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RB265 27.07.20 08:28 pm

Why students don't read?

Of all my classmates only read by two people. However, it was all there Stalker and other Cats-Warriors. When I asked others they said,This skocna!!! And as I tried to explain to them, they would not listen. Can anyone explain what's going on? We will soon autopeep.
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Gauguin 27.07.20

stalker7162534 wrote:
For started vernopoddannym a member of the Komsomol, but right now a fierce anti-Communist.
You changed your values, that's all. You now, like liberalism, because someone told you how great it is to live under liberalism. That's all.
JetRanger wrote:
Good, truly scientific reading is really useful.
In most cases, reading is a set of facts, a simple description of complex mechanisms. He teaches a fundamental understanding, at the level as is. This requires, as a minimum, textbooks.
And why has written books like"the Illusion of God, which from a philosophical point of view, are a nightmare.

JetRanger 27.07.20

Gauguin wrote:
In most cases, reading is a set of facts, a simple description of complex mechanisms. He teaches a fundamental understanding, at the level as is. This requires, as a minimum, textbooks.
Richard Feynman (famous physicist and popularizer of physics) rightly remarked: If you are a scientist, a quantum physicist, and not in one or two words to explain a child of five, what you do, you quack. Feynman, of course, was the lover of potrebovat and witty, but without a grain of truth he never managed.

To explain to the reader-the layman the essence of some phenomenon (such as biological evolution or lifecycle of stars), it is not necessary to acquaint him with lots and lots of small parts. Enough just cleverly simple analogy, concisely and coherently present, stick to clarity and, of course, be based only on facts. It's an art, a good popular science authors do a little, but nevertheless - the task is doable, and of great benefit to those people who are interested in science and the surrounding world.

And why has written books like"the Illusion of God, which from a philosophical point of view, are a nightmare.
Specifically this book here at anything, she's never non-fiction. Although I do wonder what it can be to find a nightmare - it's well written, an adequate sample of atheistic literature. However, I place Dawkins neskolko differently would be accents, but nevertheless, problems do not see. Maybe lost in translation destroyed the impression readers Russian version?

Gauguin 27.07.20

JetRanger wrote:
To explain to the reader-the layman the essence of some phenomenon (such as biological evolution or lifecycle of stars), it is not necessary to acquaint him with lots and lots of small parts. Enough just cleverly simple analogy, concisely and coherently present, stick to clarity and, of course, be based only on facts. It's an art, a good popular science authors do a little, but nevertheless - the task is doable, and of great benefit to those people who are interested in science and the surrounding world.
It's not good, it is the intrinsic value. Someone nice to collect little facts and share them with others. Practice, fundamental knowledge too. Meanwhile, even in hudlite you can learn the so called conventional wisdom (in good of course).
JetRanger wrote:
Specifically this book here at anything, she's never non-fiction.
"The God delusion" (eng. The God Delusion; 2006) — a popular science nonfiction book English ethologist, biologist, science popularizer Richard Dawkins, Professor of the University of Oxford (until 2008)[1].
JetRanger wrote:
Although I do wonder what it can be to find a nightmare - it's well written, an adequate sample of atheistic literature.
You need to read the fundamental philosophical works, and then look at the book, Dawkins, and everything will become clear. Dawkins was never a philosopher.

JetRanger 27.07.20

Gauguin wrote:
It's not good, it is the intrinsic value.
The spread of scientific literacy - not good?
Someone nice to collect little facts and share them with others. Practice, fundamental knowledge too.
Don't see the problem.

Knowledge is made up of little facts. Practice (in the sense you seem to mean by that word) is a way to learn these little facts and to interpret them correctly based on the well-known little facts, and that's what professional scientists do. We mere unscientific mortals be practice of course not. But this does not prevent us to understand, for example, that infections are caused by microorganisms, or that the Sun shines due to burnout of hydrogen into helium, and the planets revolve around it due to gravity. Fundamentally, whether such knowledge? No, we only use the final results, the entire practice done for us experts.

And nothing wrong with that. After all, to correctly imagine the basic principle of operation of some complex mechanism, it is not necessary (and impossible) fundamentally know every detail of it.

Meanwhile, even in hudlite you can learn the so called conventional wisdom (in good of course).
I do not argue. Hudlit - a genre with its task.
"The God delusion" (eng. The God Delusion; 2006) — a popular science nonfiction book...
I suspect such a description (wherever it was) was given only because Dawkins is a scientist. In the book there is something of science, but only as an illustration of the fundamental thoughts no more.
You need to read the fundamental philosophical works, and then look at the book, Dawkins, and everything will become clear. Dawkins was never a philosopher.
The God delusion is not a philosophical work, as well as not scientific. It's kind of a collection of facts, different sayings, reflections and arguments on the topic of religion and faith in the supernatural. And very good compilation.

