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_Lemon_ 01.09.19 02:43 am

What is your last completed game? v.7

Last part - http://forums.playground.ru/main/kakaya_vasha_poslednyaya_projdennaya_igra_v_6-961713/
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Ranair 01.09.19

Metro Exodus ! held in the same breath

Anderby 01.09.19

Call of Duty Classic on the PS3. Was the campaign.

It is unclear why he decided to continue to chew irrotational called Call of Duty. Never played the first three parts, I will try to catch up.

Boring. The classic shooter of the sixth generation about WWII, the enemies run everywhere, weapons attachit much when shooting through the fly goal is closed by a fire, no comforts. But this is good, chellenzh. Location -- fierce and a nuisance even at the time of mediocrity, a non-trivial task, guns -- times-two and obchelsya. Sometimes the path is not as obvious as it seems, you need to find crawl, crawl, etc., interesting. Often seen badly set scripts, while the hopper will not run -- the enemy is not there, while you're far away -- machine gun shoot won't start until tanks will not destroy -- the enemy will continue to respawntime, very annoying. Partners strongly blunt and poorly mimic violent activity. Normal schedule for a computer 2003его year, only some animations running puzzling. The story is, I liked the Americans Bravo pose as the saviors of the world, the British Telsat and protect Albion, the Russians are winning in spite of. In the end, all won, all each other's brothers, no shameful ignore in CoD: WWII.

requiemmm 01.09.19

Forgotton Anne. Beautifully drawn, the plot is also present, there is even a moment in the spirit of Undertail when the player reminded that the words with Affairs, he sometimes really differ:) the Length is small, bored, no time. What is not liked: 1)the last third of the game is a long series of stupid jumps 2) Ending in the spirit riddles about two chairs.
Overall, above average, but nothing more.

MelShlemming 01.09.19

Made Manchester United the champion in Graeme Souness Soccer Manager

Anderby 01.09.19

Call of Duty: Finest Hour on Gamecube. Was the campaign.

The first spin-off and the first console CoD. Now it sounds so funny. The greatest shooter about WWII. Utterly dull. Although in the beginning we played very vigorously. Management is great, for that time, feels like Killzone -- all relatively slow, there is the inertia of the camera, the weapon felt. Only how it felt, wow. Standing to shoot is impossible, the trunk instantly takes up, only lying down, just out of the corner, recharging every five seconds, a lot of fun. But there hitmarker (and I think in MW3 they debuted), first aid kits, you can pick up and use later, the guns can be put on the bipod. The game started with Stalingrad and plays very easily as a modern Cody, few enemies, they die quickly. But very soon the game turns into some kind of Delta Force -- just don't stick out, no first aid kits, around every corner is a machine gun, enemies are killed instantly and respaunâtsâ indefinitely. The problem of the scripts from the first part here flourished in full. Nothing happens without the player. Turn the corner, see an empty street, go.. and then from all sides like a zombie Krauts run out of empty window without shutting down the machine guns shoot, you throw grenades (did I mention that the game is slow, prone to leave the grenades landed next to impossible). Still little checkpoints, one for every 15 minutes. And to die you can not only from your own mistakes, but often stupid bugs -- you can teleport a German, when you are in the tank -- to move the aircraft, teammates can block (Oh how they love to crawl under the sight). My God, well what for such hardcore. Regularly forced to ride on the tank, what is even more depressing than normal gameplay. And, by the way, for the first time in the series allow you to play a woman, but still Soviet. And for the black tank (with white hands, lol). And all this without the stupid modern look here, it's okay, it was, I realized, Yes!. Tasks sometimes cause confusion. How can a tank shoot a squadron of bombers? Why would the tank to leave the tank and manually clean the building? Why the tanks wait for the infantry eliminate the nest? Bullshit. The graphics look surprisingly well for 2004ого year (however, this is not PS2 version). Despite the fact that this spin-off, all the graphics were redrawn from scratch, animations also look much better. Virtually no plot, stupid battle after battle, Stalingrad tractor plant, Remagen. After the campaign rasplachivayutsya gallery, video about the creation of and cheats, also the first in the series.

