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Gav 23.07.20 10:56 pm

Discussion Key Item (Diablo 2)

This is the one to call Uber Diablo.

Existing Key Item: Stone Of Jordan; The Zod Rune.
As many know, one Zode Rune is 66 Stone Of Jordan. I propose to discuss a possible change in this ratio.
With the current economy there are few who buys Soj, directly to call uber, the people who do this prefer to buy Cham (cooking of them Zod) or Zod runes, since they are now much cheaper than usual, Zod, for example you can buy 3 times cheaper its cost (32, Lo), and Cham between 4-6 Lo.
In connection with the above, I propose to change the formula and make a rune Zod, Soj say 40. I think it will be very important.

What do you think about this? Have suggestions of your own?
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Obsessed 23.07.20

Pavel Abakumov, has. if the chance to catch evil (ba, javelin, orb) was higher, ACI would wear outside the box and would not write newbs tapki zily gore bez variantov, amyl hilord bez variantov, and those would eventually admired rark and began to raise them.
[edit] essno, it is possible to balance the uniques/rw pruning. there will be a lot of whining.. ;-)

the chance combination of state affixes (and there is always need ~top to the Fretboard to reach) there really is very low, Kalk writes terrible figures, infa sotka. chance of a Zod drop, I confess, I do not remember. MB not much, but comparable.

Gav 23.07.20

Jota time to create a theme that is not 100+ hot posts :D

FludoTron 23.07.20

Do not flood in my topic :D Is that the case?)

Gav 23.07.20

no :(

Pavel Abakumov 23.07.20

If the chance is very small, so by design. What a zeal to see outside the box dressed Azov. All dress up because of their understanding of the game. There is only atze(the community) can look for these things, thereby encouraging them to collect. And change the drop chance, I think nothing will change, because no one picks up.

Obsessed 23.07.20

If the chance is very small, so by design
Pavel Abakumov, and 15+ years is still valid, right? understanding of most of the chips of armor has long been pressed in the patterns that have become widespread. all the dresses are so and not otherwise because I know IMBA-armor for your build. and PG still narrows the unavailability BotD and such.

atze, realizing that the chance to catch the state rarco increased, but should try to raise them unwilling, at first, will have to look for them yourself. and then the Nuba will grow up understanding rark - cool. everything with the prefix if essno.

Pavel Abakumov 23.07.20

15+ years relevant is about the number of years do not know, but as for me, with the time in the world D2 everything remains in their places, respectively and all assemblies that are relevant now were relevant back then. And to change something in this direction reason, I do not see. A mass, templates, etc. again, this is a community problem and not the server.

ModanaJazzz 23.07.20

CBOs, with anyhome is our answer to the bourgeoisie-purefoy of rare items at a price Perth Anika))))

Obsessed 23.07.20

Pavel Abakumov, change the community? :D

ModanaJazzz, I have read the above and expressed his consent with this thesis. ;-)
..and hurried. annihi get exclusive way, Mason can offer you Perth rark in Perth Anna and agreeing, you make a bad bargain. ;-)

Pavel Abakumov 23.07.20

Yes! Give knowledge to the masses! xD

Obsessed 23.07.20

Pavel Abakumov, and I'm about the same! when I spikes in PoE, then pinning the Hella chotko melee-Raku, regarded it as dps, trying to figure out how much it might cost. when I looked at the stats rare ba/naga/wa ng, there was no reason to consider dps - Grief in any way ahead: +a shitload of dmg, ias, 20% ds. to consider would be worth when the other is eth+repair. I want to was often a good idea to check the usefulness of the found, was less imba-items. if Pvp-fathers is floating - no problem: realm 2-a. ;-)

Pavel Abakumov 23.07.20

So PG you caught only maroon BA... it supposed to be xD

Obsessed 23.07.20

Pavel Abakumov, it completely deprives the player (2-3-4)year hope to catch a cool rare ba/javelin, agree? where profitsee to coach the runes, collect the Stamp and buy some eth Titans. and it is necessary to doubt what is best.

ModanaJazzz 23.07.20

Javelina can catch

Pavel Abakumov 23.07.20

Well, it's a super rare thing like zod, for example. I'm over 6 years old games here never zod didn't, what drop now to apnut?
And about I need to see what is best. What makes you think that?)

Obsessed 23.07.20

ModanaJazzz, you can have Coco to see if he caught this season, by the way.

Pavel Abakumov, not to be confused with the warm soft: zod is quite another, especially here now. you are again given as a given: this is a super rare thing. and why the heck is she a super rare? to all milesnick went with the Stamp?
I have not decided, here is someone to decide. just like that, in my opinion, more interesting. and when a noob gets here and says I want ..." and he almost always answer parovozi is sad, somehow.

Pavel Abakumov 23.07.20

Well the community is raising Provotorov - sadly, there's a plus. And so rare it's because the developers decided (my guess, of course).
But in another way it does not be issued. Here you play D2 and have a shako with his chance, and there are Raree BA with others. And why would suddenly pick up and start something to change?)

Obsessed 23.07.20

Pavel Abakumov, can you even try to understand what the community brings Provotorov not because it itself is? :D what a regular player is incomparable, unbalanced easier way to dig themselves need armor? or do I trellise Chi sho? ;D

so rare it's because the developers decided
our song is good to start again.. (

ModanaJazzz 23.07.20

And from on RAR BA would be zacatenco((...

redoolf 23.07.20

Curious. So, all the posts above do not violate the rules, and mine suddenly broke, and so was removed? I wonder what rules it violated?