Gauguin 27.07.20

JetRanger wrote:
The sun is shining expense of burning out of hydrogen into helium
The sun shines due to the fact that every morning Helios appeared in a Golden chariot drawn by four white winged horses.
Interesting fact. I'm so in the book I read, popular science. She gives me a fact, not fundamental knowledge, but I am happy. I like this version and I can imagine the basic principle of action of Helios.
JetRanger wrote:
The God delusion is not a philosophical work, as well as not scientific.
The question arises, why you need it. Science is not there, in terms of philosophy - echoing of the famous porridge in the framework materialist - positivist point of view.

JetRanger 27.07.20

Gauguin wrote:
I'm so in the book I read, popular science.
Well, popular science, there must have been accurately and effectively explain how spotted this Helios and took his chariot. Most of this book to read, or something... ))
The question arises, why you need it.
You and I, as an agnostic and atheist, respectively, it is really not needed.

stalker7162534 27.07.20

Why do You oppose communism and liberalism? Do you even know what these concepts mean?

stalker7162534 27.07.20

Delphis wrote:
Books will not advertise because they do not bring such profit, that's all.
You are wrong.

Gauguin 27.07.20

stalker7162534 wrote:
Why do You oppose communism and liberalism?
I'm not opposed to them, that's your speculation. I only said that you had changed your values, that's all.

stalker7162534 27.07.20

Oh well. Domiciliate and further, that someone said something.
Changed, then changed to another. So in your opinion communism is not a liberal?
Once again, read does not mean to put the letters in the word. It is also necessary to understand the meaning of the words.
Spoiler the most important thing when you read (get information) use the filter Told me the truth? If they told me the whole truth? I said but the truth?
Why do I say that? What I want to convince? Who benefits?

stalker7162534 27.07.20

Gauguin 27.07.20

stalker7162534 wrote:
And most importantly, when you read (get information) use the filter Told me the truth? If they told me the whole truth? I said but the truth?
Why do I say that? What I want to convince? Who benefits?
Yes, Yes, you've applied this filter and got the truth out of the secret depths? Or fit your own beliefs?
Too thick, you remind me of 13-year-old Oteiza. Don't do that.

Darkus222 27.07.20

It is not

Darkus222 27.07.20

That I do not understand the phrase some stalkers , not some and interesting to this man , no one needs to read what you think нужнымRB265

Wing42 19.11.20

Yes, any person of ANY age, armed with MS Word with the included spelling check can "write" their own work, with elves, gnomes and hand dragons.
Example: I rolled this writing for fun in 20 minutes, about this second-rate cut-off littered the entire Internet.
PS: all events, characters, places made up, Copyright blah blah wing.Inc. 2016.