Mr. Vemax 01.09.19

Legend of Grimrock

Sonic34 01.09.19

Diablo 2: Lost of destruction
The paladin walked over, gathered a set of Sihon went to the Nightmare and realized that Archer and swinging a great hammer everything, from Baal never stood a chance.

MelShlemming 01.09.19

Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The Flame

Pecos_Bill_2.0 01.09.19

Fallout New Vegas
vegasfor finally I did doproshel Vegas. Remember, last week whined about how long there is left to play and turned out to be not so much. Overall I found this game for 145 hours, (despite the fact that the third part I easily ran for 81 hours + 8 hours for thisledown area, a total of 89). What got me hooked in this game, I'm there stokoe enough, there is a usual shooter current open world. I'll write about it. And also assess the game and in the end some will compare what is best new Vegas or 3. So let us turn to the estimates. Let's start with the plot. The story in new Vegas, however is more intriguing, but at the same time, more so balahonistyh. I mean that first, we are investigating the intrigue, but when you come to a certain point, we were immediately thrown into the thick of things, in which wonder and get lost - NKR, Legion, Mr. house, and there is also Esman wormed. But anyway the story can be completed in different factions, you can just help one, and then move to the other side at some point. In the end, the game has 4 main endings and it was good. Therefore, the nonlinearity +, but throw off the ball for the harshness of entry into the story, so I put 9. Now the graph. Since the third part in Vegas count not so and stood up. There are, of course teksturki better, but there are worse, and the filter was replaced with Sanogo on orange, so Nitsche revolutionary. In 2008, this schedule yet as nothing has rolled, but in 2010 it's not enough, Staker call of Pripyat 2009 and it looks better, so for the box 8. The sounds and music. Sounds all in the mind, a lack I felt, and the environment here is good and the weapons sound better than in the third part, but sorry that the current Russian there is no voice acting, but it's not a bad thing. Music, well, it's worse. Yes and even better than 1,2 and 3 folauta tracks added. Therefore, I will evaluate one that is new. She's quite boring, battle sound finally not impressed, so overall sound and soundtrack put also 8. Well, gameplay. Here tszhe bright. The gameplay in new Vegas is head and shoulders above 3 parts. Here and month t on the map more interesting, and Arsenal is more advanced, and more quests,the world is more alive, there's always something to do, the third fall over the scene empty, and mobs to soak tired. The first things like that the Persians know each other. that is a reference to the previous parts, the satellites each have a unique story. In General, the gameplay of 10 and the only way. That's why I played as many as 145 hours to this part, unlike the third. There I wanted to complete everything and explore everything. Well now briefly about the stages. I liked Dead Money, Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road, they fit well into the world of fallout and locations there is an interesting, but Old World Blues is full of a farce and at the same time boring. I don't went these scientists are crazy... Wow. Well, now a small comparison of F3 and NV I will summarize. So the story can be said here and there is good, and they have different endings, and the whole structure of stories are similar - we're investigating the intrigue, go for the towns. and then we kidbut in the thick of things and we destroy the realties of a large enemy. 9/9. The count at the time of the release of the third part looked weak, but the rules, and in new Vegas it is already kind of stale, so 9\8. The sounds and music there is clearly folaut 3 is better in it saundtrek cling, but in Vegas, it's boring, radio is there and there good. Sounds about the same, but 3 is crack. So 9\8. The gameplay is about the same, but in Vegas it is more rich and varied, and the quests more, so 9\10. In the end, it is impossible to say. what part is better, but personally, I think that nebyu Vegas, at least 3 I liked. And now the result - I think 9 points new Vegas did deserve it, although it has its drawbacks. but the gameplay there really cool and it pulls the entire game.Bayonetta
banatao now Beneta. After a long and serious(no) fallout. I wanted Poirot a completely different game. I decided doprejte beneto. Oh, Bayonetta, Benita... More nonsense I have not seen... (in a good way, of course), Even the DMK is not as high as this game. I'm afraid to imagine. there will be a second part. and even more in the third. But I love nonsense and uporotyh. I am very impressed with this highroi and awesome fantasy Japanese developers. Only they could create this.... something. Well, as usual I rate this game a little compared with DMK4 as and over this and over that game worked Hideki Kamiya. So I'll start with the plot. The plot in Bayonetta intriguing, unusual. Here and in the past he returns and talks about the present, and turns out of the ordinary. But he's a little confused and I do not really understand some points. Especially to understand and to read stories of characters I was too lazy(but I will do it later) so for the average gamer this story may seem complicated. so 9. The graphics in Beinette not very different from that Дэвилмэйкрая4, only some effects and the characters look somehow sharper and more spectacular, but overall the graph is far left. At dmk4, I was surprised by the graph. and in Bayonetta she is not particularly impressed, though I must admit the design is great and the monsters and the characters and environments are all done tastefully, so 9 even so the count has earned. The music and sounds on top. Immediately, I was not impressed with the pop sound after a tough metal дмц4, but then I got into that music and it made me really like it, definitely will download to your player and will drive repute. Sounds like any good slasher. however Ruzicka no. but this is not a minus, and for all I'll put 10. The gameplay is very similar to devil may Krajewski, but since the game designer is the same , it can be forgiven. From the first minute it seems like somewhere this was the guns and jumps and tricks, and spheres, and colored candies instead of stars, and charisma of the protagonist is reminiscent of DMC, Dante and Nero. But, though the gameplay is similar, it is more dynamic, crazy and fast. There is simply no time to think - all you need to do on the machine ( or pushing all the buttons). Mobs are just crazy. bosses are even worse and all this creates a farce. that my head is spinning. And the possibility of Bayonetta? Oooo, there it is.... She wall-runs, ignoriruya gravity, and the animal turns and shoots with hands and feet, and kills the enemies volshebnymi volosami... and that's not all. In General the gameplay is just crazy, but it is difficult to Orient, to remember all the tricks , and, well, a lot of unnecessary farce, Dai repetitions of devil may edge is clearly visible, so I put 9. To 10 as it did not hold. In the end, put 9 points I this game, though Bayonetta is beautiful, but Dante is still better)

