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Moon Shine 08.11.19 04:01 am

I want to gain muscle mass

how? it does not become a juicer, or a helluva lot of beautiful, and that is to build muscle on the arms. and then somehow uncomfortable with them. or rather, nothing. and dybilov a lot of walking around the city...
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Igor747 08.11.19

...and dybilov many city walks...
There is no better karate than the belt TT!

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 08.11.19

Take and squeeze until his hands fall off.
drink fish oil and go to bed and so 3 years.

Korney777 08.11.19

Exactly, and prevraschaeshsya in the pot-bellied guy with a lean, but raised hands and chest.

markell 08.11.19

Exactly, and prevraschaeshsya in the pot-bellied dude - bellied will not.

Korney777 08.11.19

tubby will not. from fish oil just the same, will become, at best he's going to burn, but usually it is on the belly and settles, no wonder Russia is on the 2nd place after the States in obesity.:(((((((((((((((

markell 08.11.19

and, from fish oil... but it will all be burned with push-UPS.

Rightcross 08.11.19

tubby will not. - of cod liver oil just yet, will be

On the chemical nature, the fish oil differs from animal fats (pork fat, beef fat and mutton fat, etc.) and vegetable oils by the presence of long-chain (marine) polyunsaturated fatty acids(omega-3 PUFA). In small quantities they are contained in the cells of human tissues and cells of the Central nervous system and visual apparatus dominate. In multiple studies it was found that omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for normal functioning of the body and is able to influence the course of inflammatory and immune responses. Proved that eating fish oil has a normalizing effect on the heart rate. There is no connection between eating fish oil and transformation into paunchy guy.

Sugar Shane Mosley 08.11.19

As far as I remember the cod liver oil very rich in vitamin D. it promotes absorption of all other vitamins.

va1-z 08.11.19

cton protein drink? helps no?

KoSMoS 08.11.19

Protein shake?I accept this,right now...
ShapeWork including the Western wall of the Formulas A1 and A2!

KoSMoS 08.11.19

Look,not idle talk to me,I live in the village,and now I have a athletic body structure,that is,not Jock,and so all the muscles are visible,that's all I need,

Sugar Shane Mosley 08.11.19

You need a lot to eat, drink, and sleep. Is best at night, something nutritious, bread,bread with milk. And if you want fast, without chemistry you can't do :)

DEviLPr0 08.11.19

Advise weight gainers and proteins?
If the program trains? What exercises to perform? How to increase weight?

Rightcross 08.11.19

If the program trains?

Copying someone else's program does not guarantee success. Bodybuilding is a very individual sport.

What exercises to perform?

Looking for something: specific please.

How to increase weight?

Weight what the your or shell?

Rightcross 08.11.19

Advise weight gainers and proteins?

By and large all the same what, but the best, of course, the release of the company Universal Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, Scitec Nutrition, Weider, Dymatize. The main thing is to follow the dosage, otherwise nothing will whatsoever. Well, it should be remembered that any sports nutrition(what's good even if it was not) is not the primary factor determining a successful outcome in sports is only part, and not the most important.

DEviLPr0 08.11.19

Copying someone else's program does not guarantee success. Bodybuilding is a very individual sport.
Still interesting
Looking for something: specific please.
I will download press, chest and back (main areas, the rest is in good condition)
Weight what the your or shell?
Of the projectile, as it will be possible to use more and more weight (within reason)
By and large all the same what, but the best, of course, the release of the company Universal Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, Scitec Nutrition, Weider, Dymatize. The main thing is to follow the dosage, otherwise nothing will whatsoever. Well, it should be remembered that any sports nutrition(what's good even if it was not) is not the primary factor determining a successful outcome in sports is only part, and not the most important.
Thank you very much!

Rightcross 08.11.19

I will download press, chest and back (main areas, the rest is in good condition)

Chest: the basic exercises - bench press, incline press, bench(if you have problems with the shoulders, it is better to forget this option), push-UPS from the bars. Presses are performed with a barbell or with dumbbells.
The most basic and, most importantly, a useful distinction exercises with a dumbbell from the same exercises with a barbell is increased, the amplitude of motion and, as a consequence, more complete muscle contraction, which in turn increases the load on the muscle and stimulates its growth. Ie, take for example, the bench press: at the bottom of the movement prevents the Griffon, who, being on the chest, restricts the range of motion. If you take the same press, but with dumbbells, there is already nothing prevents to lower the dumbbells a little lower than the bar. The difference in the amplitudes to get a small - about 2-3 cm - but, nevertheless, the contraction of the muscles will be stronger with all the consequences. This applies to all exercises with dumbbells, not only for the chest.

