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RB265 27.07.20 08:28 pm

Why students don't read?

Of all my classmates only read by two people. However, it was all there Stalker and other Cats-Warriors. When I asked others they said,This skocna!!! And as I tried to explain to them, they would not listen. Can anyone explain what's going on? We will soon autopeep.
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U.S.Soldier 27.07.20

because it is impossible to read the shit that is taught in schools

USER_NT 27.07.20

I'll even say more, any body is lazy by nature and always tries to expend less energy for any work, any. And so, even the most lazy-lazy, was educated plumbers (again, I apologize to plumbers) in the Soviet era, hammered in the head with knowledge, anyone they come in handy it is not useful, not important, they have (basic knowledge base), but after school, people might think, to go further to expand this knowledge or not.
And about the book, well what can I say, any the state system trying to defend itself, in America, in Russia, in Israel. If you want to write books about bad America and its device, they will be banned in America, and in Russia the same thing in any other country.
And in Soviet times was not tyrneta to click at Google, to look for any work.

Shif077 27.07.20

And what for them to read books when there's a dude's posts)))

USER_NT 27.07.20

Looks afraid that in your free country, where democracy and unicorns defecate rainbows, their site will block, for eating my words about diseases of the brain, associated with the opium of the people.

Get Ohotnik 27.07.20

Why read when you can eat Yaga, Smoking fags and fuck sifilisnoy whores? More shkolote not interested in anything. Although DotA 2 and chovno they are interested in

377885207 27.07.20

I'm in my 26 years I read a shitload of books, but never asked a question of the author. To read or not to read and what to read - I have always believed that it is a personal choice that I'm reading the biggest secret. I do not like when someone asks me about what I read, so I don't have reading friends. Although one recently was surprised he met a nice girl, and in his words don't be a sucker suddenly started to read, interested in what and who is reading, and now urgently advise him books and so on, and when he approached me for advice I didn't at first, and he had already read so much that I'm freaking out, well work it certainly allows you to read. This was a shock for me - the man is a former medalist kickboxer (injury) and keen footballer, not against sometimes in the Xbox drive, and then a sharp turn.
He made his choice, I think that many just come to some kind of choice and will take the necessary decision.
Anyway - reading will never be a bad experience will always make something good out of the book.
Unless of course this is not the book Dontsova, or other such heresy.

nikita2112 27.07.20

Well, it's really boring. And that is the reading of the will? Nothing. Only time will waste.

MunchkiN 616 27.07.20

serious will Serenite, it, and time to kampik to play remains.
this implies, read it and do not perceive information polnastiu if slogam to read the lessons do not have time.
so anyways doing so if you see a lot of letters. vytskii babbling robot in camp and he boboboboboo read the text and I know what it is. and then I stop and picture smatryu after reading.

IlovePS4 27.07.20

But my experience is quite the opposite - the older the teachers were, the more they are able to drive students, and I, respectively. Although my generation ('95) remember, what is respect for elders, and so we were afraid and listened to older, stern teachers of the Soviet school. Now, Yes, I have a friend, so his brother is studying in third grade ( a very late child), so there is at school the teacher went completely repulsed, the Internet has a meme about 9 times 2, so it now shows the essence of the young teachers, they are capricious, do not know how to explain - here's an exercise, and how to do it read the paragraph, or you were supposed to read it at home. And as a result, the child perceives reading as work, not fun - AND NO ONE WANTS to WORK, especially with our mentality

Mag Otshelnik 27.07.20

Read and wise up.Throw the idiot box.Think with your head.

Shine 27.07.20

For the second time today in this thread sawing donapost and accidentally reset all by pressing the side button of the mouse. For the love of...okay. cut.
OK, lower the compulsory mathematics and Russian and even forget about that for the exam you can prepare for 2-3 months of not solving any of the test. With other it disciplines what? Especially with the humanitarian. You don't want to tell me that you really need 11 consecutive years constantly peck these tests, so if anything has to pass is unfortunate exam. Oh, I will not believe.
And I 96. And I doubt very much that the difference in a year here has changed a lot.
All my friends who had the joy to study in a state school in one voice asserted that teachers of the old school - as one self-centered hypocrites. With a few exceptions. Yes, they are very well versed in their field of expertise and can drive you part of them. But it's not going anywhere, the more such knowledge you would not want. And do not here about the Soviet-hardened, really. In the USSR teachers were not afraid, respect them, communicate with them, they helped in the life outside educational institutions. They, in turn, knew everything about his disciples and had regular contact with their parents. Now this is not close.
Younger teachers may not deeply know their subject, but are not as conceited as their older counterparts. They can engage in dialogue and even debate. The process of learning this happens through discussion and conversation, which in my opinion is more efficient.
And it just so happened that graduating class I still had to finish school. Our exercises in sophistry with the young teacher of cultural studies then I will not forget. About Russian art in the end know much.
But the lesson of physics with the Soviet teacher. All sit half-asleep, burying her look in desks and vaguely listening to the woman monotonously reproducing dozens of times jagged text. And the disciples trying to remember all of this, for schools, for whatever reason, outlining is not taught. At these sessions and questions are not welcome, dispute or dialogue speech does not go. A disgruntled curious upstart at once put in place, and in the future will create not a few problems. Checked personally, I did not know back then, anywhere. And Yes, physics don't know absolutely.
Of course who knows, maybe in this situation it was just me and the guys from my environment, but as you can see the situation, so talking about it.