Spoiler- So, one more minute. Can I hear me? Hale?
I hear you well, Victor, there's no image.
Images? It's going to be. Scott, hold the camera like this, yes. What's going on?
There's a picture! Not the best, really, but let's put it on the atmosphere. Are you ready? Trish, Albert, Scott?
Yes, everyone is ready.
"Let's go!
- Six hundred and forty-ninth day of the research expedition of the ship "The Applicant-09", the twelfth of January, the earthly time of sixteen hours and twelve minutes. The type is a planetoid with a diameter of 3,735 kilometers, the acceleration of free fall is 7,320 m/s square, which is smaller than the Earth's; the light cycle for the current time of year is twenty-seven Earth days, twenty-three of which occur per day; The terrain is complex, which indicates the possible seismic hazard of the object, water or other liquid is not; The structure of the surface is a rock, rocks, the composition of which is unknown; they are covered with a layer of ancient volcanic dust; atmosphere: sixty percent sulfur, twenty-one and eight percent hydrogen, nine percent oxygen, the remaining nine and two-tenths of a percent are unknown impurities. The planet's own thermal radiation is minimal, its core has been extinguished for a long time. It's cold, it's brutally cold! But the main thing is why we are here - there is life on the planetoid! Our bioscaner discovered it when the Applicant made a second flyby in low orbit, and today we'll find out what kind of life it is. Judging by the testimony of the scanner, the source of biological radiation is four hundred meters away from us, and it is hidden in a small mountain range. Our task is to establish the nature of the source of biological radiation. Perhaps that's what the whole expedition was about. We took the necessary weapons and equipment with us... Just in case. So, go ahead!
After finishing his opening report, Victor made a sign to the other three members of the team to move towards the required bunch of biological energy. Each other they set foot with the greatest care, trying not to stretch and not to stay very close - it is unlikely how hollow could be the depths of such an inhospitable piece of rock, which, like the wrecked ship, drifted in a remote area of space. In the air hung a depressing gray haze, from which the whole surrounding landscape seemed slightly blurred even near; its many irregularities cast ominous shadows from two distant suns, whose light barely pierced the muddy veil, from which they seemed small fireflies at arm's length. What or who could have survived in such an inhospitable place? No one knew that.
How far, Vic? Tricia's voice was discontented. -I don't see a damn thing, because of the temperature difference, it's two bills that are fogging out.
"They're almost here. Wow! Hale, do you see this?
I can see perfectly, Victor. It's getting more interesting and interesting.
"It's a cave," Scott said, and snapped a button on the bulky camera, translating it into night mode. "It looks uninhabited, there are no traces on the dust either there or back.
Is it flying? Hale, who was sitting in front of a monitor in a cozy surveillance booth at the time, said. Tricia and Albert snorted skeptically: they say, what else was missing.
Hale, we're coming in. Sound and image may disappear. All turn on the lights.
I get it.
We're inside. Still no trace of life, but the bioscaner has a different opinion about it. Hale, what do you think?
"Well... I guess you have to move deep into the cave, just try not to go too deep. The planetoid is small and no one can guarantee that it is not end-to-end.
I agree with you. The gentle slope inside, the floor is a bit like... Steps. But very old, crumbling. And big ones. We see something like a grotto ahead, and it looks like what we're looking for is in it.
"Vic, there's nothing here, the oxygen in my tank is already half exhausted, I haven't made up for it since our extreme landing, let's collect it. . . .
Albert was snapped on the floor, and the rest of the team fell silent after him. They all felt someone's eyes on themselves as one. Slowly, very slowly and trying not to breathe, they turned, as they thought, to the source of the look.
The creature sat in the far corner of the grotto, lazily falling back on it and without much interest looked at the intruders. From the look of deep, a little sad and dimly phosphorescent in the twilight of the cave purple eye light at Victor as if an ice drop swept along the back, causing this wave of "goosebumps" all over the body. His comrades seemed to have the same feeling. The strange creature was about four meters tall, the physique it resembled human, and perfectly developed physically: tight plexus of muscles bubbling under gray, covered with thin pulsating soft purple light veins, the skin of a giant, as well as strong hands and strong legs gave him the appearance of the mythical Apollo, or Atlanta. The hairless body of the giant was completely naked. He was silent, as if he expected people to take the first step.
Victor very slowly and with the maximum possible caution made the first step, trying not to shine a lantern in the inhabitant of the cave.
"Don't come up to him," Tricia hissed. She was shaking, the lantern beam was tossing from side to side, it was noticeable even in spite of the protective spacesuit. Victor took another step. Scott tried to focus the camera on the face of a gigantic creature.
What does it do? he muttered with a hriept voice.
The creature, leaning to one side a large bald head, with obvious interest brought to the face and began to consider the index finger of the right hand pouring purple light, giving him much more attention than the people around him, one of whom continued to approach him step by step. It seemed to enjoy the glow, which became brighter and brighter...
And after that the giant slowly and gently touched the floor of the cave with his finger.
In less than a minute, from the surface of the planetoid abruptly started "The Seeker-09", hurrying to get away from here, from this hostile and deadly place.
... For a long time in the hot air continued to swirl particles of ash, which were a fraction of a second ago four living people, and the giant, which fell to the wall, obsessingly watching it, continued to smile at his thoughts.

Darkus222 19.11.20

Shoot a pillow with gold threads

Mag Otshelnik 19.11.20

I don't care.....

Konstantin Mos 19.11.20

I read e-books and quite a lot when there is extra time.
books as a carrier of information are out of date. now it is easier to watch a movie or an audio book to download, well, or the game to pass is more interesting. And not everyone can stick two hours into the book.

Vanya Rygalov 19.11.20

Kosten Sk wrote:
And not everyone can stick two hours into the book.
And the woman?

stalker7162534 19.11.20

Well, you can read the words. But do you understand the meaning of the words? Do you know what the words mean - communism, liberalism?