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Deliano 05.11.19 01:02 pm

Replacement parts

Old PC: i7 3770k, 8GB RAM, Maxumus Formula V, 650 PSU GTX 770 2gb, 2TB HDD SSD 120gb. I want to update, leave the memory disks, the case, to get operational (or fully replace) the PSU, if to be missed. How much approximately will cost to replace other components? Budget ready to give 60 +/- 5 thousand. That you can now collect this money in Russia? A supporter of intel and Nvidia (I'm not a hater of AMD).
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LIGHTandDARK4 05.11.19

Minesweeper did not play. But I think the computer will draw this game in the same 2k exactly

LIGHTandDARK4 05.11.19

Aloska wrote:
sure there and your personnel will be 8700k 0.1 20
I would not dare to play the six cores over a network with 64 players. There need percent much more powerful.

Fokus 05.11.19

I'd sell the computer, would add to the sum of these 65K and picked up a new 90-100k can be the top machine to collect and Riesen for example Radeon 7, but as priverzhenka Intel and NVIDIA then of course will come expensive and designer of DNS to help you.

Deliano 05.11.19

Just did it for some games is only on the ultra) the Witcher 3, GTA V, those games would very much like to play on high, perhaps even adding graphical mods (Perhaps?). But in the same Metro Eksodus I'm waiting for a high, or well above average, with a stable 60+.

Denis Kyokushin 05.11.19

potter790 wrote:
You have in the third passerine pichal was what in the new must be different. ))
Assassin 3 does not like AMD.I put a bunch of Reisen + 570GTX under it.But on this same bundle in the Witcher 2 during the dialogues ay-ay-ay, boom-boom-boom:

This despite the fact that in the gameplay all the Suite:

But on bundle Phenom II x4 940BE no problems in the dialogues:
potter790 wrote:
And it makes no difference what he wants, what is not necessary. Here Original bragging, and just try to play the Odyssey at the moment, almost a year has passed since its release.
Odyssey better run from me than the Origins.No such torn picture,though not everywhere smooth,but much better.I had both removed.Jubilee love assassins processors to bend.And the last of the series and the cards bend.The same Battle 5 looks prettier,but system a cancer puts

potter790 wrote:
no difference to top the iron or not, if the overall performance of the system blows, then the result will be appropriate.
I have recently got the impression that people stopped playing the game,more concerned with the result,as in the benchmark

Deliano wrote:
Thanks for the feedback and tips) is still probably put a cheap card 1660ti, looked at the tests, interesting to me the game pulls quite :) A couple of years you can think about the complete replacement of components.
RAM to 16GB add.If you suddenly switch to Win 10,it is easy eats 2.7 GB

potter790 05.11.19

[Denis] wrote:
Assassin 3 does not like AMD.
AMD does not like a lot of things, especially the older ones.
[Denis] wrote:
Odyssey better run from me than the Origins.No such torn picture,though not everywhere smooth,but much better.
Origins was probably a pirate, right? )
Odyssey load easier, but that's not it. The last two years of the game, they actively move online, starting with Griffonia. High and ultra settings is on the server. The same of Andromeda, the same Anthem, Odysseus. and Origins the same, although I haven't checked played pirates, I saw the familiar license, Grifoni is very different. A third of the gameplay, and even more of the same. Any job, loot, events, any kind of buns, etc. to the extent that the screenshots are displayed on the map, and who made them. But it's only on litsuhah, any whim for your money. This morning МК11 came out the same. And pirates have nothing, starting with the graphics. While the campaign mode to on-line cable, but the day is near yeah, the trend is obvious.

[Denis] wrote:
more concerned with the result,as in the benchmark
Don't care, the price of iron and bluff. When you can't give the mind і7700К, or ГТХ960 for example, and run to take the 1080 or 2080, as the same is necessary to justify it. But if Lu(Yu)mirror may not give the mind an average gland, the gland top and even more so the mind will not. Here and talk about a stable 60fps with soap in full screen, or invent 1%, botlani and other myths and legends. Buying monitors is easier, the same 140Гц with the cut parameters, which modern graphics, a priori, will not see, because the color reproduction blows.
And begin to tell stories. xD)

Denis Kyokushin 05.11.19

potter790 wrote:
AMD does not like a lot of things, especially the old
On XFX4890 played in one of the additions Return To Castle Wolfenstein without any problems.And the 7950 launched Return To Castle Wolfenstein, predaet up to 18K/s,but on the old platform, 570GTX, 91к/s.
In Mafia 1 on Win 10 out of the extra settings put FPS to 38 fps, which liadromia.On Win 7 these settings yet, so 570GTX they are not tested.And to pull out and move the map don't want to.

potter790 wrote:
Origins was probably a pirate, right? )
Yes.A license recently for 599r saw but did not buy.

potter790 wrote:
And pirates have nothing from graphics
The Far Cry series is also covered?

