Why students don't read?
Of all my classmates only read by two people. However, it was all there Stalker and other Cats-Warriors. When I asked others they said,This skocna!!! And as I tried to explain to them, they would not listen. Can anyone explain what's going on? We will soon autopeep.No time :
1. Read the news on the Internet
2. Read the task in the games
3. The rest of the time sleeping
Reading need to preserve the remnants of the imagination, which karrent-gene is not present, since the incoming information flows to the head in the finished razgovorom form. In its absence, the book ceases to be fun. There is an opinion that is boring.
I never read the books and don't read. But I read a lot on the Internet.
Consequently, resentment for what reason, from the fact that books do not read, or from the fact that no imagination of schoolchildren?
I have imagination and I read a lot different, but I do not read books.
- Why do you always watch TV? There's also a gum for the brain! Need books to read! So I read a lot of books! All Dontsova read!
Reading books really has become a rarity, so that some people have turned the reading into something elitist, although in the past it was a common thing, as now the same watching TV or YouTube. And some now no matter what to read. Though hudlit still elite. Some more advanced hudlit showy criticize and praise some reading, because he is the type of useful. But it's all varieties...as they say.
In defense of reading I want to say that this perception of having a more favorable impact on the thinking, because the information is presented in a special kind - think about yourself, chew it myself to form a opinion (of course, it all depends on the quality of the book). Don't want to understand - is your problem, the book does not chew.
Modern people, even inquisitive people try to find any guru (or box) that they are all on the speck to get hold of and put in his mouth. In this case, no thinking naturally, there is only memorization of information is often unsystematic. Therefore, most of the current intellectuals prove to be complete idiots.
And then there are people whose intellectual development remains at the school level. And these people actively read ..... but that's not book, and Newspapers. Look at this elderly man reading Komsomolskaya Pravda, and I think when you cease to be a member of the Komsomol?
probably students right now are.... I read as a child, before teaching read all the classics
You are wrong, sir. Modern propaganda remains with the soul after death. And even if late to the angel explain that he was wrong, in his heart he will still think that in his belief it was the right thing.
Read the book, but only because forced. he only read the series Eragon in the 5th grade and then only because of the fact that the computer broke down, and watch telly almost as boring. I've tried, well can't I understand the meaning of these books, as already mentioned above, rip out the answers to the questions of the teacher. Remember it is possible, but it spent too much time, which is so little, and to sense zero. Gave the example above with the leaning tower - in the book you start to imagine what she looks like, that will stimulate the imagination, but it's much more fun to see with your own eyes. Besides, with the same tower and seeing it in real life you will be wondering why she partially fell, forcing her to stay in that position, etc.
So what do you think is average student of grade 8-9 it is interesting to read the works of the classics, those dead souls? Of course not, that would be too boring. That's the whole answer to first post question.
And why represent as d'artagnan waved his sword, if you can watch on TV Boyarsky.
I'm not talking about other books, except for art.
You need to win the argument (with yourself?) what you are right? and to try to begin to analyze the old - which, on the subject of whether this infa part of the indoctrination, the mind is not enough, or scary?
stalker7162534 wrote:
and to try to begin to analyze the old - which is like
Predictable response I'm prepared question - and you to her, this practice was used? Or your tsennosti no tsennosti?
Delphis wrote:
here the case is different, upbringing, now it has changed
Probably, somewhere. Too many arguments you like chivo, chivo you boring. Nowadays, it is no, and**lo. Need to paint the sample on paterazmi, to paint. You have to read Dead souls for the next lesson, read. And you do not want or can't come in spec.school.. if so fuck.
Probably still the case. )
I doubt that could change education. The wise Britons say - don't try to raise children, they will still do the same as you.
The world has changed. The Internet emerged.
I remembered hammock during the Cold war. Americans, especially those who have experienced fierce butthurt from USSR, very experienced in the world chess Champions were Soviet citizens. And so they came up with Hochma - they say in Russia long winters to do nothing at all (since there's nothing for leisure, almost) here Russian and sitting at the chess days, and therefore win the world Championships.
This tactic I created (which right now). For started vernopoddannym a member of the Komsomol, but right now a fierce anti-Communist.