a single problem, including to read a book, especially if it is quite large. In General, it is a sign of the modern generation thinks it is faster, but can't focus on one thing, as there is too much information, the brain simply does not have time for everything. Read the article on this subject - it will be interesting, and the fact that I wrote it only in General terms.

rPeBoJL 27.07.20


Podvipodvertov 27.07.20

I am 27 years old and I've never read a single book, even in school, scored. Just remember yourself in high school. Here I sit at home alone in silence in front of the book that was asked to read. Silence, I drew line after line, then look out the window, and there my classmates are fun to play, run, frolic, sun is shining, they're having fun. And I'm alone in front of the book is blunt, and I don't care what it says, I'm broke, I'm shaking, I close the book, throw to the side, and a few minutes later I already run them on the street, spit on homework. After that, I never in my life did not take the book in your hands, almost not when.
Where a year ago I bought one book, can't remember the name, there was a story of a German tanker that during the war he was a tank commander Tiger. Well, I started reading it, I mastered a couple of pages. I read, and from all these scenes appear, and it comes to mind the game"War Thunder. And here all was repeated as in childhood. Owner is in the side, and I sit at the computer and chase on this very tiger in the game War Thunder. I can't read books, I need to see this live, to feel, to touch, if not in real life, so at least virtual, but not in the head.
And now I came home from work, read a book? Let visulite what? I'd rather play the same Witch, or will go to Euro truck simulator, crank up the music and I will just have to go somewhere.
And at the weekend, walks, Biking, just walking around the city, to enjoy all of these landscapes are alive, enjoy every moment of life, to feel, to touch.
Or go somewhere and stare blankly out the window, I love looking out the window. A second flies a large number of landscapes, village, villages, houses, people and their lives. One of the gang is sleeping, someone is sitting in the phone or reading a book, and I look out the window, can watch 10 hours without stopping, at what interest. Books I don't need.

I better write a message to one person on this Board that fully reflects my attitude to books:

A little interested to sit in silence buried in a book, most people want some bright tangible experiences that you can hear, see and not just imagine in my head.