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CyberTrasH 23.07.21 12:38 am

D2 Discussion (Disciples 2: Dark Prophecy)

There is no time to climb on topics (I have one question! Is it possible to take the capitals in any way? I haven’t found anything yet. And the steering wheel is quite good)
Thank you.
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Impudent cat 23.07.21

take two gargoyles and the type that paralyzes everyone, oh..yennaya scheme, tore everyone up. And about four rounds, don't whistle, why does he poison you for two hundred or what? Yes, it is a maximum, 150 travanut can and then you fucking swing it.

Bianor 23.07.21

Actually, I was describing the system of removing the capital at the MINIMUM costs. The only thing that I had of useful spells was a staff of +20 armor and I knocked out the guard. Try to knock out Ashkhan with the imperial group described by you, if you cannot cast anything on yourself except +20 armor.

In my opinion, the races in terms of opening the capitals are in this order:

EASIER of all is to knock out the guard with ghouls with a group: Nosferat, three maximum shklets, two supreme vampires. It would be much more profitable to take the deaths, which are poisoned by fifty dollars, but they will not withstand the first blow of the guard.

In second place are the Imperials. They have a healer and a lot of native blessing magic. It is better to take a scout, three maximum knights and two healers for all.

In the third - legions. They have gargoyles with 70% armor and a stun incubus. But the incubus has low accuracy and needs to be gorged on with little gizmos, otherwise it is kaput.

On the fourth - toddlers. They are fat and they have Ymir's children who are VERY fat and beat in the cold. Plus a lot of native blessing magic. But there are no medications or paralyzers.

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

1. The Undead of deaths can be pumped up to level 12 (then after the impact there will be 15 lives) Or, if not in patience, then you can take the dragon snake sho takes away 65 + 20 poison.
2. Do not forget the Imperials have an assassin, who, as I said, allowed me to bang Ashgan with his poison for 4 ROUNDS (though I rocked it for a long time (training hall)).
3. Do not forget that demons also have a loshok, under the name of the demon lord, which takes 140 and makes petrification. Two of these .... Succubus in the back and a hero ......
4. WHY ARE THERE NO PARALIZERS? Hermit hosh say not a paralyzer?

Bianor 23.07.21

Aydar, write in rounds who beat ashgan and how much.
Let's try to count.
Disciplines have a maximum damage of 300 per hit. Any secondary damage (poison, frost, fire) inflicts no more than half of the maximum damage - 150.4x150 = 600. If the army has four more units (minus the healer) with the maximum blow (300 - 90% = 30), this is another 120 pokes per round. Hence, 120x4 = 480. 600 + 480 = 1080, that is, with a margin.

But there is one "but". Such a result can be obtained only if you pump everyone to the maximum (up to the 99th level) and consume all the bubbles. And this is a colossal investment of time, money and strategically important gems.

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

Magic ... brother ... magic ...
Maximum Damage -300 ??? I’m sure I’ll turn a blind eye right now.
So, the hero wets the first to paralyze Ashgan, even before the impact (hurley initiative 102), taking out for some reason 355 damage (155 + 200) -90% = 35 to 45 damage. Further, the assassin uses a horse to urinate from 30 to 40 damage. Already 65 to 85 damage has been consumed. Then ashgagn yokates for 150 health points and removes paralysis. This is followed by three blows from the knights, consequently from 90 to 120 damage. So, in general, already 150 + 90 + 65 = 305 to 85 + 150 + 120 = 355. Then this is all four times and Ashgan is completely complete.
1. Assassin needs to develop about 30 levels in mine.
2.The hero has Betresen's Claw and Krisstal Souls + Banner, and is loaded with potions, which permanently increase his attributes by 10%. Almost all possible magic polygan + two staffs were used.
3. Do not forget that the damage is not directly 30. But from 30 to 40.

Bianor 23.07.21

Aydar, do not say what was not. 355 damage, in principle, can not be. 300 - MAXIMUM and it is written in the game very hard. Even the coolest units like "Gallean's Wrath", "Niddog" or "Uther Demon" do not have much damage. The trick is that even if your unit has a maximum native attack of 300, you will not raise it higher either with magic or with goggles.

