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Alex_Cat 07.02.22 10:18 pm

Game Impressions (Dying Light 2: Stay Human)

The release of the game is coming soon, we only share our impressions of the game and please, no flooding.
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Denis G 14.02.22

saa0891 wrote:
in many quests there was a choice and this affects the events, the plot and the ending (although in the first part it was also to some extent)
Where was this in the first part, not counting the DLC? The plot of the first part is one hundred percent linear, not a single choice is given. And that's what pissed me off the most in the game.

Lintar1980 14.02.22

Denis G
Yes, everything is possible, there are so many similar gamers on YouTube, as if you were going through it yourself!

Lintar1980 14.02.22

Denis G
No, pseudo choice for pseudo players!! Do you have a choice in your life? Not! So that!

Denis G 14.02.22

Well, yes, on YouTube, of course, there are enough shitstreams. It is especially amusing if the streamer does not even hide that he is going to crap the game as thinly as possible.

AlekseyHom 14.02.22

I played about 40 hours and I can say that the game is worse than the first part.
Of the pluses is, of course, the level design. It has become more varied. If in the first part the player first ran through the dull and monotonous Slums, and then got into the city and his jaw dropped for the first hour ... then here the player will end up in a city with skyscrapers. Almost every one of which / in which you can climb.

The music is also good, but often it just doesn't exist. It's cool that during long jumps, it is muffled.

Firearms have been removed from the game, not counting the bow and crossbow. And this is a plus because in the first part there was no point in shooting at zombies, since new ones will constantly come running to the noise. And so it will be until the player stops shooting. And clashes with people turned into several successful headshots - that is, they did not represent any difficulty in principle.

Well, Russian voice acting is present, although the localizers need to poke their noses into the background noise during the protagonist's replicas. Just such a distinct background noise, as if they were recording on some kind of headset at home. Never heard that before.

And now the cons.
They obviously wanted to make a wanker out of the game, like Ubisoft. Weapons can only be obtained by purchasing from merchants (at oh-so-very high prices), are rarely obtained as quest rewards, and can sometimes be found lying on the ground or in containers. In humans, weapons simply disappear as they touch the ground.

Weapon modifications can only be done by yourself, and for this you need resources, and for this you need to farm or buy resources. Neither you can find a modification, nor buy it, nor even get it for the task.
It makes no sense to save any NPCs from zombies or renegades, since, again, they will not inflate anything of value for saving. They always give an immunity booster, and the lowest level. In the first part, having seen the icon of such an NPC, the player rushed to save him, so that he would not be killed and received weapon modifications as a reward. Now you pass by such "events".

There is no point in trading. Cool clothes and weapons are sold literally for a penny (for 5-10 coins on average, while buying an item of the same level and rarity would cost 200-500 (!) Times more expensive). Merchants no longer have scarce goods or "deals of the day" - as they did in the first part. To sell some resource to a merchant for more than others, and to buy something cheaper than from others.

The combat got worse. X-rays were removed when zombie bones were broken, which did not carry any gameplay sense, but added entertainment, also in slow-mo. A zombie that falls to the ground and gets hit can jump up abruptly to its feet. If in the first part the fallen could simply not be allowed to rise, then this will not work here. People thrown from the roofs of buildings will definitely get up first, and only then will they fall dead. It seems like a trifle, but it catches the eye.

There is no point in surviving at night, because the bonus from night actions is ridiculous. In the first part, the player at night received double experience for parkour and combat, plus, if he survived a night without death, he received a bunch of points in the survival branch (which, by the way, no longer exists) with 3 rewards: survivor, explorer and fighter. And at night the player really tried to survive the night, afraid to lose a lot of points. Oh yes. There is no penalty for death either. In the first part, the player lost part of the experience points in survival when dying, which was very disappointing if there was a little bit left to the new level.

In general, a simplification of almost everything, without offering any alternatives.

Unisonic 14.02.22

I'll say this:
- the best "level" so to speak, in the entire game - this is perhaps the very first level.

The young traveler runs through the endless expanses, meadows and fields, mountains and rivers of Europe, between small villages, small towns, sees the return of nature and traces of the former civilization, survives. And all this is seasoned with amazing music.
It's like The Road, The Book of Eli, The Postman. Could be Fallout in a zombie world.
Having reached the first tunnel, where the jumper's nest is, the impressions are simply magnificent from everything.