potter790 wrote:
But if Lu(Yu)mirror may not give the mind an average gland, the gland top and even more so the mind will not.
I think to give the mind, experience richer and on different platforms.In the example above can put the Witcher 2.Maybe I'm not the only one who has similar problems, only in other games

potter790 05.11.19

[Denis] wrote:
The Far Cry series is also covered?
Don't know the last FC that played was the third. )

[Denis] wrote:
Maybe I'm not the only one who has similar problems, only in other games
The fact of the matter is that there are problems everywhere. It's just mega guru no problem never happens. )))
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided downloaded in that year, there is one setup cuts all the fps, despite the fact that schedule one iota does not improve, disconnect it and everything is fine. For fun read some of the tales written in the subject optimize when it came out.
Why it was made, is not clear. Can specifically for advertising purposes, may crooked screwed and this could be.
In Otrigine to remove soap we need to disable the depth of field is on the pirates. In the Odyssey, on the contrary. Well, etc.

Denis Kyokushin 05.11.19

potter790 wrote:
Don't know the last FC that played was the third. )
I have FC3/4 license,5/6 - pirates

potter790 wrote:
In Otrigine to remove soap we need to disable the depth of field is on the pirates. In the Odyssey, on the contrary. Well, etc.
To be honest,they did not interest me).In the Odyssey ozuchka Callas swineherd.In AC3 much higher

SPR1GGAN 05.11.19

Deliano wrote:
I have 4 slots for memory, there are 2 laths on 4GB, I just buy 2 laths on 4 GB, with suitable frequency? Or you can have one bar at 8 and stick between
better 2 to 4 that normal two channel worked ,and when 16 is not enough ,I think the rest of the iron is also obsolete

vitalik76 05.11.19

Deliano wrote:
Just did it for some games is only on the ultra) the Witcher 3, GTA V, those games would very much like to play on high, perhaps even adding graphical mods (Perhaps?). But in the same Metro Eksodus I'm waiting for a high, or well above average, with a stable 60+.
If so it raises the question, then I'm afraid an upgrade will not be postponed, but will have to do now. Patching your current computer is throwing money to the wind. To play on ultra you need a new percent. If you want to take the percents of Intel, then you have to buy at least 8-9 years of generation (not lower than 8700 i7). This of course results in a new motherboard. You will also need memory standard DDR4. Regarding the volume - at least 16GB, the maximum is limited only by your funds - how much can take so much and, because of RAM much never happens. Graphics card if the resolution is 4K, than 2080ti, probably there are no other solutions. If HD, then fit and 2070. Quite nakraynyak 1080, but this is a temporary solution for subsequent replacement for the 1080 if now straining struggling still rests in the upper segment, will soon be flushed out. Your current 120gb SSD for Windows and a couple of games in principle enough. The power supply also is not worth saving. Take 700-800 watts on (honest).

Deliano 05.11.19

What the 4K :) I wouldn't say then GTX 10xx at all :) It was about 2080/2080ti)) Here is easier, I have FullHD monitor)

vitalik76 05.11.19

Deliano wrote:
What the 4K :) I wouldn't say then GTX 10xx at all :) It was about 2080/2080ti)) Here is easier, I have FullHD monitor)
The tip above was given for the case if you want to play games on ultra. Graphic mod games become more demanding on the hardware.

Denis Kyokushin 05.11.19

People,if you please,as the time will be able to test Crysis 3 here in this place?

Or is the problem AMD platform,either the problem of the game with newer hardware in General on Win 10.I have a pirate.From the very beginning of the game is not far away.
Now even the saves:
Disk/Users/Name/Saved games

Aloska 05.11.19

Full hd Ultra?

kityara35 05.11.19

I don't understand how you get the RAM going? You've got DDR3, and all new solutions are ддр4, which is instantly not much time left. Buy vidyahu decently and docking the bar of the Opera with my mother.
Well, good cooling and overclocking with the scalp)
No longer needed another 3 years, just lifetime premium video card
Well and if very much hunting Prots, then pay attention to Ziony for their system, but I would not go with I7 on them.

vitalik76 05.11.19

kityara35 wrote:
I don't understand how you get the RAM going? You've got DDR3, and all new solutions are ддр4
If you do not change motherboard and the CPU, same memory you can buy as is. But if to change, then of course all the memory necessary to take on new ddr4. Replacement of only one graphics card on 1660ti not likely will guarantee the game on ultra. Buying a very powerful vidyuhi likely to be rested in percent. which will not completely download none.

Denis Kyokushin 05.11.19

Yes.But I did not ultra.And your glands can be quite.

SPR1GGAN 05.11.19

Aloska wrote:
I am sure that your 0.1 and 1% is just for the ELITE which turbonit at the numbers
I had not zanl why I play is not comfortable to play in one of igrus 60+ fps ,and the other all smoothly,and then pull up the monitoring time frame , and where I have at 60 fps the frame time 20 mouse morganna ,and under 8-12 more smoothly in the video you won't see it ,feel the mouse when driving

Aloska 05.11.19

This is a hard friezes instead of 1 and 0.1%