Any guard has an initiative HIGHER than that of any unit, unless:
1. the hero has taken the "first strike" skill at the next level - + 25% initiative
2. the unit donated a LOT of gizmos for acceleration.

When rounding off values, they are rounded to MINUS, in other words, a unit with damage of 205 points will damage a unit with 90% of armor by 20 points.

Betresen's Claw is a VERY powerful and rare artifact. It is better not to take it into account. Yes, with mega-artifacts, taking out a guard is as easy as shelling pears. Try to use the least possible.

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

1. About the damage ... I'll try to take a picture today (screen)
2. About the initiative-I repeat Betresen's claw + First strike + 10% potion forever.
3. You understand, even an apprentice from the empire takes away not exactly 15 points, but from 15 to 25. A significant digit in the "attack" column in real life acts as from x to (x + 10).

PS Do you have any campaigns or missions of your own production?

NeoStаlker 23.07.21

A handful of ghosts for the green hero is a guarantee of a successful victory over the guardian, given the fact that you will have to tinker with the loadings of the saved game for pretty well-known reasons, I think.

NeoStаlker 23.07.21

No, no, it was the second level ghosts. Shadows during the siege of the capital are out of place, they smear with enviable regularity on targets, and as far as I know, their initiative is in complete savagery and decline.

A small digression: Aydar, you don't know for an hour what Disciples II: Gold is? "Rise of the Elves" inadvertently not listed in them? (I just rolled it up a couple of minutes ago)

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

Disciples 2 gold?
This is a disc containing the original Disciples II: Dark Prophecy (it was released under the name Ragnerek's Eve), two additions Guard of Light, Guard of Darkness (may be combined in an addition called "Return of Gallean") and one addon Rise of the Elves (By the way, the elves, as it seems to me the strongest race) + tama all attachments such as settings in the game folder and several new quests, in my opinion poorly developed and not tested. It would be better if I took the Chronicle of the Universe. I can send it, as they say by mail. I still have 9 Disciples.

NeoStаlker 23.07.21

Thank you, Aydar, but the Guard of Light, Guard of Darkness, Rise of the Elves and Return of Gallean are more than enough for a relatively long period of time. What is the Annals of the Universe? New official add-on or fan-made scripts? And why isn't my beloved Ragnarok's Eve included with my game? Or is it a completely separate addition that needs to be placed on top of the Guard of Darkness and / or Light?

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

1.Kaknun Ragnarok is attached. He's just allied with the Guard of Light and the Guard of Darkness in an add-on called Ragnarok's Eve. There are two companies there. Passing Ragnerek's company before the final battle, do not forget to export the hero. Then it will be possible to transfer the hero to the company of the Guards of Light and Darkness.
2. Chronicle of the Universe - essentially the same Gold disc, only from Russobit-M with a better translation and tested new quests.

Thanks to Bianor. Because of it, I bought the Chronicle of the Universe disc. By the way, if you really want to buy the "Disciples World" disc, there are absolutely all games, including Disciples 1 Sacred Lands.

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

Pay attention to the attack ...

Bianor 23.07.21

Damn, either reduce your picture in size, or remove it altogether ...

How do you like this: The


gargoyle ate a megapix + 50% damage, but received only +25 points, because 275 + 25 = 300 - MAXIMUM!
More than 300 can only be hit by pumped savage centaurs from ROE - + 5% "critical hit".

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

Game from Russobit-m ...
Shl However, I got out (max) when I pumped the knight to a level ... 6 dozen levels ... and there was 300 (max), but added a bubble and already 300 + 30 (Max)

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

However, I knew the maximum 300 for a long time. From the very first day when the Disypls pirate fell into the hands.

Bianor 23.07.21

Hmm ... I don't know then. How long I play, I have never managed to cross the barrier of 300 ... Maybe this is such a glitch?

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

Maybe ... In general, the disc itself is really reworked ... in the disyples you can change the resolution of tam and hertz ...

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

I cried ... happened to maximum damage ... 400 points attack ...

Aidar - Eventful 23.07.21

Madhouse))) The hero has a maximum of 400, ordinary units have only 300)))