Well, then ... Alas, ah, then the good old Dead Island with parkour begins, that is, Dying Light.
All the same mechanics, all the same logic. Merciless self-plagiarism, though not as fierce as in the case of some Battlefield. Yes, the graphonium was tightened up, all sorts of notorious "rays" were tightened up, I don't know who really needed it.
Sometimes you wonder at what point in time, in games, they began to pay so much attention to graphics to the detriment of gameplay. Previously, no one thought what kind of shader 1.1 you have there, the 2nd or 3rd is set, the concept was that the game is the gameplay; And leave the third graphic shader for 3DMark demos... It's probably the time of Doom 3, HL2 in 2003-2005.
Until that moment, games were still evaluated not by the presence of conditional "rays", but by the interest in playing the game. That is why people still play Heroes 3 (2000), but not Heroes 7 (2015).

So, alas, here too. It was possible to leave the graphics of DL1, but come up with something new in the field of gameplay, update the gameplay.
But this is not in fashion these days.
Well, okay. For one passage purely to clarify the plot - it will do.

Denis G 14.02.22

AlekseyHom A
matter of taste, but in this opinion, you can see that all the same, the pluses are much more significant than the minuses, most of which are minor visual bugs that will be corrected with patches.
Some things are highly controversial. For example, I have never bought weapons. On the contrary, he regularly played Sidorovich, dragging trophy and found weapons for sale. It's not that money is needed, it's just a pity to throw it away. For saving the NPCs, they give the most valuable reward - experience in both branches. Unlike the last part, where some kind of "gladiator" was given as a reward, which you still throw out after 10 minutes, when the baton breaks.
The combat has definitely gotten better, though not by much. Appeared adequate parries, rebounds, counterattacks, ligaments of blows. It seems that the loss of an unnecessary xray, which has only been annoying since the middle of the game, is not a loss at all.
As for penalties - yes, it simplifies the game a little, but I think that they did it right. Parkour in the game is very complicated. If earlier it was just for fun, and you had to climb a couple of times per game, then in the sequel there are a lot of high-rise buildings, and a lot of puzzles for ingenuity in terms of parkour, and some can lead to dozens of deaths. If they were also fined for this, the developers would simply be flooded with hate.
With what it is possible to agree - with that pumping at night does not roll. She now seems to not play at all, because it is cheap compared to the experience rewards for quests. But now it has been replaced by farming trophies from rare infected, which, again, is much easier to do at night.
In general, I repeat, in fact we have a good plot (in the first it was generally a disgrace), pumped parkour, slightly improved combat, larger and more interesting locations, more interesting and written characters.
And minor visual bugs, an abundance of multi-colored loot and differences in crafting are such a trifle that you don’t even really want to discuss it. Bugs will be fixed, everything else is subjective and not for everybody.

Denis G 14.02.22

But what we definitely don't need is procedurally generated huge empty worlds. Moderately large, well-written and manually filled locations are the secret to the success of a good game. The generated open worlds are suitable only for online sandboxes.
In general, of course, the claims about the fact that we have already seen most of it in the prequel are surprising. Well, that seems logical, no? If people liked the prequel and were waiting for the sequel, would it be nice if they saw something completely different? For some reason I don't think so.
Personally, although I did not expect the game, I got what I wanted. I liked the first part, with the exception of such frankly fat minuses as an extremely weak plot and lack of variability. And it was these disadvantages that were corrected in the sequel. I think that the Poles coped with the work on the mistakes. It remains only to fix the bugs and start sawing DLC.
And yes, the only thing missing, and for a long time - positive emotions and a really rainbow happy ending) When before it was a mandatory mainstream, then it became a boring pop, but it seems that it's time to somehow learn how to balance. Although I understand that this is not expected from the Poles.

