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RB265 27.07.20 08:28 pm

Why students don't read?

Of all my classmates only read by two people. However, it was all there Stalker and other Cats-Warriors. When I asked others they said,This skocna!!! And as I tried to explain to them, they would not listen. Can anyone explain what's going on? We will soon autopeep.
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Wing42 19.11.20

Well, I just thought that the Internet writes a huge number of people, and to distinguish a good reading from the next writing is not always possible from the first pages.

Pelmen dobra 19.11.20

Probably because books have a lot of competition, even though the devil knows it really. Serials, games. Oddly enough fanfiction. There are friends who do not like to read, but tons of read fanfiction.

PCHalfFullHD 19.11.20

In fact, as a rule, just from the first pages you can distinguish cheap writing from more or less high-quality text. However, to recognize graphomania you need a little more reading, but also not so much)

Wing42 19.11.20

Sometimes you can understand this by reading the annotation to the book.

GlyukoEzhik 19.11.20

Now books are not only schoolchildren do not read - this sin even adults. And schoolchildren take an example from adults! That's the secret.
I don't even remember the last time I read a book. I used to read a lot and I liked it. Now I would read - but everything is not up to books somehow. It's even sad.

Wing42 19.11.20

GlukoYzhik wrote:
And schoolchildren take an example from adults! That's the secret.
That's not quite true. School-age children take the example not from their adults, as they came out of the age of blind imitators (but still ahead), but from their peers and fellow students. If the class leader and his co-stars do not read books, reading books will not be popular.

GlyukoEzhik 19.11.20

Well, at my school age , our class leaders didn't seem to be particularly interested in books. It was the same in the college and in the institute. The leaders mostly ran at recess to smoke and crow on the porch or basement what. I don't think anything has changed dramatically now.

stalker7162534 19.11.20

Imho, more precisely so - continuing to take the example of parents, children begin to imitate and peers, and those who are a little older.
And I don't think the whole class imitates one student.

StingerDef 19.11.20

Two reasons, the human brain, always strive for concise information. and books are the most emenstive of these ways. against the backdrop of modern films, they concede. benefit from the fact that you read Dostoevsky or watch the next bitter, equally at all. as much as some are not cocking, fiction, need people poorly educated. if there's anything an old alcoholic writer can teach you. you probably don't know what's going on around you. since it so happened that all books are perceived as a holy thing of God. then show good books, we have not many of them at all. You won't see any in the shops, or you can't have vaginal suffering. or good but wiped to the holes. show Orwell" or "Bradbury" (for my taste I say of course)... and as for the really smart books, the scientific polar genre, or at least the memoirs. then they will start reading when they start to be interested in this or that industry of the world. and if they don't start, the bull has always been useful to the state. (hello to the 1984 novel). they will start reading simply because there is no alternative yet...

stalker7162534 19.11.20

In the bookstore:
Do you have Eugene Onegin?
- And what exactly from Eugene Onegin?

stalker7162534 19.11.20

StingerDef wrote:
brain, always strive for concise information. and books are the most emenstive of these ways. against the backdrop of modern films, they concede. benefit from the fact that you read Dostoevsky or watch the next bitter, equally at all.
He's moved. Can you write it off?

Wing42 19.11.20

stalker7162534 wrote:
Imho, more precisely so - continuing to take the example of parents, children begin to imitate and peers, and those who are a little older.
That's the way it is, with age children otherwise prioritize.

Gauguin 19.11.20

Don't worry about my political literacy. No need for manoeuvres and departures from the answer:
Gauguin wrote:
Yes, yes, you applied this filter and got the truth from the secret depths? Or fit to your own beliefs?
Too obvious fatness, although the admission of "intentional spelling errors" is not so bad, gives comicality, given the topic of conversation. Try better.

stalker7162534 19.11.20

Using a filter helps to recognize when you are fooled. And if you know that in this matter you are lying, that is, write for someone else's purposes, you begin to look for the answer to the question - but what really?
And I will ask you not to dodge the answer - what do you understand under communism and liberalism?
If you read the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, you can observe the curious - if earlier scolded capitalism of America and praised the communist party, now scold America (already not for capitalism) and praise the greatest.

Gauguin 19.11.20

stalker7162534 wrote:
Using a filter helps to recognize when you are fooled.
And this "filter" comes from and what is it based on? A priori?
stalker7162534 wrote:
And I will ask you not to dodge the answer - what do you understand under communism and liberalism?
Do you want to throw a link to definitions from Wikipedia or from some other resource?

stalker7162534 19.11.20

"Filter" is derived from the experience of mankind. I didn't invent this formula - to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Read the question carefully - "what do you understand."

stalker7162534 19.11.20


"As a child everything seems brighter - people are kinder, the grass is greener, but not for me. Children's house on the outskirts of the city with shabby furniture, gray walls and broken swings in the yard - that's my childhood - infinitely long, empty and dull. A burning sense of loneliness haunts every abandoned child. Every day the same questions are: "Why is that?", "Why don't I have a mother?", "Why am I worse than others?", "Am I so bad that I was taken to an orphanage?".

These unfunny thoughts can go crazy. I was saved by books. I've read "Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece" a hundred times. I was really interested in history when I was in the fifth grade. My teacher (the only person in my life who cared about me) brought me books from her personal library. As you know, the history teacher had a huge number of books about ancient civilizations, cities, historical events, wars, people. It was from her that I first heard about Hyperborea, it was she who addicted me to the study of myths and legends. "

stalker7162534 19.11.20

colipaste from the expanse
"Now came the enchanting madame. Businesswoman. I came to record the child in the 1st grade (straight September 1,
Spoilers are all spring and summer). Starting a dialogue about a child's abilities is standard:
Can he read?
"Have you heard it?" We're only in first grade!
Further from the conversation of the psychologist with the child it turned out that the boy can not count to 10, does not know the letters, the colors of the rainbow, the months of the year, the days of the week, the sides of the world, the birds knows only pigeons and sparrows, the tree named only two - a palm tree and a Christmas tree (knows the word "birch", but what it - does not know), dinosaurs he saw in the movies, but that they were actually - not aware that they are no longer - too, the time by the hour can not determine, does not know what is "hide" or "smoor" can not not but retell - to name at least one fairy tale. He "doesn't like" drawing (he doesn't have any paints - "he didn't ask"), scissors, plasticine and glue in his hands did not hold. She doesn't know any of them. While talking to the child, my mother endlessly indignantly repeated that he was just going to school, why should he know all this, why she should do someone else's work, for which teachers are paid money?!

The child does not want to go to school because he does not know what it is - of course, he is afraid.

He did not go to kindergarten, did not communicate with other children, in early childhood remained with his great-grandmother, and then ... Yes, they bought him a tablet. Since then, he spends most of his time playing five-ball-a-row games. He was well dressed and fed, with him even went to other countries (which - does not remember, went only to the beach and to the store). That's all the upbringing. Even the baby wasn't at the zoo.

As it became clear from the conversation with the mother, with the child she communicates on the topics "what do you want to eat?", "what to buy?", "play the tablet, do not interfere with your mother."

Such a rigid diet for the child's brain - nothing "extra." Chances that the kid at least by the 4th grade compensates for this "diet" is negligible. It's a pity for him ("

potomak57 19.11.20

They're afraid to get stupid!!!