Hryas 27.07.20

Books - the evil, they are dumb

Razox 27.07.20

XS, began in the afternoon at work to read current due to the fact that all the jokes I read. XD
Really read there are all sorts of Underground, Well, a king.\
I think even the Witcher look, say the rules.
So, when do nefig, and with a current phone standards. Well, it certainly is for those who are in games on the phone, no desire to play, or just not interesting, all the same in a book to get better than the game.

SoZiN7 27.07.20

Not read in the school yard, do not stand Russian writers. Here foreign fantasy bad came.

Mordok 27.07.20

Yes, there will be no domestic enrichment from the pile of books. Internally to enrich themselves only by living a full, eventful, varied life, dealing with many people of different professions and social status and not sitting at home buried in a book.
Owner is the best device for pumping analysts Mosca. Having been around and seeing all of you pile up the old memory, do not need raking. Reading (not fluent and not Dontsova), you resort to analysis of the time - imagination paired with the logic you draw the plot. But in the process sracha logic with imagination and bobs analysis.
Example. You're so hanging out in Italy
- Oops! The leaning tower of Pisa! Cool, I'll go take a dump..
Saw, was postponed in the Moscow picture, larval, scored)

Proofread the book with no pictures about the leaning tower:
- Fig! She curve! - Moscow starts to slip tower standing cancer - No, this is gon for ruined.
Mind you chase the angles and design. In parallel, more and visualization will be adjusted corresponding to, for if old - Val all sorts of naked curly pepper on it with Fig leaves, columns what are. Was peeling, I suppose, up.
No matter how your picture matches with reality - your Mosk analyzed.

From this it follows that not every book is useful for Mosca; the TV is useless for Mosca because, even though the scientific.pop what you don't have time to analyze what he saw on the go - stupidly guzzle the facts; to graze in internetica and seek answers homework - it is useless to Mosca, even if you had them at loggerheads and 10 times jagged. To read the article on the quantum computer at the wiki and climb to shit on Megachic - useless for Mosca, for stupidly repeat the reading.
Separate paragraph: to read the spetsuhu, not having filled three pages of fine print on every page of the guide is how to get BDIM intravenously, instead of orally - it is useless to Mosca.

Most importantly, if you throw out the computer and the TV, and you can go everywhere and books are fit to read a lot. Not a hindrance.

Prof.the question to you as a specialist (do not care do not practice). Noticed when riding different students the same material - otchetlivee own notes on the subject, but completely lost touch with the audience. You give them a question with an elegant solution - rewrite in the notebooks, I will nod my head that I understood, but at home similar things can not solve. How to deal with?

Crociato 27.07.20

The answer lies on the surface. Fiction is primarily entertainment. A hundred years ago it had almost no competitors, then came radio, television, VCRs, DVD players, consoles, Internet, all sorts of gadgets. Books like entertainment, loses almost all of it. And this problem concerns not only children but also adults. Previously on the way to work, many have read the book, and now all phones and tablets play/sit on the Internet, SOC. networks. Many simply fooling yourself when you believe what you read because you want to cultivate. No, people read hood. books for fun.

requiemmm 27.07.20

Students bored. Just bored, and here's why...the issue was complex and multilayered. Need an example, that is, the teacher must really burn his work. To the background class completely voluntarily and consciously felt like shit and were drawn up. Smart, well-read, polite and at the same time, his teacher, with a twist, with charisma...you such in school you saw? I'm not. Seen many years later, there is for the person teaching was a hobby, had comrade the firm, the money is not needed. And the result was.
And the school is the bottom. Young teachers do not pay because a few bets holding pedof...honored teacher of Russia, which is purely because of their age it is time to darn socks, not to teach children, but at the cost of living is difficult to maintain enthusiasm.
The program...let's say, those who it was, completely forgot what it's like to be a child. Miserable, dreary haze, is built on dogma, in the spirit of the law of God and other nonsense, seemingly obsolete Soviet system. And no, nobody is interested in thoughts about work, and only they have value. Their opinion about the reading, detailed, detailed and free. The school, and society as a whole, it is not necessary. There are manuals, there are two paragraphs that need to drive pupils to the head, who drove, to five, and those who do not drive to victory. Fragmentation of works into scraps, ignoring age thresholds, and every book they own.
For example, the Citadel for the average person years to twenty-five impregnable, like Dostoevsky or Tolstoy. To grub up the passages and to answer the question the teacher can understand - no. You need experience and cultural baggage, which is not. And many will not.
Vocabulary can and of interesting, easy books with no need to drive aversion to books, and even to mental activity...whoever the pests from the MoE explained, although there is not necessary to explain:(
And still do not know how to look for books. After all, to read, need to know what to read and methods of searching need not teach. Whole layers of literature pass. The last time, and the price has increased and quality fell. A few typos on the page become the norm, especially in various kinds of expensive literature. And we have that? A scan of the paper book+crawl errors, in short all sad.
Well, there is one a little thing called imagination. Was something a lot of people who have it at all. Exactly. They can't physically get pleasure from reading fiction, but if we are talking about the authors of the type of dick that constantly swerved to the side of the branching works on several story lines and their parallel development, as in the final merge, the chance that the patient will master the product zero.
The General concept of education has changed, perhaps that's the case. Can't find the answer, and to choose from the offered. Not to think, not to doubt, take a template and go with him through life, and the brain can be removed in safe:) Applies to all spheres of existence.

AR3E 27.07.20

For the second time today in this thread sawing donapost and accidentally reset all by pressing the side button of the mouse
Lazarus: Form Recovery to help. A few years of use.

warp 37 27.07.20

When I was a student sometimes reading, now practically do not read books.

LodedDormoUse 27.07.20

Read as much as play