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Karabas Barabas 10.09.19 07:53 am

Poll: Worst localizer

So what is your worst localizer?
Personally, I think that this is a New Drive(Localization shit,or even English)
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Raelsveg 10.09.19

Kiberkirik From other localizers... Perhaps Akella. Always the same actors. Constantly. Even with such unnerving voices.
I agree, I because of their terrible localization Left 4 Dead 2 (this is the first thing that came to mind), put the original... the voices of Survivors just disgusting to listen to, and the Intro-movie, if watched at all terrible, you just want to strangle these actors, whose acting talent is less than great-grandmother of George Bush =)

RBR1 10.09.19

Don't know what to choose.

LloloLlLOloLloLOL 10.09.19

Beech byaka!

englishgirl1 10.09.19

gta 4 was transferred just fine, I think
and that's only because there is only subs, right? =))

Svetloyar 10.09.19

1st place is adyn SS, 1 ass, 1C, one of the@ Asses. Miserable, miserable Jews. Localization is made through the stump-deck. Disregard even for large projects. Six months or a year again though money and a LOT of money, so comes the voice of the project (and so tasteless that pulls barf), the issue of gold\platinum\supplemented\advanced\collector's editions, the fuck the pooch on how they differ from each other, except that with each new version, the price increases by 100-300 rubles. Add to all fucking заshitу, which is not the fact that miss license disk (so epic I had with Il-2). Quality discs deserves special attention because it is a cheap fake Chinese ingots one and a half ruble. The only drive that I snapped in half in the drive (with all my respect to the disks) were from this company. The pinnacle of greed - the translation of the first parts of Fallout, ladnor qualitatively transferred, so no need to kill the atmosphere. Because the company mass takes, then often you can find a lot ashipok. Yes, Fargus literacy was worse, but, sorry, all are pirates. Also deserves attention the full localization of oblivion, where when you start the game the voice of the king was made to convulse.
2nd place is Akella. The situation with translations a little better, the discs are more expensive (50 cents). Заshitа drives the same, however due to the fact that quality of a disc slightly above, epic fail with a read error did not occur. Akella was especially noted in the memory of players hammering extra space an empty file, so the game posted on 2 SD now is 4, and the one that was on 1 DVD, is now sold for 2. The benefit is obvious. Well, I want to note attentive (blatantly C3,14зженный from Fargus) translation TOEE.

ak-13 10.09.19

Among the official I do not know.
But among the pirates and their dohera. For example, those who voiced Vice City, transferred to the first SA and GTA 4. More Fargus" and TTL Community.

Lupin Vaskeldin 10.09.19

The quality of the localizations is often simply awful, in fact.
Well, there was another such moment: the Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Dark Athena and the remake) tried to sell two games separately. And what in the world are sold as a single product, which was decorated with a prefix gold, this raised his price

Novyy polzovatel 10.09.19

1 Ass no doubt, can be attributed, Fargus, but he has already collapsed

Chelovek Umelyy 10.09.19

Pirates, if they can be considered as localization.

Maickle Fort 10.09.19

1s of course

Semen26RUS 10.09.19


SENDJIN 10.09.19

1ассс megaclub! Because many games do not translate! Especially annoying when they are not heatat translate AAA projects! Batman new let us also not be transferred.......

Unskilled 10.09.19


Morgoth Bauglir 10.09.19

New Disk, Akella, 1C

garry565 10.09.19

kakela and dusty disk

785868 10.09.19

Starting with the year of the 2005th game we localize disgusting everything.

Bl4ckH4wk 10.09.19


The latter refused to localize the 3 Dirt. Here goat! So much spent on these Amateur him, in the end it's still all in English. Although I can hand curves...

jax1214 10.09.19

1C gamna

Eksigo 10.09.19

Akella. Sometimes their voice feel like ear membranes burst.

LowGear 10.09.19

1C - yourself localization is less tolerant, but in games with reference to the Steam ban English voice acting to be included. -_-