Reverrius 01.09.19

FallenGhost 01.09.19

ArmandoX 01.09.19

Resident Evil 2 Remake, Devil May Cry 5, GRIS
The order is complete playthroughs I can't remember, so let it be so... ?
Now took up the Rage 2. Rather, she undertook me... Sucked worse than any of the above for some reason)

Dyadya Malavi 01.09.19

God Eater 3.

1 better if 1 part I walked in one day almost the whole day lost to not wanting to get out,then at 2, I after 10 minutes at the beginning haibara didn't want to take it

ArmandoX 01.09.19

Uncle Malawi
Ah, I wanted this series to meet) But has not reached... Of Japanese colorful Tales of now interested.

Anderby 01.09.19

Koop-levels in Pikuniku on NS. Collected all the trophies.

Nothing special, a number of small fun levels takes place somewhere in an hour.

Anderby 01.09.19

Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together! on NS. Passed all the levels in co-op.

The launch title Nintendo Switch, this game is awesome and one of a kind puzzle. Very fun played in coop.

Anderby 01.09.19

Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire on iOS. Leveled up a hero to level 15.

Typical grindilka from social networks. Game values are zero. No donation progress smoothly slowing down to a complete stupor (to raise the ceiling of resources needed the resources which are scarce because resources ceiling).

[Denis Aleksandrovich] 01.09.19

Mafia II

MelShlemming 01.09.19


bazilews 01.09.19

The Sinking City