GarikFavorit 14.02.22

What the hell did you write?
When you help NPCs to survive in this game, they will give you experience in developing for parkour and combat, which is very valuable. The sound in the game dynamically changes depending on the chase, battle or movement, zombies can be killed if he fell and he doesn’t get up anywhere, as you level up, lobbing will open, there is stealth, or at the level for 40 hours of play you have to cut the boss in half. If you drop or kick the enemy from the roof, he lands tightly, I have never seen such a bug as you have either on your own or on the passage of Kuplinov on YouTube. Ishra has become scarier and more intense, especially at night, and now the main character has a timer that is responsible for immunity, and in order to increase this immunity and not turn into zombies in the dark, we need inhibitors that we can get in different buildings, including including in the laboratories of the VGM, which are filled with carrion even at night, not to mention the day, it is here that it comes out at night and it is in this part that it shows you the motivation to do it, and it is here that the dynamics are felt. The first part is excellent, and in this all the advantages of the first are carefully brought to a higher level in all elements, and if you liked the first part, then you will like this one. In terms of weapons, it falls a lot from enemies, there are a lot of them scattered around the game world, plus its repair opens in further hours of passage, that it makes no sense to even buy it, as it was not in the first part for huge money-survive and enjoy the atmosphere. Pews added not a creepy grappling hook, paragliding and new parkour elements, but the detailing of any elements, starting from shooting at water, falling enemies, healing a hero and looting, became better and if you want to make sure, look at the comparison of parts 1 and 2 on YouTube of English-speaking bloggers. The first part was annoying

Denis G 14.02.22

GarikFavorit wrote:
I don't understand those whining here instead of sitting and enjoying the game.
Those who have the game have already completed it.
Those who are on fire from Denuva are left to whine.

Space Marine 14.02.22

Denis G wrote:
Those who have the game have already completed it.
Space Marine wrote:
15 hours on the first two days. I put a bracelet on my hand, climbed around the districts, performed one side job with a memorial.
Postponed the game until they fix a bug with a non-working sense of the survivor.

Denis G 14.02.22

Well, there should be exceptions to every rule.

Space Marine 14.02.22

Denis G
It infuriates me that there is no information about this bug from the developers. According to information, in the upcoming updates, the fix of this bug also does not appear.
Initially, I planned not to launch the game at all for a couple of weeks after the release in order to wait for more patches. But I got bogged down because of the talk about soap graphics, I decided to see for myself what was happening with the graph.

GarikFavorit 14.02.22

Space Marine
What do you play?
I pass on the curling iron and noticed that periodically the survival mode does not respond when pressed.

Space Marine 14.02.22

PC, yes, I have already seen in the reviews that this bug gets out on all platforms.

Denis G 14.02.22

Yes, everyone has a bug, but seriously, why is it critical for someone? Yes, every half an hour Q-vision starts to "stick". Because of what you need to press not one, but two or three times, with a second pause. Didn't stop me from beating the game at any point. Maybe it's because I don't have the habit of spamming this sight on cd.
And yes, by the way, in those cases when it is really needed - I'm talking about stealth in dark areas - it never broke. Problems were precisely when running around in the city.

Space Marine 14.02.22

I climbed 2 times to clear the VGM zone and 2 times my feeling of a survivor broke down there. It worked 2 times per minute on average. Because of this, in two full nights I was not able to go through the entire zone, I only ruffled my nerves. The last straw was the moment when, after a 6-hour session, my Q-shka broke down and in 20 minutes it didn’t work even once. It only worked again after restarting the game.
If I just wanted to skim through the storyline, I might as well give up on it. But the plot is not the main thing that interests me in this game.
I see no reason for myself to play a game in which one of the mechanics works through the ass. I'll play it when it's back to normal, otherwise I'll just spoil my gameplay and impressions of the game, which I have been waiting for a long time.

Lintar1980 14.02.22

The game is nonsense and it's a fact. The Poles have forgotten how to make games, alas ((the second part sucks! It was possible not to do it! Nothing new! Absolutely!!!

Denis G 14.02.22

Space Marine
It's funny, maybe the problem is somehow tied to the system. In the worst case, I had to click on the key for a couple of seconds to "unstick". Oh well, Techland is not Reds, patches are released quickly. Will fix it soon.

GarikFavorit 14.02.22

Space Marine
As it turned out, there was no bug with the survivor mode button on the console, it was all about the stick on the gamepad.