The spin: be sure to perform pullups(to the chest or head) if to catch up do not know how, then you need to replace them, pull the upper block or to perform pull-UPS in the simulator with a counterweight, of course, if this is in the hall, BUT to catch up you still need to learn. A second point is thrust in the slope, which can be done either with a barbell or T-bar, or with dumbbells(alternating one hand or both hands simultaneously), in an extreme case, it is possible to pull the lower block to the stomach or similar traction in the simulator(e.g. Hummer). If you are a beginner then I strongly advise you to dig into the Internet and find pictures that would illustrate this exercise(cravings in the slope), because the verbal description(which, of course, I can give you) you are unlikely to understand how to do it, or ask your coach in the gym(from personal experience I can safely say that this exercise is right 1 out of 20 novices).
But in General, the most important exercise for your back, it is, of course, deadlifts(normal or straight legs), but if(I repeat again) you're new, I suggest not to do it, at least in the first month and a half.

Press: if you're a beginner, it is better to do crunches(lying down, or in the simulator, or using the top block), because this is perhaps the most basic exercise. If not new, then you probably won't hurt to read my comment on this from 12.06.09 12:12 from here http://forums.playground.ru/sport/563552/

Rightcross 08.11.19

as you steadily use more and more weight (within reason)

Remember one simple truth: weight lifter(athlete) must be cyclically change the load in training. In cyclic load variation - the key to the effectiveness of long-term studies bodybuilding. Replace more intensive training should come less intense and Vice versa. This is especially important for athletes with average data(mean genetics).

The body is fundamentally not able to build muscle mass and strength constantly for a very long time. You have to plan your workouts according to the principle of one step backward, two forward. Even professionals use a cyclic variation of the load, with the only difference that we(Amateurs) sometimes you have to retreat further than the professionals, and make short steps forward. That's all!

The cyclic load variation is the regular variation in working scales and the total intensity workouts, and also change some other factors of the training program. in particular, it is necessary to cyclically change the number of the most intense approaches, the frequency of training and set of training routines.

Beginners do not have to pay to change the load a lot of attention. They need to choose a simple set of basic exercises, not too often to go to the gym and train individually without forced reps, negative reps, etc. by Following these steps, beginners can make progress in the course of a year or more. All that they need is through every 2-3 months to have a week break, and then, after a rest, 1-2 weeks to work with a slightly reduced load, and even sometimes change for a change a couple of exercises. But when the process begins to slow down, it's time to think about cycles.

Many weightlifters have used(and applied) a cyclical change in load for a very long time and thus has set new records year after year. One of the most efficient cycles for lifters designed for 12-15 weeks, and its aim is to increase the weight of the projectile 4-10 kg in each exercise(tested on itself - the shock thing!).

But the cycle does not have to be so long. A short but effective mini-cycle consists of 6-8 training sessions and is as follows. By the way, this cycle is based on the General rule of fight stagnation. It States that after"dead-end point you have to start a new cycle with small loads and make the workout less often, i.e. to increase the intervals between them, say, four days.

Here's how it looks. For example, you are stuck on the weight of 100 kg for 10 repetitions in the squat with a barbell. Take a break for ten days, and resume the workout by performing this exercise once a week. In principle, the right frequency you can pick up yourself, because some part of the body(muscle) are recovering faster than others. The time required for recovery depends on your age, training intensity, their duration, the amount of stress in your daily life, the quality and quantity of sleep, diet, etc.

Start with weights that make up about 85% of those, who are stalled. Not counting warm-up approaches, training will occur so. The first two(with a load of 85% and 90%) will be relatively easy. Do your usual number of reps - in no event it is impossible to increase them to the limit, even at reduced weights! Regular exercise(95%) will be harder, but you can do it. Then spend the workout with a load of 97.5% and only after it(the 5th one) - exercise the weight at which you finished the previous cycle(100% load). Here have to sweat, but if you're between visits hall is well fed and rested - and it is very important if! - the training is successful, and you will complete the number of repetitions(no more, no less). Go exercise with the weight 102,5%(or 101,25%), and this will be your new personal record(no matter how many reps you did). Well, then you'll have to overpower the full number of repetitions or the exercise, or the next, otherwise the cycle cannot be considered successful. Having conquered 102,5%(or 101,25%) try to increase the weight by 1.25% or 2.5%(the next workout). If necessary, you can add an extra day or two off between workouts. Repeat the record with the same weights and the same number of repetitions at least two trainings in a row; this will be enough for the result to hold.

Here is a diagram that illustrates all written:

Exercise No.
1) 85kg x 10 reps(85% of 100 kg)
2) 90kg x 10 (90% of 100 kg)
3) 95кг x 10 (95% of 100 kg)
4) 97,5 kg x 10 (97.5% of 100kg)
5) 100kg x 10 (100% of 100 kg)
6) 102,5 kg x 10 (102.5% of 100kg)
7) 105кг x 10 (105% of 100kg)
8) 107,5 x 8 (107,5%, from 100kg)

(These weights can be slightly rounded, depending on the pancakes, which do you use)

There's no mention of warm-up approaches, the figures given only the last and the most severe approach. But the warm-up, of course, also needed.

P. S. If something is not understood from read, ask, I will try to explain more clearly and in detail.

DEviLPr0 08.11.19

All gorgeous and clearly explained, thank you very much, huge respect!!

DEviLPr0 08.11.19

Please explain how to properly execute deadlifts and pull rod in the slope, if you don't understand I'll search the Internet, and the sting which are engaged in coach no. Thanks in advance!