Yons colaq
The saddest moments in the game (Mass Effect 3)
by Ozon58 on 18.03.22 10:07 pm
Desmond Finale Discussion [Spoilers] (Assassin's Creed 3)
by YuriyStXb on 09.11.21 09:24 pm
Why are strategies not popular?
by termoblаs on 20.08.21 12:07 am
Is it possible to save the mother of GG? (Dragon Age 2)
by jaller0461 on 12.04.21 11:03 pm
\ "Normandy \" 2.1 or how it was fucked up by the Alliance (Mass Effect 3)
by Vicomte on 16.02.21 01:29 pm
The strongest class (Mass Effect 3)
by Alexander9595 on 11.06.20 09:19 pm
The face of your new or Shepard from Mass Effect 2? (Mass Effect 3)
by valerik177 on 22.05.20 09:08 pm
How to save the Normandy? (Mass Effect 2)
by Yons Colaq on 03.05.20 10:39 pm
Merril vs. Leliana (Dragon Age 2)
by 1994valerei on 28.04.20 05:26 pm
Choice (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
by TsuriC.C on 27.04.20 07:29 pm
Someone from the team to shepherd applies the best? (Mass Effect 3)
by rnk88 on 19.03.20 11:50 pm
What's your most hated character? (Mass Effect 3)
by natooral on 19.03.20 11:49 pm
The House Graves (The Witcher)
by Vad13 on 09.02.20 01:03 am
Love triangle (Mass Effect 3)
by Wishmaster_1 on 20.01.20 03:37 am
The novel with the characters (Mass Effect 3)
by Valezhek on 02.01.20 08:35 pm
Your favorite weapon (Assassin's Creed 2)
by Konnor Radunhageydu on 26.12.19 06:55 pm